Biggest softest shite!
I'm now finding that comment quite misplaced thanks very much.
I've previously impressed myself as having been quite hard and a facing down a number of risks. Continuing to work within an area just the other side of a wall, when where abouts had been cleared by the police and bomb squad because of a suspected IRA device. Walking about in parts of Africa, where big cats were around and about (large paw prints very evident in the dirt). And decking a boss of mine who was taking the piss too much.
Not so soft...bit touchy though, thanks!
Oh, Ali, you know what I mean! You're a lovely, lovely fellow and I will not hear a word against you, you big cuddly bear, you
What are you saying?
He is a big hairy bugger with a short temper?
LFN, now you seem to be working your way round to buggering up my previously immensely high tolerance level. And how on earth you ever think that I'm hairy? Lose any more, and I'll be past half way to being Uncle Fester!