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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Just now, Banana said:

    Worth it how? Most of the top teams don’t or minimally use FFBI types anyway. It would accomplish nothing other than to shut you up. (Which now seems like a great idea)


    It would save the families of these stupid picks the fucking heartbreak and stress of the site coming up when they google their fucking loved ones while grieving them. I get most people on here have the emotional acuteness of Rain Man but that's the whole fucking reason for this bloody discussion. It has fuck all do with whether these picks offer anyone a competitive advantage, it's about the fucking morally right thing to fucking do......


    Anyway all of the following are FFBI under the definition I'd like to see used on the DDP and all hits for Top 10 teams.:


    Fatima Ali

    Gerard Basset

    Billy Clayton

    Sutupo Nurgro (on a worldwide basis)

    Pete Frates

    Marieke Vervoot

    Kieth Cass

    Dana Scatton


    Oh fuck do you get offended by someone elses fucking opinion.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Banana said:

    There are very few people who would argue for keeping FBBI types. You don’t understand the sheer volume of entries would make disallowing them very time consuming for the hosts. 


    Looks at team, 'they look odd never heard of them'. google' 'fucking cancer mum;


    Reject entire team outright with no changes or resubmissions allowed. No need to check every fucking pick (I get this is a bit time consuming, I do it myself for the Hare's, even then it only takes a few minutes a team, so it's an evening or twos work)....

  3. 11 minutes ago, msc said:


    Aye, *yours*.


    Far as I'm concerned, anyone who enters a team full of cancer mums, no matter how ironic, sort of loses the moral outrage higher ground.  Same as anyone who once picked a kid and now whinges about sitcom stars or what not.


    Now that the DDP has its most anti-FFBI co-host since OoO, things may change soon. But that'll depend on majority vote of the Cmme at the appropriate time, and continual whinges on the forum wont change that.


    If you're actually considering changing the rules then the theme team has achieved something given you said only a week ago it was something that might need looking it at down the line but no plans. So fuck it it's opened the fucking debate again which was the point after 6 years of pissing into the void while the morons and lunatics with an encyclopedia knowledge of 'bagpipe cancer dads' storm to fucking victory. It's farcical.


    And you know my views on this - I've been making the same point since TMIB was running the fucking show, so don't talk to me about the fucking moral high ground pal. I've tried the asking politely route, I've tied the whinging  on the forums route, I've tried the making snarky comments about celebs who are hits route.


    So yes now I'm trying the enter a bucketload of the lowest fucking possible hanging fruit that are vaguely obitable in the hope it might actually fucking change something because every other fucking route has been exhausted time and fucking time again by me and many others on the fucking forum....


    So keep screaming blue murder about the fucking moral high ground you cunt..... we all know the truth here the games been left to fester and the festering is now infecting the actual deathlist with picks like P.Orridge who is about as famous as my left fucking bollock....

  4. Just now, ThePrematureBurial said:


    Celebrities don't get cancer because you put them on a list. You put them on a list after they announced to the world that they have cancer. I hope that you can sleep in peace now, knowing that you're not responsible for their deaths. Unless you pray for their demise. Or stick needles into wax figures. :angel:


    That's not the point, taking pleasure in death is fucking peverse.



  5. 7 hours ago, Cat O'Falk said:


    By the way, you really shouldn't be posting peoples stuff from PMs on the forum.


    Is the fact I'm a cunt who doesn't really give a shit what I should and shouldn't be doing news to you?


    I hardly shared your fucking bank number....

  6. 2 hours ago, Death Impends said:


    A few more examples of unnatural deaths of people older than 90:


    Mario Monicelli, Italian screenwriter, jumped out of a window aged 95 after being hospitalized for cancer

     Joe Rollino, bodybuilder who was either 93 or 104, died after being hit by a car

     Scott Nearing, activist, refused all food once he turned 100 and died 18 days after


    And I bet you'd have Scott Nearing for the DDP if it was around - exactly the kind of lowbrow, encyclopediac cancer mum knowledge pick that's up an undeserved winner like you's street. Cunstain. Ruining a good deadpool....

  7. 1 minute ago, Spade_Cooley said:


    Thanks, appreciate you saying so.


    I mean the Derby Dead Pool hosts have never been known to actually fucking listen to anyone but changing what they've said to suit yourself is a new fucking low even for a now former host. (Thank fuck we now have some capable running the joint, I refrained from pointing out you were shit while you running it out of courtesy) Cuntstain....

  8. 4 minutes ago, Spade_Cooley said:


    I do love the pretence that the early 2000s Deathlist wasn't just predicated on the oldest names listed as alive on "DeadOrAlive.org" or whatever it was. Or maybe I missed the times when Brother Theodore used to pop up on Noel's House Party.


    I mean Brother Theodere was still 10x more fucking famous than have of the geriaritiric or cancer ridden utter nobodies you and tmib have let through for the past half a decade turning the competition into an absolute fucking shitshow of a joke. Some sort of basic fame requirement is alway we've been asking for, but the cunstains like you and Death Impends and DDT who think i's something to be proud of to have an encyclopedic knowledge of cancer mums from Buttfucknowhere rather than something resembling a fucking mental illness (I can't be arsed to get my copy of the DSM out for a proper diagnosis, your unworthy of it). It's hardly like this a fucking short term issue that nobodies raised for year. TMIB had a mental breakdown because we brought up repeatedly and fucked off from running it, I don't really fucking blame him but he could have averted and so could you by actually fucking listening to us....


    Sadly I don't see cancer mum fanatics @gcreptile @msc or @Grim Up North resolving the issue without pressure, hence my barrel scraping team of fucking nobodies. If you can't beat the cunts join the cunts...

    • Thanks 1

  9. 2 minutes ago, ThePrematureBurial said:


    You can waste five minutes of your life learning the difference between "your" and "you're" and "their" and "they're" or you can waste more than five minutes insulting grammar-nazis. 


    Btw: Is something bugging you? Can I help?


    Not really. Yes fuck off the forum and never come back you cuntstick granny shagger.


    As I said the actual nazis running this shit-stick forum have run it and the deathlist it's for into the ground with pointless picks of dying nobodies that would look dubious on even the most barrel scraping of DDP teams.


    Fuck them, fuck you. fuck deadpooling. They're all a bunch of cunts and you're a fucking wankstain.....


    And grammar nazis are cunts, there's more important shit to worry about you cetinous tosspot.

    • Haha 1
    • Facepalm 1

  10. 11 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Quite apart from that, you have to understand that there is a KING Admin and just admins here.

    I'm not knocking them, I don't usually knock people for doing a job i'd never want to do.

    I just think...…….


    I wasn't going to respond to anything else.....



    Difference is I'd love to admin the forum, could get rid of so many fucking cunts in ten minutes and make this place better......


    So I've every right to knock the fucking cunts when there shit at hit.....

  11. On 02/01/2020 at 21:01, The Quim Reaper said:

    I mean you could just fucking look?


    Agree with you mate, and absolute travesty of a pick that echoes all the fucking problems with this site cowtowing to it's forum populace who are a few hundred at most dedicated souls of thousands of people, if not tens of thousands of people who casually browse the front page.


    The latter group should not have to google any of our fucking picks. Now they have to google half of them


    He's a fucking obscure cunt and I'm fucking done with this place. Full of shite-hawks who've lost the plot.


    My DDP team will be going in in future and that's it. Fuck this fucking shithole you bunch of fucking twats. I hope all you all have the reality of death waved in your face so cold and proper you realise it's nor funny or a game, you fucking cunthawks. Maybe you'll all tie a noose round your own necks seen as deaths such a fucking joke.


    That includes cunts like @Death Impends @Paul Bearer @Grim Reaper @DevonDeathTrip and all the other moderation and admin cunts who think there gods gift to the fucking deadpooling universe. Go shove a knive through your throats and do us all a favour you fucking bunch of sock-wanking necrophiliacs.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Personally, and I know I am not into the whole Dead pooling shebang, I think the pick is completely self indulgent.

    No, I had not heard of him but, yes, I have heard of Throbbing Gristle.

    I know that there have been some quite obscure picks in previous lists but this one is, frankly, fucking ridiculous.

     It is a smart arse pick and not one that the general public could possibly identify with.

     Yeah they may well get an obit, like, 4 lines on page 18 of The Sun, but if people are seriously saying that it is really enough for the major, THE MAJOR, and foremost Dead Pooling website in the English speaking world ( fuck me, we are even global ) then the forum is even more fucked than I thought it was.




    Agree with you mate, and absolute travesty of a pick that echoes all the fucking problems with this site cowtowing to it's forum populace who are a few hundred at most dedicated souls of thousands of people, if not tens of thousands of people who casually browse the front page.


    The latter group should not have to google any of our fucking picks. Now they have to google half of them


    He's a fucking obscure cunt and I'm fucking done with this place. Full of shite-hawks who've lost the plot.


    My DDP team will be going in in future and that's it. Fuck this fucking shithole you bunch of fucking twats. I hope all you all have the reality of death waved in your face so cold and proper you realise it's nor funny or a game, you fucking cunthawks. Maybe you'll all tie a noose round your own necks seen as deaths such a fucking joke.


    That includes cunts like @Death Impends @Paul Bearer @Grim Reaper @DevonDeathTrip and all the other moderation and admin cunts who think there gods gift to the fucking deadpooling universe. Go shove a knive through your throats and do us all a favour you fucking bunch of sock-wanking necrophiliacs.

    • Shocked 1

  13. 2 hours ago, Youwanticewiththat said:

    Ding Dong! It's that time of the year where I pick the delightful Mr Phillips and thus ensure him at least another year's life.  Merry Turnover Day :)


    Your alive.....


    Now fuck off again, you're more of a cunt than Sir Creep or LFN.....

  14. 19 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



    FFS - They're (the apostrophe signifies something vitally important and conspicuously absent)




    Fuck off grammar nazi....

  15. As the FA Cup takes place today maybe it's time to talk about the magic of the cup, the shocks, the unexpected results.


    The BBC chose Liverpool v Everton which is frankly an admission on there part of being bitter they don't have PL rights and no longer invested in the magic of the cup, the fun and the frovilics the upsets, the little team goes to the multi-million pound team (Port Vale at Man City)......


    Maybe the DDP could learn a few parallels from this before it loses any more of the stalwart players who've been steadily dissapearring the past few fucking years. Sack of the glorified cancer mums and get a fucking proper obit requirement in. Front Page BBC minimum. Actually a professional celebrity of category, politicians - at least a Mayor, Lord, MEP or MP... maybe MSPs  - no fucking local councillors and parish busybodies. Musicians  - at least a top 40 hit single....


    Common you cunts, we can restore the magic of the DDP before it festers in it's own self-indulgence like the FA Cup now it's scrapped quarter final replays to accommodate a break for the premier league football players while the lower leagues still have to fit it round normal life. DDP obsessives get the benefit of the Drop 40 that penalises those who put more effort in looking for obscure names who might get an obit and make it more interesting in favour of lazy cunts who pick forum picks (introduced to lessen the backend workload but devalues the competition)



    • Scrap the Drop 40 bonus.
    • Increase the unique bonus.
    • Institute a genuine fame requirement
    • Ban anybody with cancer/terminal illness or other blatant health conditions that are terminal being picked....



    • Like 1

  16. 25 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



    Thank you for taking time to provide us with feedback - we read and value all messages


    One of our customer advisors may contact you in due course


    Okay I hope there prepared to get told to fuck off down the phone....

  17. 4 minutes ago, Cat O'Falk said:


     By the way, you really shouldn't be posting peoples stuff from PMs on the forum.


    Oh sorry are you pissed everyone knows your a fucking sad anorak now?


    Shame you didn't use your main youtube account rather than a burner? Actually why didn't you? Is it all the balamory and dodgy sex fetish stuff you watch on it?

  18. 1 minute ago, Toast said:

    I think it's handy to have a complete list of thread titles for reference.  Then if you are thinking of starting a topic, you can scan down the list to see if there already is something similar.  A search won't necessarily pick it up, as thread titles can be a bit abstruse.


    Who gives a fuck? If you start a duplicate thread we have mighty moderators who can actually merge it for you, it takes them a few seconds and is part of their fucking remit.....


    This is the sort of retarded obsessiveness that killed the fun in deadpooling (you, accept that I know you do, we've talked about it) and it's at risk of killing the fun in this forums and turning into even more have a low-functioning aspergers (by the way it's autism now not aspergers according to the DSM so update the 'spastic dispensation section' of your job applications for your civil service and third sector non-jobs folks :))  neurotic cesspit than it has been in the past.


    LFN is right, fucking hell did I just say that? Again LFN is right, this place really has gone down the fucking toilet of late.....

  19. Just now, Cat O'Falk said:


    It was a short video to give you a good idea of what was on offer. It wasn't meant to be used in place of the real thing. The actual document would have been placed in a dropbox so you could download it.


    This is the 21st century! Who still uses Microsoft when Google is about (and free for skinties like me)....


    Either way thanks but no thanks and kudos for the hard work as it appears at least one person gets it.....

  20. 4 minutes ago, msc said:

    I find the search engine on this site to be rather clunky, to the point where if you are looking for a thread title it can be often easier to go "Ideas and possibilities for 2015 site:forums.deathlist.net" on Google. (Thread name picked at random!) And Google can be an arse at times in actually working properly.


    Cat's thing has all the thread titles in the one place, so if you know where the thing you want is, you can find it faster than faffing with the search above. (Of course, if you can't remember where it was you saw it, you need to bumble around with the forum search - but each tool is only as useful in context of others...)


    This is helpful for nabbing info needed when running a deadpool, but it's more than that. Beyond all the ranting and "Die immortal person" posts, this forum has been running for nearly 20 years and has a hidden wealth of information and stats about people, health conditions and just folk anecdoting about their love of music, obscure science and what not. Making it a useful tool in several day to day scenarios. [As one example, recently being able to cite Jim Marrs in a commission thanks to Maryport chatting about him several years ago!]


    I'm not sure why Cat wanted to create it in the first place (never argue with someones inner Feynman), but it will help in certain types of search easier and so it is a useful tool here.


    Well, you DID ask...


    I've never had an issue with site:deathlist.net for search purposes - at least to the point where I've considered a separate spreadsheet for those purposes.....


    As I said if other people need it then fair play to COF for creating something that's usefulness is clearly for superior beings to myself.


    Given the tools I've ever needed for running a deadpool stretch to


    • Google Search
    • About 50 x obit pages in newspapers for about 5 countries
    • An FFBI filter that has to be ran on every name entered.
    • An alphabetizer
    • A calculator
    • Google translate
    • Wikipedia pages
    • Foreign wikipedia pages
    • Google spreadsheets.....
    • PM
    • Deathlist thread
    • Pen and Paper for rough work
    • Sir Creep's post history.......
    • A uselessly wide knowledge of films about cancer mums......
    • A clock
    • A stopwatch.......
    • Scannning the Deathrace thread on New Years Eve for Sean's inevitable entry
    • A nosey habit of checking people's profiles out of nosiness that catches them trying to enter my deadpool via status update (which I receive no notification of....)


    I'm loathed to add another one I see little use in, but if others find it useful each to their own. 


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