Why the fuck would she "celebrate" the 10th anniversary of her husband's death.......? You utterly thick fucking guest-twat-wankstain mong. FOR THE 789945TH FUCKING TIME. SHE IS NOT. A FUCKING. SCOUSER. AND NEITHER ARE MOST FUCKING PEOPLE IN THE U.-FUCKING-S. YOU GORMLESS CUNT. YOU ARE SO FUCKING INBRED YOU ARE PROBABLY YOUR OWN FUCKING FATHER. From the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: Celebrate, v. ..... 2. To observe with solemn rites; to honour with ceremonies, festivities, etc. Just saying. I'm sure if I looked in enough weird old dictionaries I could find one where "minger" is defined as "someone I want to fuck" but no-one ever uses it to mean that. And no-one ever uses celebrate to mean "observe a solemn event" so....... yeah, no.
Surely the correct term here would be commemorate.