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About Arsewipe

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  1. Arsewipe

    Joe Biden

    With all the gaffes recently it is apparent he is in the early stages of it already, hence the necessity of him stepping down.
  2. Arsewipe

    Shelley Duvall

    She was good looking in a quirky sort of way, but time was certainly not kind to her.
  3. Arsewipe

    ALS/MND/other degenerative diseases

    Is MND more likely in sportsmen?
  4. Arsewipe

    Teri Garr

    The Deathlist Nazis will be along to lock this thread shortly.
  5. Arsewipe

    10. Robert Wagner

    "Did you murder Natalie Wood"?
  6. Arsewipe

    14. James Whale

    Knocking about doing adverts for cancer test kits and looks as well as can be expected for someone who is terminal.
  7. Arsewipe

    19. Clint Eastwood

    Looks like Martin Kemp went back in time to me.
  8. Arsewipe

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Sorry YoungWillz, but I doubt anyone under the age of 50 really gives a fuck about it nowadays. Of course the voting has always been politically biased, but it's beyond a joke now. The UK will never win again unless they get invaded and Israel will be finishing last for the next few years.
  9. Arsewipe

    Catherine Windsor AKA Kate Middleton

    I doubt it would be that advanced, I'd imagine all the main royals would get major check ups every few months.
  10. Arsewipe

    William Shatner

    The greatest actor of all time deserves to live for all eternity.
  11. Arsewipe

    Catherine Windsor AKA Kate Middleton

    Yes, the stupid ****.
  12. Arsewipe

    Catherine Windsor AKA Kate Middleton

    Steve Jobs died from it and he was richer than the royal family. That said, I hope they caught it early and she makes a full recovery.
  13. Arsewipe

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    I'd imagine the 60% never met him. My Dad went to see him play an exhibition game against Tony Knowles at a club in the 80s at the height of his fame. He turned up two hours late and on arrival and obviously pissed he then went to the toilet to powder his nose for half an hour before the organisers managed to get him out to play. He barely potted a ball and then fucked off without signing any autographs or even attempting to engage with the punters.
  14. Arsewipe

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    It hadn't kicked off in Gaza then.
  15. Arsewipe

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Irrelevant anyway, we could have the best song by miles and we'd still finish 2nd last just above Israel.

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