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Posts posted by chel

  1. Grandchildren of Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU:
    From the son of Leonid Khrushchev (1917-1943) 
    - Yulia Khrushcheva (1940-2017)
    From the daughter Rada Khrushcheva-Adzhubey (1929-2016):
    - Nikita Adzhubey (1952-2007)
    - Alexei Adzhubey (1954-06.01.2024)
    - Ivan Adzhubey (b. 1959) lives in the USA and teaches at Harvard University.
    From the son Sergei Khrushchev (1935-2020):
    - Nikita Khrushchev (1959-2007)
    - Sergei Khrushchev (b. 1974) lives in Moscow.



    Foto (1963): front row, first on the left


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  2. 13 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    Qualifying Obituary 


    These should be the people who will have the obituary in English. Right?



    if they have a national news  article about their death in English and or an obituary


    • Like 1

  3. 1924 Victor Ivanov / Lubov Butkevich

    1925 Roy Medvedev / Maya Bessarab

    1926 Nikita Simonyan / Kaleria Kislova

    1927 Yuri Grigorovich / Raisa Kurkina

    1928 Vitaly Zhurkin / Tatiana Piletskaya

    1929 Evgeny Fedosov / Lilia Yudina

    1930 Pavel Nikonov / Natalia Rakhmanova

    1931 Heinrich Padwa / Sofia Gubaidulina

    1932 Bedros Kirkorov / Alla Gerber

    1933 Valery Uskov / Tatiana Doronina



  4. 3 hours ago, An Fear Beag said:

    A little over 12 hours to go for submissions, so this is your final reminder to submit a team.


    A total of 57 teams in, with not much variety! I swear, if any one of Jimmy Carter, Jonnie Irwin, Roberta Flack, Rob Burrow Nigel Starmer-Smith or James Whale die in the next 12 hours, I am going to absolutely lose it. Think Michael Douglas in Falling Down, with possibly a little of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. It will not be pretty.


    Still no sign of a team from





    @Joey Russ


    @Salmon Mousse



    and possibly no team from WhenThe, or whatever they have changed their name to.


    And of course any new players who want to try their hand at this, you are very welcome. Just chuck in 25 names and a few subs, and you are good to go,




    I'm going to attend. I'm working on the list.


    My apologies. It's been a tough year. But the judge sided with me and my employer lost.

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  5. Nazgul' Tolomusheva, the wife of former Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiyev, has died in Belarus at the age of 46.


    Nazgul' Tolomusheva, Bakiyev's unofficial wife, said they have two children. She admitted in an interview with Kyrgyz media that she has lived with Bakiyev since 1995. During his presidency, Kurmanbek Bakiyev was officially married to Tatyana Bakiyev.


    After the April 2010 events, Kurmanbek Bakiyev fled Kyrgyzstan and settled in Belarus.



  6. Brezhnev's funeral (1982). There were only two channels on our television set. It was broadcast on both.


    The funeral of Yuri Gagarin's mother (1984). The first time, a woman's portrait was carried in front of the funeral procession.


    Then I remember a report on Indira Gandhi (1984). Her ashes were being poured through the open door of, I think, a helicopter and the mountains in the background. 


    Ustinov's funeral (1984). Instead of a coffin on a gun carriage, a rectangular box. It is bricked up in the Kremlin wall.


    Also, after the railway catastrophe at Asha (1989), funeral processions for several days in a row. Policemen stop traffic to let the hearse through, while drivers in other cars honk their horns. There was a girl in my school, 2-3 classes older, she survived, only scalds.

    • Like 1

  7. Russian MMA fighter Georgy Gagloev was strangled with a pillow in a Moscow-Vladikavkaz train car during a stop in Rostov-on-Don.

    It is possible that his murder was connected with the fact that Georgy continued to actively search for his aunt Rimma Gagloeva, a well-known fortune-teller in the North Caucasus who went missing in Chechnya. Her relatives believe she was killed by Kadyrov's fighters.



    • Shocked 1

  8. An old Soviet joke.


    Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon watching the parade in Red Square.

    - If I had Soviet tanks, I would be invincible! - says Alexander the Great.

    - If I had Soviet planes, I'd conquer the whole world! - exclaims Caesar.

    - If I had a newspaper "Pravda" (Truth) the world would never have known about Waterloo! - Napoleon grinned sadly.



    By the number of deaths among famous people we can indirectly judge the catastrophic situation at the lower levels and the lies of official statistics.


  9. After 10 years, the Netherlands has identified a dead man whose body was fished out in the Eij river in Amsterdam. The body was wrapped in a plastic bag, which hinted at a violent death. The deceased was Alexander Levin, a multimillionaire and antiques dealer from St Petersburg. He had flown from Pulkovo airport to the Canary Islands with a connection in Amsterdam in 2013 and disappeared.

    fontanka.ru telegraaf.nl

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  10. A few mentions of veterans in regional publications:


    December 26, 2022, marks the 106th anniversary of Great Patriotic War veteran Petr Ivanovich Shikhov from Irbit, Sverdlovsk Region [1].


    January 1, 2023 marks the 101st birthday of Stepan Platonovich Drozdov, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, veteran of the Yakutia River Shipping Company [2]. 


    January 5, 2023 marks the 103rd birthday of Rauf Ibragimovich Tukhvatullin, a World War II veteran from Buin district, Republic of Tatarstan [3].


  11. Film director Nikita Mikhalkov has been hospitalised in a serious condition with covid pneumonia. Information about this appeared in the telegram channel "Baza".

    Nikita Mikhalkov's wife has not confirmed information about the director's serious condition. Tatiana Mikhalkova told "Readovka" that the director was being transported to Moscow, and the exact diagnosis was not yet known.


    The 77-year-old filmmaker was admitted to GKB No 67, but then transferred to another hospital with the help of an intensive care team. 



    Internet users joked that it was the viewers of the television channel Russia-24, who had to watch Mikhalkov's authorial programme Besogon*-TV all day on 1 January, with questionable and contradictory content, popularising pseudoscientific theories and obscurantism, who had put a spell on the wealthy director.

    *Besogon - exorcising demons

  12. 04.01.2023 veteran Berkut Yeszhanov (99) died in Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

    He was drafted in early 1942, but went to the front after being trained as a mechanic on the LaGG-3 aircraft. He took part in fights near Moscow and in battle near Kursk in 1943. After being wounded till the end of the war he served in the sanitary aviation, fetching seriously wounded people from the war zone.

    He participated in the liberation of North-Eastern China and Mongolia from the Japanese.

    In 1948 he returned home to Kazakhstan. Married, with spouse has lived 67 years, they have 8 children.

    Throughout many years Berkut Yesshanov was engaged in swimming. Served as an example for younger generations.

    Before the New Year he underwent a complicated surgery - restoration of a bone after break of a hip.


    1. Berkut Yeszhanov

    2. With his wife Kumiszhan, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

    3. In the pool with young Karaganda residents.





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