An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 Welcome to the 9th annual Hares Death Pool. As another year winds down, and the 2021 Hares Death Pool hots up, its time to start looking ahead to next years event. Since Deathray does not appear to have been granted clemency by the Mods to rejoin the site and reclaim his game, I will be taking on the task for another year. As always, should Deathers return and express a wish to take over, the game will be handed back. We have had an impressive number of 43 teams for the past 3 years (with a little cheating last year!), and we are hoping to exceed that target this year. It’s the easiest of pools to enter- pretty much anything goes. Old or young, massively famous or fairly obscure, domestic or from the far-flung reaches of the globe. Just chuck together a team and send it in. They just have to die, and they have to take their bloody time about doing it. The rules are published below. They are pretty much the same as every other year, but your attention is drawn to a couple of points. Firstly, the criteria for fame is being tightened up a little, while still allowing for the vast array of obscure overseas picks that liven up this pool. But if you want to have a high-school tiddlywinks coach on your team, they better be a hall-of-fame high-school tiddlywinks coach. And if you want a cancer-mum, they better have done a little more than cried a few times to the Daily Mail. Secondly, and importantly, I will not be spending much time (or indeed any time) clarifying who a player meant with a pick, as Deathers was always so good at in the past. A quick Google search is all they are getting, and I will then assign the pick in accordance with the rules. So, make sure that they are spelled correctly, put a brief description in brackets if necessary, and feel free to add a link if they are particularly obscure. Otherwise, you have no-one to blame but yourself. SEND YOUR TEAM TO ME BY PM, OR POST IT UP ON THIS THREAD. NO OTHER METHODS OF ENTRY ARE ACCEPTED. To make life a little easier on me, you are kindly asked to enter your team in the following format. · List picks in alphabetical order of first name. · Do not put numbers in front of the name. · Put description in brackets after name · Mark one pick as a Joker (or wildcard- I’m not getting into that discussion again!) I will accept entries that are not in this format. However you may be subject to a torrent of abuse of Deathray-ian proportions. Best of luck to you all. 6 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 The Rules 1) Your Team All teams must contain 25 people with some claim to fame (See FFBI section) you expect to die, and a nominated joker amongst the main 25. If no Joker is nominated, the first name on your list will automatically become your Joker. A maximum 5 subs are permitted for any picks who die before the starting line, or any picks who are disallowed by the host (These substitutes will be promoted in order if required). It is strongly recommended that a player submits subs, as the host may not bother to chase you for a sub should one or more of your players fail to make the starting line. All picks must be human beings aged over 18 on January 1st of the game year. Picks who appear at the commencement of the game to be human, but are subsequently found to be shape-shifting reptilians will still be valid (See Philip, Prince). Pond-scum who show only the vaguest signs of being human will also be allowed (see Rees-Mogg, Jacob). They will still be subject to rule 4.2 below, however tempting it might be. Death row prisoners only score if they die of other causes. Those still on trial will still score points if sentenced to execution after 0000 on January 1st. Entries must be posted in the annual Hares Death Pool thread or PMed to the game runner. Entries sent by any other method will be completely ignored. The competition automatically opens for entries at 0001 on the 1st December and closes at 2359 on December 31st. Substitutes will be automatically promoted if a pick dies before the game commences., or if a pick is disqualified by the host. Substitutions will be allowed for the entire duration of the game until 23.59 on 31st December 2022. In the unlikely case a player uses all 5 substitutes on picks who died before January 1st, they will not be allowed to add another pick, and will start the game with one pick short should a 6th pick die. Let’s face it, if you are so bad at this game that 6 picks die before it even starts, then you deserve some sort of penalty. If someone has not provided sufficient substitutes to cover picks who died prematurely or were disqualified, then they will also play the game with a numerically disadvantaged team. Late entries are not permitted. No exceptions. Don’t even think about it. Seriously. Entries are welcomed up until the deadline of 23.59.59 on 31st December. The fine tradition of abusing players who post late on New Years Eve will not be carried on this year by the current host, as he will be too pissed to care. However, it may be revived in subsequent years if players insist on abusing the hosts good nature. In another change to a previous pool tradition, absolutely no effort will be made to clarify who your picks are should there be confusion. Frankly, I do have a few better things to do with my life. The previous Hare's host has always been incredibly lenient on this front and seemed to take pleasure is corresponding with participants for clarification on picks. The current host will do no such thing. If you do insist on picking obscure names (which are actually welcomed), we recommend you put a brief description in brackets which will assist the host in assigning the correct name (see Rule 10 below). This is unnecessary for the blindingly obvious. For example, from last years submissions, this is good: Thomas Nilsson (Swedish jockey) This is a touch excessive: Queen Elizabeth 2 – Royal If the host is not certain who a pick is (which to be fair is actually most picks), the player will be assigned the first living name that comes up on a google search, regardless of how young, healthy, or obviously-not-the-intended-pick they are. If no suitable name comes up on page 1 of a google search, the pick will be disregarded and a sub will move up. For example, if you wish to select John Smith, the former Wigan and Oldham player who is now head coach at Cornell University, then perhaps enter John Smith (Cornell Coach). If you enter John Smith, then page 1 of a Google search gives the explorer of Pocahantas fame and the dead former Labour leader, and so the pick will be invalid. If you enter John Smith (football) then the first living person who comes up is the former New England Patriots kicker who will then be your (probably better) pick. If your pick is so obscure that they do not appear on page 1 of a google search, a link to a suitable article on the person is acceptable and advised. 11. The host may accept clarifications to picks made after the team has been submitted. This will be solely at the discretion of the host, and will largely depend on the hosts mood at that time. The host’s mood is usually not good, so I wouldn’t bank on it. No alterations to the master-list will be made after 00.01 on January 1st 2022 2) Obituary Rules Celebrities qualify if they achieve an obituary or article about their death in a local, national or even specialist newspaper, magazine or website. The aforementioned article does not need to specifically relate to their death, instead just mention it and date it. The Hare’s Pool has always been extremely lenient when it comes to accepting “obits” and that will be continued. Unlike other pools, a QO is not used as a barometer of fame – the weeding out process is carried out before the game begins. Basically, anything that convinces the host that the person is actually dead will be accepted (See Point 3). The obit may be published in any language but entrants should give the host a translation if it is not in English. (It has been a tradition for foreign dead pool players to submit local hero teams of DDP useless picks to the Hares pools on account of this and the current host heartily welcomes such entries – how else is he going to learn about Singaporean Ceramacists!) Paid for obituary sites are not specialist websites and will be not accepted as proof of death, as unscrupulous (and frankly desperate) players could pay for an obituary. The same applies to death notice sections of otherwise acceptable sources. The exception to this rule is if these sites have a celebrities death page - should the picks death notice/paid for obituary feature on their celebrity deaths page/feed the points will be awarded. Wickipedia pages are not accepted. Social media posts, personal blogs etc do not count. The cut off period for obituaries is 2359 on the 7th January the year after the competition ends. (death date must be recorded as 31st December at the latest). While the host will make every effort to search for obituaries before this date, it is ultimately the responsibility of the player to bring deaths and obits to the attention of the host. No death notices will be accepted after this date, even if the final scoreboard has not yet been published and a winner declared. 3) Scoring Rules For the purposes of determining the date of death of a celebrity, the information to hand will be used to determine the points allocated to the competitors who chose the person. In the event that an exact date is available a) Journalistic phrases such as 'on Wednesday, or last night/yesterday' will count as dates of death, with the date being determined by the tedious process of working it out - points will be awarded. In the event that a more vague phrase is used such as “Last week” or “recently”, the host will use their own discretion to determine a likely date of death, based on the phrase and the context used. The hosts decision on this shall be final, but is also changeable should further information subsequently become available. b) In the event that only the month of death is in the obituary, points will be awarded to the first date of the month that has been given ('the Leah Bracknell' rule) if a date is subsequently given before the closure of the competition window the remaining points will be added to the total. c) In the very unfortunate event that only the year of death is provided in the qualifying obituary the poor bastard who picked them will be awarded points to the first day of the year that is given (which the savvy among you will have worked out is 0 points). The overall points system is incredibly simple: a) 1 Point for each day of the year that passes before your celebs death (if they die on the 10th of January you are awarded 9 points for example) up until the games close at midnight on the 31st December. b) 250 point bonus if one of your "celebrities" dies on 31st December in that game year (i.e a 31st death will score 614 points in a normal year or 615 points in a leap year rather than the 364 or 365 points it would normally accrue) c) Pick 1 of your celebrities as a joker to double the points for that pick upon their death. (i.e if they die on the 9th January you'll get 16 points). Jokers are calculated before the 250 point bonus, meaning are 31st December joker will score 978 in a normal year and 980 in a leap year. d) In the impressive event of all 25 of your team dying you will receive a 500 point bonus 4) The "Don't Be A Cunt" Rules Blatant plagiarism of another person’s team (in the opinion of the host) is punishable by expulsion and a 5-year ban on entering the competition. It is also fairly pointless in this game, so why bother. Murdering your chosen "celebrities" is against the rules. While the host greatly admires dedication to dead-pooling above and beyond the call of duty, and was tempted to relax this rule as a result, the site’s lawyers have pointed out that it is actually illegal and should probably not be encouraged (not to mention it gives us a worse name than we currently have). Players are forbidden from encouraging/discouraging or actively taking part in their (or another contestants picks) assisted euthanasia. Similarly, encouraging picks to commit suicide is prohibited (as well as being a fairly shitty thing to do, even by dead-pooling standards) Keeping alive another person’s pick against the picks will to benefit in this game is also against the rules (although again being grudgingly admired). 5) The Qualifying Picks Rules Picks are not accepted if it cannot be reasonably ascertained that they are actually alive. Celebrities are disqualified if the host determines them to be famous for being ill. This rule has been significantly tightened in recent years, and will be tightened further this year. This includes · Famous due to impending death (hit by a car, stabbed, in ICU with Covid despite 10 vaccinations etc - you get the idea) · Famous due to illness, with not even a minor fame to claim of their own making resulting from that illness (mother with 6 months to live, man with rare genetic disorder) 3. Exceptions will be made for people with an illness who have become activists or otherwise achieved a reasonable level of fame on account of their illness. This will be solely at the discretion of the host, whose decisions will likely be arbitrary and mood dependant. Writing a single book about one’s illness will likely not qualify, because let’s face it, what self-respecting cancer-mum hasn’t written a book about her battle. Relatives of the famous are not accepted, unless they have achieved a reasonable level of fame themselves. The threshold for this “fame” will be relatively low and may be directly related to the famous person (e.g. appearing regularly on their reality TV show), but anything not related to the celeb is generally welcomed and is more likely to have the pick accepted. The hosts decision will be final, and may appear unfair and inconsistent. That’s life (and death) folks! If a pick is rejected, the first sub on the list will be promoted. If a team has more than 5 rejected picks, they will play with a shortened team. The most obscure accepted pick in the opinion of the host shall win the Who the Feck Are They? award. I'd be grateful if people didn't deliberately go after the Who the Feck Are They? award, as it's meant to be light-hearted fun and will be discontinued if people appear to submit substantially more fringe picks. Rejected picks will be published once the game begins, along with the players name (a break from tradition). Players are welcome to (and indeed encouraged to) ridicule other players for their barrel-scraping antics. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 reserved for previous winners 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 EDITED 26.12.22 Death Impends (3098 points) 16 hits [Antonio Inoki, Art Rupe, Bill Pitman, Carleton Carpenter, Charley Trippi, George Perez, Harry Yee, Joe Krush, Kane Tanaka, Larry Storch*, Leslie Phillips, Marsha Hunt, Monty Norman, Nehemiah Persoff, Robert Clary] An Fear Beag (2758 points) 12 hits [Bill Turnbull*, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jiang Zemin, Kane Tanaka, Leslie Phillips, Michael O’Connor, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mollie Walker, Olivia Newton-John, Tom Smith, Tom Weiskopf, Vicky Phelan] Wormfarmer (2656 points) 15 hits [Art Rupe, Boris Pahor, Charley Trippi, Everett Lee, Francis Jackson, Gail Halvorsen, Gary Burgess, Guy Lafleur, James Lovelock, Leslie Phillips*, Luis Echeverria, Marsha Hunt, Queen Elizabeth II, Susie Steiner, Tom Weiskopf] ZZZ - Boring Predictable Team (2327 points) 13 hits [Bill Turnbull, Gary Burgess, George Perez, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kane Tanaka, Leslie Phillips, Mikhail Gorbachev, Olivia Newton-John, Queen Elizabeth II, Susie Steiner, Tom Parker, Tom Smith] MSC (2109 points) 8 hits [Angela Lansbury, David Butler, James Lovelock, Jill Knight, Leslie Phillips, Nehemiah Persoff, Peter Tobin*, Queen Elizabeth II] Joey Russ (1935 points) 10 hits [Doddie Weir, George Perez*, James Lovelock, Jana Bennett, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kane Tanaka, Mikhail Gorbachev, Olivia Newton-John, Saturnino de la Fuente Garcia, Tom Parker] WhoamI (1811 points) 7 hits [Frank Prihoda, Irene Papas, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Marsha Hunt, Mikhail Gorbachev*, Nehemiah Persoff, Queen Elizabeth II] Gcreptile (1792 points) 10 hits [David West, Jason Di Tulio, Jonathon Atherton, Julie Reichert*, Kane Tanaka, Pastelle Le Blanc, Pau Riba, Paul Dear, Silas Alexander, Tom Weiskopf] TQR (1771 points) 9 hits [Doddie Weir, Gary Burgess, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kane Tanaka, Leslie Phillips, Peter Tobin, Susie Steiner, Tom Smith] Pedro69 (1740 points) 6 hits [Bill Pitman, Doddie Weir*, Estelle Harris, Jerry Lee Lewis, Olivia Newton-John, Queen Elizabeth II] Drol (1639 points) 11 hits [Antonio Inoki, Christos Sartzetakis, Gary Burgess, George Perez, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kaikala Satyanarayana, Susie Steiner, Thick Nhat Hanh, Tom Parker, Tom Smith* Vic Elford] Captain Chorizo (1556 points) 10 hits [Christos Sartzetakis, Cliff Emmich, Jana Bennett, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Julie Reichert, Leonor Oyarzun, Luis Echeverria, Michel Bouquet, Vic Elford] The Old Lady (1553 points) 11 hits [Gary Burgess, Jana Bennett, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kane Tanaka, Marsha Hunt, Olivia Newton-John, Susie Steiner, Tom Parker, Tom Smith, Tom Weiskopf, Vic Elford] Deathray (1549 points) 8 hits [Bill Turnbull, Billy Bingham, David Butler, Jiang Zemin, Queen Elizabeth II, Tom Parker, Tom Smith, Vic Elford] JoeMoneypenny (1499 points) 7 hits [Abigail K.K. Kawānanakoa, Asao Sano, Chor Yuen, Jiang Zemin, Qin Yi, Paula Stafford, Tsin Ting] Great Uncle Bulgaria (1496 points) 6 hits [Frank Williams, Josefine Ollman, Kane Tanaka, Leslie Phillips*, Marian Fuks, Tom Smith] Wannamaker (1440 points) 9 hits [Bill Turnbull, George Perez*, James Lovelock, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Russell Bishop, Tom Parker, Tom Smith, Vic Elford] Sean (1377 points) 7 hits [Angela Lansbury, Bill Treacher, Jerry Lee Lewis, Mikhail Gorbachev, Robert Durst, Sidney Poitier, Tom Weiskopf] Dying Probably (1353 points) 5 hits [Jiang Zemin, Leslie Phillips, Mikhail Gorbachev, Olivia Newton-John, Queen Elizabeth II] John Key (1322 points) 9 hits [Bill Turnbull, Christos Sartzetakis, Estelle Harris, Gary Burgess, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Lata Mangeshkar, Mwai Kibaki, Sacheen Littlefeather*, Tom Smith] The Old Crem (1301 points) 6 hits [Leslie Phillips, Loretta Lynn, Mikhail Gorbachev, Olivia Newton-John, Queen Elizabeth II, Sidney Poitier] MariNisia (1291 points) 8 hits [Bill Turnbull, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jimmy Lyson, Larry Storch, Leslie Phillips, Mikhail Gorbachev, Sidney Poitier, Vic Elford] Guy From Future (1280 points) 7 hits [Abigail K.K. KawānanakoaJames Caan, Jean-Louis Trintignant, June Brown, Norman Mineta, Pedro Ferrandiz, Susie Steiner] Yorkshire Banker (1263points) 6 hits [Angela Lansbury, Frank Williams, Jerry Lee Lewis, Paula Rego, Sammy Chung, Sonny Caldinez] Book (1247 points) 7 hits [CW McCall, Irene Papas, Jiang Zemin, Leonard Fenton, Monica Vitti, Ralf Wolter, Rolf Eden] Toast (1234 points) 8 hits [Angela Lansbury, Beryl Vertue, Jet Black, June Brown, Raymond Briggs, Sidney Poitier, Susie Steiner, Vic Elford] Arghton (1234 points) 6 hits [F. Sionil Jose, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jiang Zemin, Leslie Phillips, Rafiq Tarar, Vesa-Matti Loiri] Kenny (1198 points) 9 hits [Bill Turnbull, Chris Rimmer, Deborah James, Gary Burgess, Olivia Newton-John, Russell Bishop*, Tom Parker, Tom Smith, Tom Weiskopf] Nantonian (1141 points) 6 hits [Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jill Knight, Leslie Phillips, Marsha Hunt, Tom Parker, Tom Weiskopf] Salmon Mousse (1120 points) 12 hits [Gary Burgess, George Perez, Isabel Torres, Jack Thomas, Jane Marczewski, Mustafa Kayirici, Pau Riba, Robert Durst, Russell Bishop, Sacheen Littlefeather, Silas Alexander, Susie Steiner] LizLemon (1102 points) 5 hits [George Perez, Loretta Lynn, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nichelle Nichols, Queen Elizabeth II)] Hell (985 points) 4 hits [Angela Lansbury, Jerry Lee Lewis, June Brown, Leslie Phillips] Thatcher (972 points) 6 hits [Billy Bingham, Geoffrey Howlett, George Perez, Lester Piggott, Olivia Newton-John, Pat Carroll] Torva Messor (968 points) 7hits [Bill Turnbull, Gail Halvorsen, Gary Burgess, George Perez, Marijane Meaker, Nichelle Nichols, Thich Nhat Hanh] Lady Fiona (966 points) 6 hits [Bernard Cribbins, Carleton Carpenter, June Brown, Leslie Phillips, Ned Rorem, Sidney Poitier] The Unknown Man (958 points) 5 hits [Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jiang Zemin, Larry Storch, Susie Steiner, Tom Parker] Buffalo Phil 956 points) 6 hits [Clare Marx, Kane Tanaka*, Monica Vitti, Robert Durst, Sacheen Littlefeather, Tom Smith] WEP (848 points) 6 hits [Bill Turnbull, Gary Burgess, George Perez, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Olivia Newton-John, Tom Smith] Bibliogryphon (818 points) 6 hits [CW McCall, Frank O’Farrell, Jack Smethurst, Joan Lingard, Judith Durham, Pat Carroll] Death By Arsenic (801 points) 3 hits [Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jerry Lee Lewis, Julie Reichert] Etib80 (752 points) 3 hits [Angela Lansbury, Olivia Newton-John, Queen Elizabeth II] Predictor (632 points) 4 hits [Jonny Nilsson, Mosharraff Hossain, Silas Alexander, Tony Brown] Buffalo Phil 956 points) 6 hits [Clare Marx, Kane Tanaka*, Monica Vitti, Robert Durst, Sacheen Littlefeather, Tom Smith] The Unknown Man (958 points) 5 hits [Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jiang Zemin, Larry Storch, Susie Steiner, Tom Parker] Famous4Eva (571 points) 3 hits [June Brown, Queen Elizabeth II, Virginia Patton] Im Not Hades (549 points) 3 hits [Loretta Lynn, Mikhail Gorbachev, Monica Vitti] BabyBlue (537 points) 6 hits [Dagny Carlsson, Irene Papas, Jana Bennett, Kane Tanaka, Monica Vitti, Monique Hanotte] CalebH (281 points) 3 hits [Estelle Harris, James Caan, Olga Szabo-Orban] Doulton (88 points) 1 hit [Tom Parker] 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 All of the teams have been processed, the relevant spreadsheets have been filled in, and we are good to go. We have 46 entries in total this year, a new record. I will also enter a team of the most popular picks again this year, so there will be 47 teams competing in total. Lots of new faces which is great to see, as well as most of the old familiar faces returning. Thanks for your continued support of this pool. A few regular players are also missing this year- if I have overlooked your entry, let me know and I will rectify the situation. There were 593 different people selected this year, also a new record, with 424 of those unique picks. It is difficult (impossible actually) to regularly keep track on all those names over the course of the year, so please let me know if any of your obscure picks should snuff it (No need to tell me when the Queen croaks it - I will probably hear about that one!) Three names failed to make the starting line. They were: Harry Reid Ray Illingworth Betty White (who would have been on the team of the most popular picks) Only one player is so bad at this game that he managed to pick two of the people who didn't even survive until January 1st. To save embarrassment, that player shall remain nameless, but their name rhymes with John Jar Jug (I realise that this joke will go over most peoples head, but if you speak Irish than it is mildly amusing!). Three picks were rejected for this years competition. They were as follows: PLAYER PICK DESCRIPTION GIVEN REASON FOR REJECTION Salmon Mousse Robyn Free "Beat the Chasers Winner" Gameshow winner not considered famous enough, even if they have cancer Salmon Mousse Shonel Bryant "Support your Girls Founder" Effectively, a cancer-mom with a website/blog Kenny Brian Thomas "Golfer" Does not seem to exist - suspect that Brian Morris was intended Two other picks made me think a little: The first was Amy Price, who definitely fits into the Family of the Famous category. While I would absolutely agree that she should not be allowed in the DDP and other pools with strict standards, I felt that she has enough "fame" of her own at this stage to qualify her in the pools which allow low-hanging fruit, such as this one. So she was allowed in. The other one caused me more trouble, and to be honest I am still not entirely comfortable with my decision to allow him in. That was Mustafa Kayirici, multiple rapist and now cancer sufferer, who will die in prison, but unfortunately probably not slowly or painfully enough. My first instinct was to disallow him, but I felt that if I disallowed him ,then I should probably also disallow Russell Bishop, who seems to be fair game in all pools, including the DDP. So he is in, although I am not entirely happy about it. I think that it does raise the issue of "fame on account of criminal acts", which once we have finished discussing the FFBI and "Family of the Famous" is something else that we probably should debate. What level of crime is enough to make someone "famous" and thus eligible for a deadpool. Obviously the Myra Hindleys and Peter Sutcliffes of this world are major front-page names. But where do we draw the line? 1 murder? 2 or 3 rapes? I don't know the answer to this, but I will certainly be addressing it in the rules next year, if I am still running it then. On a lighter note, the "Who the Feck are They" award goes to WEP and the pick of Grandpa Xu, described as a "cooking Chinese centenarian blogger". A google search revealed only very scant information on Xu and he came within a gnat's pube of being rejected. However as I was finishing up the spreadsheet at the kitchen table, I said out loud "Who picks someone called Grandpa Xu", to which my teenage daughter replied "Oh, is he that really old Chinese guy whose cooking videos pop up on my Instagram feed". My daughter has heard of him - that's fame enough for me! So, on with the game, and best of luck to everyone, not least the poor buggers who are among the 593 names picked! LIST OF PLAYERS An Fear Beag – AFB Arghton – AR BabyBlue – BY Bibliogryphon – BB Book – BK BuffaloPhil – BP CalebH – CH Captain Chorizo – CC DeathbyArsenic - DA Death Impends – DI Deathray – DR Doulton – DO Drol – DL Dying Probably – DP Etib80 – ET Famous6Eva - FE GcReptile – GC Great Uncle Bulgaria – GUB GuyfromFuture – GF Hell – HE ImNotHades - IH JoeMoneypenny – JM Joey Russ – JR John Key – JK Kenny – KY Ladyfiona – LF LizLemon – LL MariNisia – MN Msc- MS Nantonian2013 – NT Pedro – PO Salmon Mousse - SM Sean – SN Thatcher – TH The Old Crem – OC The Old Lady – OL The Unknown Man – UM Toast – TO Torva Messor – TM TQR – TQR Wannamaker – WM WEP – WEP WhoamI – WI Wormfarmer – WF Yorkshire Banker – YB ZZZ Boring Predictable Team - ZZZ LIST OF PICKS 6ix9ine Rapper DP Abdul Thompson Conteh Sierra Leone Footballer SM Abigail K.K. Kawānanakoa Hawaiian "Princess" GF JM Adam Lewis Fenix TX Bassist GC Ady Barkan American Lawyer DO LL MN TQR Agnes Keleti Olympic Gymnast AFB BK WF WI Akihito Japanese Emperor WF Al Jaffee American Cartoonist WF Alain Delon French Actor ET MN Alan Alda American Actor OL Alan Bergman Songwriter DO Alan Braden Composer PO Alan Greenspan American Economist HE JR OL Alan Pieper Australian Cyclist KY Alasdair MacIntyre Philosopher NT Alberto Fujimori Former Peru President AR DA NT UM WEP Alec Baldwin Sharpshooter DO Alex Ferguson Football Manager PO Alexis Buchman US softball player GC Ali Hassan Mwinyi Ex-Tanzanian President TM Alice Munro Canadian Author MN WI Amy Pieters Cyclist WEP Amy Price Katie Price's Mum CC Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Russian Actress JK SM Angela Lansbury Actress ET HE MS SN TO YB Angela Mortimer Tennis Player BY Anibal Velasquez Colombian Singer PR Anita Cornwell American Author LF* Ann Widdecombe Sexpot Politician PO Anne Nolan Nolan Sister OL Anne Vernon French Actress DA Anthony Frank Mason Australian Judge DA Antonio Inoki Japanese Wrestler DI DL April Stevens US Singer TM Armin Mueller-Stahl German Actor CC Arnold Yarrow Actor MS Art Rupe Record Producer DI WF Arthur Scargill Miner Leader DR Asao Sano Japanese Actor JM Astrid Swan Finnish Muscian AR Athol Fugard Playwright DO Aung San Suu Kyi Disgraced Nobel Winner LF Barbara Barrie American Actress DO Barbara Knox Corrie Actress PO Barbara Walters American Broadcaster IH LL OC Baroness Gardner Of Parkes Baroness BY Barry Briggs Speedway GUB Barry Humphries Dame Edna BK Ben Ferencz US lawyer TM Bernadette Chirac French Politician DA ET* TH Bernard Cribbins Actor LF Bernard Ingham Journalist TH Bernie Ecclestone Tiny F1 Supremo ET Berniece Baker Miracle American Author JK DNS Bert I. Gordon American Film-maker DI Beryl Vertue TX Producer TO Betsy Gay Ex Child Actress BY Betty Boothroyd Former Speaker DA DP LF Bhuddadeb Bhattacharjee Indian Politician DL Bibi Johns Swedish Singer BK Bill Pitman Wrecking Crew guitarist DI Bill Pitman Guitarist PO Bill Rasmussen ESPN Founder PR Bill Spence English Writer PR Bill Steel British broadcaster PR Bill Treacher Actor SN Bill Turnbull Journalist AFB* DR JK KY MN TM WEP WM Billy Bingham Norn Iron Manager DR TH Billy Connolly Comedian WM Birthe Wilke Danish Singer DA Bob Barker TV Presenter AR DI ET GUB HE JK JR LL MN MS WM Bob Dylan Poet Singer DR Bobby Allen Racecar Driver PO Bobby Charlton Jack's brother MN OL SN TO UM WM Bobby Vinton American Singer BY Boris Johnson Wanker DR Boris Pahor Slovene Novelist WF Boris Spassky Chess Player AR Brian Blessed Actor FE Brian Knobbs American Wrestler DL Brian Morris PGA golfer GC SM Brian Wilson Beach Boy DR Bruce Dickinson Iron Maiden Singer DR Bruce Springsteen The Boss DR Burt Bacharach Singer/Songwriter ET Buzz Aldrin Astronaut DO ET OL C W McCall American Singer BB C.W. McCall Country Singer BK Caitlin Flanagan American Author KY Caren Marsh Doll American Actress CH Carleton Carpenter American Actor DI LF Carlos Santana Of the band Santana DR Casey DeSantis Florida First Lady PR Catherine Wreford Canadian Dancer KY Caupolicán Peña Chilean Footballer CH Cesar Virata Ex Phillipines PM AR Chang Chang-sun South Korean Wrestler JM Charley Trippi American Football DI WF Charlie Munger American Investor TM Charlie Sheen Actor DO Chasey Lain Pornstar FE Cheng-ning Yang Chinese Physicist JM WEP Chita Rivera Actress YB Chor Yuen Chinese Film Director JM Chris Denning Paedo Scum SN Chris Rea Singer OL Chris Rimmer MND Activist KY Chris Snow Calgary Flames Ass. GM SM Christos Sartzetakis Ex Greek President CC DL JK Christy Dignam Aslan Singer KY Ćiro Blažević Croatian football coach IH* Clare Marx Ex RCS President BP Clarence Thomas US Judge DO Cleo Laine Singer HE WI Cliff Emmich American Actor CC Clio Maria Bittoni First Lady of Italy WEP Clive Barker Author BB* Clive Brittain Racehorse Trainer NT Colin Thackery BGT Singer GUB Connie Francis American Singer DO Connie Stevens American Actress MN Constantine II of Greece Ex Greek King GF TO WM Courtney Love Kurt's Missus FE* Cynthia Mulligan Canadian Presenter PR Dagny Carlsson Old Swedish blogger BY Dandy Livingstone Reggae Musician PO Danica d'Hondt Canadian Actress FE Daniel Ellsberg US Economist DO Daniella Westbrook Cokehead Actress UM Darren Dutchyshen Sports Commentator PR David Attenborough National Treasure IH JR LF MS WI David Butler Psephologist DR MS NT David Crosby 1/4 of CSNY IH JR NT David Graham Actor CC CH HE MS OC WEP David West Phillies baseball player GC Debbie Harry Blondie Singer FE Deborah James BBC Broadcaster KY Dennis Skinner Labour Politician TH TO TQR Derek Bok Ex president of Harvard DO Derek Draper Political advisor JK LF Derek Reffell Ex Gibraltar Governor PO Diane Berberian Triathlete SM Dick Cheney Ex VP BP DP HE Dick McTaggart Boxer GF YB Dick van Dyke Cockney Actor ET HE IH JR MS SN Dion DiMucci Dion BY Doddie Weir Rugby Player JR TQR PO* Dolly Fox Pornstar FE Donald Pelmear Actor MS Doreen Mantle Actress PO Dot Wilkinson Softball player YB Douglas Hurd Ex Tory Minister GUB Doyle Brunson Poker Legend FE Dwight Watson Ex University chancellor GC Ed Ames American Singer DI Ed Gale American Actor PR Edward, Duke of Kent Duke BK DP PO TH Eileen Derbyshire Sex Symbol DR Eleanor Collins Canadian Jazz Singer GF Elizabeth Kelly English Actress CH Elliot Colburn MP NT Emerich Jenei Romanian Coach CH Emiko Miyamoto Japanese Volleyball player JM Emilio Fede Italian TV Presenter BY Eoghan Harris Irish Journalist PR Eric Clapton Musician IH Eric Lamaze Canadian Showjumper PR Erich von Daniken Swiss Author BB Erni Mangold Austrian Actress DA Esteban Bullrich Argentinian Senator PR Estelle Harris American Actress CH JK PO Ethel Skakel Kennedy RFK Widow GF LL WI Eugenia Cooney Skinny Youtuber CH LF Eva Marie Saint Actress BP MS PO UM Eve Queler US Conductor GUB Everett Lee American Conductor WF Federico Bahamontes Spanish Cyclist TH Franca Pilla Ex Italian First Lady BY Frances Sternhagen American Actress BK Francis jackson Composer WF Francisco Sionil José Filipino Writer AR Françoise Gilot French Painter DA Francoise Hardy French Singer DA ET JR UM WM Frank Borman American astronaut IH Frank Field Ex Labour Minister BP DA DL DR* GUB JK KY NT OC SM SN TH* TM TO TQR UM WEP WF WM Frank Field American Meteorologist TQR Frank Ifield Country singer TQR Frank O’ Farrell Football manager BB Frank Prihoda Australian Skiier WI Frank Williams Comedy Actor GUB YB Frankie Valli Singer OC TH Fred Claire MLB executive GC Fred Lorenzen NASCAR Driver BY Gail Halvorsen USAF pilot TM WF Galina Gorokhova Russian Fencer CH Gareth O'Callaghan Irish DJ PR* Gary Burgess Journalist DL JK KY OL SM TM TQR WEP WF Gary Glitter Glam Paedo NT Geoffrey Howlett British Army Officer TH George Alagiah Newsreader AFB DR JK MN NT* SM* TM TQR UM WEP WM George Pérez Comic Artist DI DL JR LL SM TH TM WEP WM* George Soros Businessman DR TH Gerald Pizzuto Jr. US convicted killer GC Ghislaine Maxwell Friend of the Royals CH WI Gianluca Vialli Soccer Player WEP Gina Lollabrigida Italian Actress BB BK BP ET TM WI Gino Brito Canadian Wrestler BY Giorgio Napolitano Ex Italian President BY* HE UM Glynis Johns Actress BP ET HE MN MS OC OL TM TO WM Grace Chang Chinese Actress JM Graham Bailey Footballer AFB Graham Spanier Ex Upenn President PR Grandpa Xu Chinese cooking blogger WEP Greg Scarpa Jr. US mafia don GC Greta Andersen Danish Swimmer BY Gudrun Ure Supergran BP FE MS Guido Gorgatti Italian Actor BY Guy Lafluer Ice Hockey Player WF Gwyneth Jones Soprano YB Hamako Mori YouTuber DP Hannah Wants DJ YB Harriet Andersson Swedish Actress BY Harrison Ruffin Tyler John Tyler grandson DI Harry Belafonte Singer IH MN* UM Harry Yee Bartender DI Hazel Beard Louisiana Politician FE Hazel McCallion Canadian Politician GF Hazel McCallion Canadian Mayor DP* Hédi Fried Swedish Author CH Henry Kissinger War Criminal DP HE JK LL MS GUB Humpy Wheeler NASCAR Manager BY Iggy Pop Punk Stooge ET Imelda Marcos Shoe Collector HE IH JM LL PO Inga Tobiasson Swedish TV Presenter YB Ingrid Arvidsson Swedish Author FE Ion Iliescu Ex Roanian President CH Irene Papas Greek Actress BK BY WI Iris Apfel Designer BK LL Isabel Peron Ex Argentinian President BK DA Isabel Torres Veneno actress SM Ivan Silayev Soviet Politician AR Ivy Dumont Bahamas Politician BY J.M. Coetzee South African novelist DO Jack Hanna US Zookeeper LL SN Jack Smethurst Actor BB Jack Thomas Boston Globe reporter SM Jacques Delors Ex French Politician AR BP DA* DI HE MN MS Jacquie Beltrao Sports presenter KY MN Jaime de Armiñán Spanish Screenwriter CC Jake "The Snake" Roberts Wrestler DI JR OC WEP James Buckley US Senator DO James Caan Actor CH GF James Dewey Watson American Biologist CC TO James Lovelock Scientist JR MS WF WM James Whale TV.Radio Presenter AFB DL JK KY OL TQR UM WEP WF WM Jan Tinetti NZ Politician BP Jana Bennett Ex BBC Director BY CC JR OL Jane Marczewski Singer SM Jane Morgan US Singer GUB TM Janey Godley Comedian KY LF SN Janis Paige American Actress DI Jason Di Tullio Canadian soccer player GC Jean Hindmarsh Soprano GUB Jean Louis Trintagent Actor AFB CC DA GF JK JR MN NT TQR UM WEP WI WM Jean Marie Le Pen French Right-Wing Leader ET Jean Marsh Actress OC Jean Philippe French Singer (Eurovision) DA Jeanette Charles Actress BB YB Jeanette Lee Black Widow pool player KY OL Jeff Bridges Actor KY Jerry Grey US wrestler GC Jerry Lee Lewis Singer AR CC DA DL HE JR OL PO SN TQR WM YB Jet Black Stranglers Drummer TO Jiang Zemin Politician AFB AR BK DP DR JM UM Jill Knight Ex MP MS NT Jimmy Carter Ex President AFB AR BK BP DP ET HE* IH JR LL MN MS OC OL TM TO TQR UM WI Jimmy Cliff Jamaican Musician PO Jimmy Lydon American Actor MN Jimmy Tarbuck Jimmy Weldon Comedian Ventriloquist JK DI Joan Lingard Novellist BB Joan Plowright Actress BB Joanna Jedryka Polish Actress FE Joanne Woodward Actress BB HE IH LL OC WI Joe Biden U.S. President DP Joe Exotic Tiger King KY LL* Joe Krush Illustrator DI Joe Negri American Guitarist MN John Connolly Ex FBI Jailbird DL John Daly Golfer KY John Gwynne UK Fantasy author DL John Harvey Resnick author DL John Savident English Actor TO John Wakeham Ex Tory Minister BB GUB John Woodvine Actor BB Johnny Whitaker Amercan Actor PR Jonathan Atherton Australian comedian GC Jonny Nilsson Swedish Speed Skater PR Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo Mexican Comedian PR Jorge Toro Chilean Footballer CH Jorie Graham American poet) DO* Josefine Ollman Old German GUB Josip Manolić Croatian Politician DP IH JK Joyce Randolph Actress SN Juan Carlos I of Spain Spanish King BK GF TQR Judi Dench Actress FE Judith Durham Aussie Singer BB Julia Reichert American Filmmaker CC DA GC* Julie Goodyear Actress OC Julie Newmar American Actress TO Julie Walters Comic Actress JK Julie Yeh Feng Chinese Actress JM Julio Iglesias Spanish singer IH June Brown Eastenders Actress FE GF HE LF TO June Lockhart American Actress MS June Spencer Actress DP LF WF YB Just Fontaine Footballer ET TO Kaikala Satyanarayana Indian Actor DL Kalki Bhagawan Indian Cult Leader PR Kamini Kaushal Indian Actress JM Kane Tanaka Really Old Woman AFB BP* BY DI GC GUB JR OL TQR Kat Bjelland Babe in Toyland BP MN TQR Katherine Jackson Jackson 5 mother LF Keith Richards Immortal Rock-God ET Ken Archer Australian Cricketer WI Kenneth McAlpine Former Racing Driver CC Kerima French Actress DA Khaleda Zia Bangladeshi Politician JK SM SN* TH WF Kim Woodburn TV "Personality" YB King Salman King Of UAE HE IH Larry Pressler US Politician CC DL OL SM SN UM Larry Storch Actor DI* MN UM Lata Mangeshkar Indian Singer JK Laurent de Brunhoff French Author DO TM Lee Grant US Actress TM Lee Meriwether American Actress UM Leo Esaki Japanese Physicist MN Leonard Fenton British Actor BK Leonor Oyarzún Chilean First Lady CC Leotyne Price Soprano BB Leslie Caron Actress BB Leslie Phillips Immortal Actor AFB AR DI DP GUB* HE LF MN MS OC TQR WF* Lester Piggott Jockey TH Levon Ter-Petrosyan Ex Armenian President AR Linda Nolan Nolan Sister AFB DP KY LF LL OL TQR UM WM Linda Ronstadt Singer WI Line Renaud French Singer CH Lisa Lu Chinese-American Actress JM Liza Minnelli Actress OC TO Loretta Lynn Country Singer LL IH OC Louis Farrakhan Nutcase Cleric TH Luis Antonio Rivera Puerto Rican Actor GF Luis Ayala Chilean Tennis Player DA Luis Echeverria Ex Mexican PM CC WF Lynne Reid Banks Author CH YB Ma Shitu Chinese Politician JM Maggie Smith Actress FE Mahathir Mohamad Ex Malaysian PM GF HE Mai Raud Pahn Estonian Historian YB Malcolm Hebden English Actor TQR Mamie Van Doren American Actress DO Margaret Stuart Barry Author YB Margarita Terekhova Soviet Actress AR CC WEP Margot Leonard Actress BK Maria Riva German Actress BK* Maria Sebaldt German Actress BK Marian Fuks Polish historian GUB Marianne Faithful Singer AFB GF TO TQR Marica Hase Japanese Pornstar BP Marijane Meaker US writer TM Marilyn Manson Musician FE Marina Voica Romanian Singer CH Marina Wingrove Gogglebox Star PO Mark Paarman SA Surfer GC Marsha Hunt Old Actress DI NT OL WF WI Martin Bashir Journalist LF Martti Ahtisaari Finnish Politician AR* TH Mary Jo Codey Former NJ First Lady BP Mary Quant Designer AFB IH Maurice Norman Ex Footballer DR Mel Brooks Director DP HE MS Michael Caine Actor TO Michael Dukakis US Politician HE Michael Gambon Actor OC Michael O'Connor Irelands oldest man AFB Michael Schumacher F1 Recluse BP Michel Bouquet French Actor CC Mihai Sora Romanian Philosopher CH* Mikael Jungner Ex Finnish MP PO Mike Sadler SAS veteran PO Mike Yarwood Impressionist SN Mikhail Gorbachev Ex Russian President AFB DP IH JR LL MN OC SN WI Milos Zeman Czech President AR DA JK LF OC TH UM WM YB* Mirta Díaz-Balart Castro's Ex missus DA Mišo Kovač Croatian Singer IH Mo Moreland Roly Poly YB Mohamed Al Fayed Businessman NT Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz Mauritanian President WEP Mollie Walker Britains Oldest person AFB Monica Vitti Italian Actress BK BP BY IH Monique Hanotte Belgian Spy BY Montel Williams US TV Host DO Monty Norman Bond Composer DI Mosharraf Hossain Bangladeshi cricketer PR Muazzez İlmiye Çığ Turkish Archaeologist CC Muhammad Rafiq Tarar Ex Pakistan President AR Mustafa Kayirici Criminal SM Mwai Kibaki Kenyan Politician JK Natalie Kwadrans Canadian Snowboarder PR Nathaniel Fiennes Baron CC Ned Rorem American Composer LF Nehemiah Persoff Old Actor DI MS WI Nguyễn Địch Dũng Vietnamese journalist WEP Nichelle Nichols Actress LL TM Nigel Lawson Ex Tory Minister AFB GUB Nigel Starmer-Smith Rugby Player AR NT Nikocado Avocado YouTuber DP Noam Chomsky American Linguist DO JR TO WI Noreen Nash US Actress TM Norma O. Walker Colorado Politician FE Norman Lear TV Writer HE Norman Mineta US Politician GF Norman Tebbit Ex Tory Minister BP CC GUB OC TH TO* Olga Szabo-Orban Romanian Fencer CH Olivia Newton John Actress/Singer AFB DP ET JR KY OC OL PO WEP Otis Taylor American Football CC Ozzy Osbourne Singer DR P J Proby American Singer PO Paolo Bonacelli US Politician GF Parnelli Jones American Race Car Driver CC Pasquall Maragall Barcelona Mayor SN Pastelle LeBlanc Canadian Musician GC Pat Carroll American Actress BB TH Patricia Hamilton Canadian Actress GF Patrick Duffy Labour politician WI Pau Riba Spanish Singer GC SM Paul Biya Cameroon President NT Paul Dear Australian Rules footballer GC Paula Rego Painter YB Paula Stafford Aussie Fashion Designer JM Pauline “Granny” Kana Instagram star JK Pedro Ferrandiz Spanish Basketball Coach GF Pele Legendary Footballer AFB AR BP DI DA DL ET FE GF HE IH JR KY LL NT OC* SN TH TM* UM WEP WI WM Per Norgard Danish Composer BY Pete Rose Baseball player NT Pete Murray ex DJ/TV Presenter BB GUB Peter J Hammond TV Writer BB Peter Tobin Bad Man MS* TQR Peter Weck Austrian Director BK Petula Clark Singer ET Phil Collins Genesis singer ET LF UM WM Phyllida Law Actress YB Placido Domingo Tenor CH Pope Benedict Ex Nazi Pope DP ET GUB IH JR LF LL MN NT OC WF Prunella Scales British Actress TQR WI Qin Yi Chinese Actress JM Queen Elizabeth II Queen DP DR ET FE LL MS OC PO WF WI Quincy Jones Music Producer ET Radhia Nasraoui Tunisian Lawyer DL Raif Badawi Saudi Dissident WEP Ralf Wolter German Actor BK Ramona Fradon Comic book artist TM Raul Castro Cuban Leader JK UM Ray Anthony Band Leader TM Ray Davies Kink BB Ray Reardon Snooker Player BP DR Raymond Briggs Snowman Author TH TO Rebecca Pan Hong Kong Actress JM Rex Williams Snooker Player DR Richard Belzer American Actor DO Richard Bonynge Aussie Conductor GUB Richard Franklin English Actor SN Rick Ross Rapper JM Rita Moreno Actress LF Rob Bolland Film Composer GC TQR Rob Burrow Rugby Player DR GUB NT SM Robert Clary French-American Actor DI Robert Durst American Murderer BP SM SN Robert Kuok Malaysian Businessman JM TM Robert Solow Economist AR DP Robert Worcester Founder of MORI TH Robert Wagner Mr. Hart ET Roger Corman Film Director WI Roger Donlon US Army officer DL Roland Burris American Politician DA Rolf Eden German Actor BK Rolf Harris Sex Pest LF Rolf Schimpf German Actor BK Ron Atkinson Big Ron GUB Ron Jeremy Pornstar TH Rosalynn Carter Former First Lady DP LL OC Ross from Friends Record Producer YB Rossana Rory Italian Actress BY Rowshan Ershad Bangladeshi Politician SM Rupert Murdoch Businessman BK PO Russell Bishop Murderer KY SM WM Ryan O'Neal Actor IH JK SN TO Sacheen Littlefeather American Actress BP JK* SM Sammy Chung Footballer YB Samu Wrestler NT Sandra Day O’Connor EX US Judge DP LL NT WI Sandra Milo Italian Actress FE Sandy Gall Journalist BP GUB YB Saturnino de la Fuente Worlds Oldest Man JR Seiji Ozawa Japanese Conductor DO Selahattin Demirtaş Kurdish Politician WEP Shane MacGowan Drunken Pogue AR JM Shannen Doherty Actress AFB BP DO JM KY LF LL OC OL* TM UM WEP WM Shecky Greene US Comedian DO Sheila Hancock Actress PO Shintaro Tsuji Japanese Businessman GF Sidney Kibrick Our Gang Actor CC Sidney Poitier Actor LF MN OC SN TO Silas Alexander Atlanta DJ GC PR SM Silvia Pinal Mexican Actress AR Silvio Berlusconi Bunga-Bunga man ET HE Sinead O'Connor Muslim Singer FE GF Sirikit Thailand's Queen mother DA IH Socorro Cancio Ramos Phillipino Businesswoman JM Sonia Gandhi Indian Politician BB Sonia Hoey Dundalk FC soccer player GC Sonny Caldinez Actor YB Stacy Keach American Actor CH Stan Bowles Footballer NT SN Stephen Lewis Canadian politician GC Steve “Mongo" McMichael EX Wrestler LL Steve Carlson Icehockey player GC SM Steve Lawrence American Singer DO Steve Ludzik Icehockey player GC Superstar Billy Graham Ex-Wrestler DI Susan Boyle Scottish sSinger FE Susie Steiner Author DL GF OL SM TO TQR UM WF Suzanne Lloyd Canadian Actress FE Suzanne Mubarak Egyptian First Lady CH Ted Kaczynski Unabomber AR CH Ted Kotcheff Canadian Director GF Ted Turner American TV Executive SN Teddie Chinery Beverly Sister BB Terry Bivins Nascar Driver PR Terry Medwin Footballer YB Terry Venables El Tel OC Thích Nhất Hạnh Buddhist monk DL TM Thomas J Fitzpatrick Former Irish TD AFB Thomas Pynchon American Novellist WI Thomas Sleeper American Composer PR Tim Bilton Chef DL KY SM TQR Tim Curry Actor PO TH Tim Keller American Theologian BP GC Timea Toth Handball player PR Tin Oo Burmese Politician DL Tinto Brass Italian Director CC Tom Baker Dr. Who DP TH Tom Cruise Short-arse crazy actor DA Tom Lehrer American Musician BB GUB Tom Parker Wanted singer DL DO DR JR KY NT OL UM WM Tom Smith Rugby Player AFB BP DL* DR GUB JK KY OL TQR WEP WM Tom Weiskopf Golfer AFB GC KY NT OL SN WF Toni Basil US Singer FE Tony Bennett Singer BY HE LL MS UM WF WM Tony Brown NBA referee PR Tony Marshall German opera singer BK Tony Parkes Footballer born 1949 SN Tsin Ting Chinese Singer JM Tung Chee-Hwa Hong-Kong Politician WM Ursula Andress Bond Goddess GF Václav Klaus Ex Czech President CH Valentine Strasser Sierra Leone Politician JK Valentino Garavani Italian Designer BK Vanessa Redgrave Actress DO IH LF Vera Belmont French Film Producer GF Vesa-Matti Loiri Finnish Actor AR Vic Elford Racing Driver CC DL DR MN OL TO WM Vicky Phelan Activist AFB Virgina Patton Actress FE Virginia McKenna Actress BB VS Achuthanandan Indian Politician DL Vytautas Landsbergis Former MEP YB Walter Mirisch Film Producer WF Wanda Jackson American Singer BY Wavy Gravy Entertainer JR Wilfredo Gomez Puerto Rico Boxer DA William Russell Actor BB MS Willie Nelson Country Legend AFB JR TH Winnie Ewing Scottish Politician AR GF* TO Wojciech Onsorge Polish Footballer PR Wu Tao-yan Taiwanese Shooter JM Yang You Chinese Scientist JM* Yoko Ono "Singer" CH DP IH JR LF LL MN NT OL SN Ysanne Churchman Actress MS Yuri Oganessian Russian Physicist BB Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat French Mathematician CH Zdenka Deitchova Czech Animator FE Zhang Zhan Chinese Lawyer WEP Zhu Rongj Chinese Politician JM 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 5, 2021 An Fear Beag Agnes Keleti Bill Turnbull (Joker) George Alagiah Graham Bailey James Whale Jean Louis Trintagent Jiang Zemin Jimmy Carter Kane Tanaka Linda Nolan Leslie Phillips Marianne Faithful Mary Quant Michael O'Connor Mikhail Gorbachev Mollie Walker Nigel Lawson Olivia Newton John Pele Shannen Doherty Thomas J Fitzpatrick Tom Smith Tom Weiskopf Vicky Phelan Willie Nelson Arghton Alberto Fujimori Astrid Swan Bob Barker Boris Spassky Cesar Virata Francisco Sionil José Ivan Silayev Jacques Delors Jerry Lee Lewis Jiang Zemin Jimmy Carter Leslie Phillips Levon Ter-Petrosyan Margarita Terekhova Martti Ahtisaari (Joker) Milos Zeman Muhammad Rafiq Tarar Nigel Starmer-Smith Pele Robert Solow Shane MacGowan Silvia Pinal Ted Kaczynski Vesa-Matti Loiri Winnie Ewing BabyBlue Angela Mortimer Baroness Gardner Of Parkes Betsy Gay Bobby Vinton Dagny Carlsson Dion DiMucci Emilio Fede Franca Pilla Fred Lorenzen Giorgio Napolitano (Joker) Gino Brito Guido Gorgatti Greta Andersen Harriet Andersson Humpy Wheeler Irene Papas Ivy Dumont Jana Bennett Kane Tanaka Monica Vitti Monique Hanotte Per Norgard Rossana Rory Tony Bennett Wanda Jackson Bibliogryphon Clive Barker (Joker) C W McCall Erich von Daniken Frank O’ Farrell Gina Lollabrigida Jack Smethurst Jeanette Charles Joanne Woodward Joan Lingard Joan Plowright John Wakeham John Woodvine Judith Durham Leotyne Price Leslie Caron Pat Carroll Pete Murray Peter J Hammond Ray Davies Sonia Gandhi Teddie Chinnery Tom Lehrer Virginia McKenna William Russell Yuri Oganessian Book Agnes Keleti Barry Humphries Bibi Johns C.W. McCall Edward, Duke of Kent Frances Sternhagen Gina Lollobrigida Irene Papas Iris Apfel Isabel Perón Jiang Zemin Jimmy Carter Juan Carlos I., King of Spain Leonard Fenton Margot Leonard Maria Riva (Joker) Maria Sebaldt Monica Vitti Peter Weck Ralf Wolter Rolf Eden Rolf Schimpf Rupert Murdoch Tony Marshall Valentino Garavani Buffalo Phil Clare Marx Dick Cheney Eva Marie Saint Frank Field Gina Lollobrigida Glynis Johns Gudrun Ure Jacques Delors Jan Tinetti Jimmy Carter Kane Tanaka (joker) Kat Bjelland Marica Hase Mary Jo Codey Michael Schumacher Monica Vitti Norman Tebbit Pele Ray Reardon Robert Durst Sacheen Littlefeather Sandy Gall Shannen Doherty Tim Keller Tom Smith CalebH Caren Marsh Doll Caupolicán Peña David Graham Emerich Jenei Elizabeth Kelly Estelle Harris Eugenia Cooney Galina Gorokhova Ghislaine Maxwell Hédi Fried Ion Iliescu James Caan Jorge Toro Line Renaud Lynne Reid Banks Marina Voica Mihai Sora (Joker) Olga Szabo-Orban Placido Domingo Stacy Keach Suzanne Mubarak Ted Kaczynski Václav Klaus Yoko Ono Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat Captain Chorizo Amy Price (Joker) Armin Mueller-Stahl Christos Sartzetakis Cliff Emmich David Graham Jaime de Armiñán James Dewey Watson Jana Bennett Jean-Louis Trintignant Jerry Lee Lewis Julia Riechert Kenneth McAlpine Larry Pressler Leonor Oyarzún Luis Echeverria Margarita Terekhova Michel Bouquet Muazzez İlmiye Çığ Nathaniel Fiennes Norman Tebbit Otis Taylor Parnelli Jones Sidney Kibrick Tinto Brass Vic Elford Death By Arsenic Alberto Fujimori Anne Vernon Anthony Frank Mason Bernadette Chirac Betty Boothroyd Birthe Wilke Erni Mangold Françoise Gilot Francoise Hardy Frank Field Isabel Peron Jacques Delors (JOKER) Jean Philippe Jean-Louis Trintignant Jerry Lee Lewis Julia Reichert Kerima Luis Ayala Milos Zeman Mirta Díaz-Balart Pele Roland Burris Sirikit (Thailand's Queen mother) Tom Cruise Wilfredo Gomez Death Impends Antonio Inoki Art Rupe Bert I. Gordon Bill Pitman Bob Barker Carleton Carpenter Charley Trippi Ed Ames George Perez Harrison Ruffin Tyler Harry Yee Jacques Delors Jake "The Snake" Roberts Janis Paige Jimmy Weldon Joe Krush Kane Tanaka Larry Storch (JOKER) Leslie Phillips Marsha Hunt Monty Norman Nehemiah Persoff Pele Robert Clary Superstar Billy Graham Deathray Arthur Scargill Betty White Bill Turnbull Billy Bingham Bob Dylan Boris Johnson Brian Wilson Bruce Dickinson Bruce Springsteen Carlos Santana David Butler Eileen Derbyshire Frank Field (Joker) George Alagaih George Soros Jiang Zemin Maurice Norman Ozzy Osbourne Queen Elizabeth II Ray Reardon Rex Williams Rob Burrow Tom Parker Tom Smith Vic Elford Doulton Ady Barkin Alan Bergman Alec Baldwin Athol Fugard Barbara Barrie Buzz Aldrin Charlie Sheen Clarence Thomas Connie Francis Daniel Ellsberg Derek Bok J.M. Coetzee James Buckley Jorie Graham (Joker) Laurent de Brunhoff Mamie Van Doren Montel Williams Noam Chomsky Richard Belzer Seiji Ozawa Shannen Doherty Shecky Greene Steve Lawrence Tom Parker Vanessa Redgrave Drol Antonio Inoki Bhuddadeb Bhattacharjee Brian Knobbs Christos Sartzetakis Frank Field Gary Burgess George Pérez James Whale Jerry Lee Lewis John Connolly John Gwynne John Harvey Kaikala Satyanarayana Larry Pressler Pelé Radhia Nasraoui Roger Donlon Susan Steiner Thich Nhat Hanh Tim Bilton Tin Oo Tom Parker Tom Smith (Joker) Vic Elford VS Achuthanandan Dying Probably 6ix9ine Betty Boothroyd Dick Cheney Edward of Kent Elizabeth II Hamako Mori Hazel McCallion (Joker) Henry Kissinger Jiang Zemin Jimmy Carter Joe Biden Josip Manolic June Spencer Leslie Phillips Linda Nolan Mel Brooks Mikhael Gorbachev Nikocado Avocado Olivia Newton-John Pope Benedict Robert Solow Rosalynn Carter Sandra Day O'Connor Tom Baker Yoko Ono Etib80 Alain Delon Angela Lansbury Bernadette Chirac (Joker) Bernie Ecclestone Bob Barker Burt Bacharach Buzz Aldrin Dick Van Dyke Françoise Hardy Gina Lollobrigida Glynis Johns Iggy Pop Jean Marie Le Pen Jimmy Carter Just Fontaine Keith Richards Olivia Newton John Pele Petula Clark Phil Collins Pope Benedict XVI Queen Elizabeth Quincy Jones Robert Wagner Silvio Berlusconi Famous4Eva Brian Blessed Chasey Lain Courtney Love (Joker) Danica d'Hondt Debbie Harry Dolly Fox Doyle Brunson Gudrun Ure Judi Dench Hazel Beard Ingrid Arvidsson Joanna Jedryka June Brown Maggie Smith Marilyn Manson Norma O. Walker Pele Sandra Milo Sinead O"Connor Susan Boyle Suzanne Lloyd Toni Basil Queen Elizabeth Virgina Patton Zdenka Dietchova GcReptile Adam Lewis Alexis Buchman Brian Morris David West Dwight Watson Fred Claire Gerald Pizzuto Jr. Greg Scarpa Jr. Jonathan Atherton Jason Di Tullio Jerry Grey Julia Reichert Kane Tanaka Mark Paarman Pastelle LeBlanc Pau Riba Paul Dear Rob Bolland Silas "SiMan Baby" Alexander Sonia Hoey Stephen Lewis Steve Carlson Steve Ludzik Tim Keller Tom Weiskopf Great Uncle Bulgaria Barry Briggs Bob Barker Colin Thackery Douglas Hurd Eve Queler Frank Field Frank Williams Henry Kissinger Jane Morgan Jean Hindmarsh John Wakeham Josefine Ollman Kane Tanaka Leslie Phillips (JOKER) Marian Fuks Nigel Lawson Norman Tebbit Pete Murray Pope Benedict Richard Bonynge Rob Burrow Ron Atkinson Sandy Gall Tom Lehrer Tom Smith GuyfromFuture Abigail K.K. Kawānanakoa Constantine II of Greece Dick McTaggart Eleanor Collins Ethel Skakel Kennedy Hazel McCallion James Caan Jean-Louis Trintignant Juan Carlos I of Spain June Brown Luis Antonio Rivera Mahathir Mohamad Marianne Faithfull Norman Mineta Paolo Bonacelli Patricia Hamilton Pedro Ferrandiz Pele Shintaro Tsuji Sinead O'Connor Susie Steiner Ted Kotcheff Ursula Andress Vera Belmont Winnie Ewing (Joker) Hell Alan Greenspan Angela Lansbury Bob Barker Cleo Laine David Graham Dick Cheney Dick Van Dyke Giorgio Napolitano Glynis Johns Henry Kissinger Imelda Marcos Jacques Delors Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Carter (Joker) Joanne Woodward June Brown King Salman Leslie Phillips Mahathir Mohamad Mel Brooks Michael Dukakis Norman Lear Pele Silvio Berlusconi Tony Bennett ImNotHades Barbara Walters Pope Benedict XVI Ćiro Blažević (Joker) David Attenborough David Crosby Dick Van Dyke Eric Clapton Frank Borman Harry Belafonte Imelda Marcos Jimmy Carter Joanne Woodward Josip Manolić Julio Iglesias Loretta Lynn Mikhail Gorbachev Mary Quant Mišo Kovač Monica Vitti Pele Ryan O'Neal King Salman Sirikit Vanessa Redgrave Yoko Ono JoeMoneypenny Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawānanakoa Asao Sano Chang Chang-sun Cheng-ning Yang Chor Yuen Emiko Miyamoto Grace Chang Imelda Marcos Jiang Zemin Julie Yeh Kamini Kaushal Lisa Lu Ma Shitu Paula Stafford Qin Yi Rebecca Pan Rick Ross Robert Kuok Shane MacGowan Shannen Doherty Socorro Cancio Ramos Tsin Ting Wu Tao-yan Yang You (Joker) Zhu Rongj Joey Russ Alan Greenspan Bob Barker David Attenborough David Crosby Dick Van Dyke Doddie Weir Francoise Hardy George Perez (joker) Jake “The Snake” Roberts James Lovelock Jana Bennett Jean Louis Trintignant Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Carter Kane Tanaka Mikhail Gorbachev Noam Chomsky Olivia Newton-John Pele Pope Benedict Saturnino de la Fuente Tom Parker Wavy Gravy Willie Nelson Yoko Ono JohnKey Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Berniece Baker Miracle Bill Turnbull Bob Barker Christos Sartzetakis Derek Draper Estelle Harris Frank Field Gary Burgess George Alagiah Henry Kissinger James Whale Jean-Louis Trintignant Josip Manolić Julie Walters Khaleda Zia Lata Mangeshkar Miloš Zeman Mwai Kibaki Pauline “Granny” Kana Raúl Castro Ryan O'Neal Sacheen Littlefeather (Joker) Tom Smith Valentine Strasser Kenny Alan Pieper Bill Turnbull Caitlin Flanagan Catherine Wreford Chris Rimmer Christy Dignam Deborah James Frank Field Gary Burgess Jacqui Beltrao James Whale Janey Godley Jeanette Lee Jeff Bridges Joe Exotic John Daly Linda Nolan Olivia Newton-John Pele Russell Bishop (Joker) Shannen Doherty Tim Bilton Tom Parker Tom Smith Tom Weiskopf LadyFiona Anita Cornwell (Joker) Aung San Suu Kyi Bernard Cribbins Betty Boothroyd Carleton Carpenter David Attenborough Derek Draper Eugenia Cooney Janey Godley June Brown June Spencer Katherine Jackson Leslie Phillips Linda Nolan Martin Bashir Milos Zeman Ned Rorem Phil Collins Pope Benedict Rita Moreno Rolf Harris Shannen Doherty Sidney Poitier Vanessa Redgrave Yoko Ono LizLemon Ady Barkan Barbara Walters Bob Barker Ethel Kennedy George Perez (comics artist) Henry Kissinger Imelda Marcos Iris Apfel Jack Hanna Jimmy Carter Joanne Woodward Joe Exotic (joker) Linda Nolan Loretta Lynn Mikhail Gorbachev Nichelle Nichols Pele Pope Benedict XVI Queen Elizabeth II Rosalynn Carter Sandra Day O’Connor Shannen Doherty Steve “Mongo" McMichael Tony Bennett Yoko Ono MariNisia Ady Barkan Alain Delon Alice Munro Bill Turnbull Bob Barker Bobby Charlton Connie Stevens George Alagiah Glynis Johns Harry Belafonte (joker) Jacques Delors Jacquie Beltrao Jean-Louis Trintignant Jimmy Carter Jimmy Lydon Joe Negri Kat Bjelland Larry Storch Leo Esaki Leslie Phillips Mikhail Gorbachev Pope Benedict XVI Sidney Poitier Vic Elford Yoko Ono MSC Angela Lansbury Arnold Yarrow Bob Barker David Attenborough David Butler David Graham Dick van Dyke Donald Pelmear Eva Marie Saint Glynis Johns Gudrun Ure Henry Kissinger Jacques Delors James Lovelock Jill Knight Jimmy Carter June Lockhart Leslie Philips Mel Brooks Nehemiah Persoff Peter Tobin (Joker) Queen Elizabeth II Tony Bennett William Russell Ysanne Churchman Nantonian2013 Alasdair MacIntyre Alberto Fujimori Clive Brittain David Butler David Crosby Elliot Colburn Frank Field Gary Glitter George Alagiah (Joker) Jean-Louis Trintignant Jill Knight Marsha Hunt Mohamed Al Fayed Nigel Starmer-Smith Paul Biya Pelé Pete Rose Pope Benedict XVI Rob Burrow Samu Sandra Day O'Connor Stan Bowles Tom Parker Tom Weiskopf Yoko Ono Pedro67 Alan Braden Alex Ferguson Ann Widdecombe Barbara Knox Bill Pitman Bobby Allen Dandy Livingstone Derek Reffell Doddie Weir (Joker) Doreen Mantle Duke of Kent Estelle Harris Eva Marie Saint Imelda Marcos Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Cliff Marina Wingrove Mikael Jungner Mike Sadler Olivia Newton John P J Proby Queen Elizabeth Rupert Murdoch Sheila Hancock Tim Curry Salmon Mousse Abdul Thompson Conteh Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Brian Morris Chris Snow Diane Berberian Frank Field Gary Burgess George Alagiah (Joker) George Perez Isabel Torres Jack Thomas Jane Marczewski Khaleda Zia Larry Pressler Mustafa Kayirici Pau Riba Romeva Rob Burrow Robert Durst Rowshan Ershad Russell Bishop Sacheen Littlefeather Silas Alexander Steve Carlson Susie Steiner Tim Bilton Sean Angela Lansbury Bill Treacher Bobby Charlton Chris Denning Dick Van Dyke Frank Field Jack Hanna Janey Godley Jerry Lee Lewis Joyce Randolph Khaleda Zia (Joker) Larry Pressler Mike Yarwood Mikhail Gorbachev Pasquall Maragall Pele Richard Franklin Robert Durst Ryan O'Neil Sidney Poitier Stan Bowles Ted Turner Tom Weiskoph Tony Parkes Yoko Ono Thatcher Bernadette Chirac Bernard Ingham Billy Bingham Dennis Skinner Edward, Duke of Kent Federico Bahamontes Frank Field (joker) Frankie Valli George Perez George Soros Geoffrey Howlett Khaleda Zia Lester Piggott Louis Farrakhan Martti Ahtisaari Milos Zemin Norman Tebbit Pat Carroll Pelé Raymond Briggs Robert Worcester Ron Jeremy Tom Baker Tim Curry Willie Nelson The Old Crem Barbara Walters Pope Benedict David Graham Queen Elizabeth Frank Field Frankie Valli Glynis Johns Jake Roberts Jean Marsh Jimmy Carter Joanne Woodward Julie Goodyear Leslie Phillips Liza Minnelli Loretta Lynn Michael Gambon Mikhail Gorbachev Milos Zeman Norman Tebbit Olivia Newton-John Pele (Joker) Rosalynn Carter Shannen Doherty Sidney Poitier Terry Venables The Old Lady Alan Alda Alan Greenspan Anne Nolan Bobby Charlton Buzz Aldrin Chris Rea Gary Burgess Glynis Johns James Whale Jana Bennett Jeanette Lee Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Carter Kane Tanaka Larry Pressler Linda Nolan Marsha Hunt Olivia Newton John Shannen Doherty (JOKER) Susie Steiner Tom Smith Tom Parker Tom Weiskopf Vik Elford Yoko Ono The Unknown Man Alberto Fujimori Bobby Charlton Daniella Westbrook Eva Marie Saint Françoise Hardy Frank Field George Alagiah Giorgio Napolitano Harry Belafonte James Whale Jean-Louis Trintignant Jiang Zemin Jimmy Carter Larry Pressler Larry Storch Lee Meriwether Linda Nolan Miloš Zeman Pelé Phil Collins Raul Castro Shannen Doherty (Joker) Susie Steiner Tom Parker Tony Bennett Toast Angela Lansbury Beryl Vertue Bobby Charlton Constantine II Dennis Skinner Frank Field Glynis Johns James Dewey Watson Jet Black Jimmy Carter John Savident Julie Newmar June Brown Just Fontaine Liza Minnelli Marianne Faithfull Michael Caine Noam Chomsky Norman Tebbit (Joker) Raymond Briggs Ryan O’Neal Sidney Poitier Susie Steiner Vic Elford Winnie Ewing Torva Messor Ali Hassan Mwinyi April Stevens Ben Ferencz Bill Turnbull Charlie Munger Frank Field Gail Halvorsen Gary Burgess George Alagiah George Pérez Gina Lollobrigida Glynis Johns Jane Morgan Jimmy Carter Laurent de Brunhoff Lee Grant Marijane Meaker Nichelle Nichols Noreen Nash Pelé (Joker) Ramona Fradon Ray Anthony Robert Kuok Shannen Doherty Thích Nhất Hạnh TQR Ady Barkan Dennis Skinner Doddie Weir Frank Field (Labour politician) Frank Field (meteorologist) Frank Ifield Gary Burgess George Alagiah (JOKER) James Whale Jean-Louis Trintignant Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Carter Juan Carlos I Kane Tanaka Kat Bjelland Leslie Phillips Linda Nolan Malcolm Hebden Marianne Faithfull Peter Tobin Prunella Scales Rob Bolland Susie Steiner Tim Bilton Tom Smith Wannamaker Bill Turnbull Billy Connolly Bob Barker Bobby Charlton Constantine II of Greece Francoise Hardy Frank Field George Alagiah George Pérez (Joker) Glynis Johns James Lovelock James Whale Jean-Louis Trintignant Jerry Lee Lewis Linda Nolan Milos Zeman Pelé Phil Collins Russell Bishop Shannen Doherty Tom Parker Tom Smith Tony Bennett Tung Chee-Hwa Vic Elford WEP Alberto Fujimori Amy Pieters Bill Turnbull Chen Ning Yang Clio Maria Bittoni David Graham Frank Field Gary Burgess George Alagiah George Pérez Gianluca Vialli Grandpa Xu Jake "the Snake" Roberts James Whale Jean-Louis Trintignant Margarita Borisovna Terekhova Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz Nguyễn Địch Dũng Olivia Newton-John Pelé Raif Badawi Selahattin Demirtaş Shannen Doherty (Joker) Tom Smith Zhang Zhan WhoamI Agnes Keleti Alice Munro Cleo Laine David Attenborough Ethel Skakel Kennedy Frank Prihoda Ghislaine Maxwell Gina Lollobrigida Irene Papas Jean-Louis Trintignant Jimmy Carter Joanne Woodward Ken Archer Linda Ronstadt Marsha Hunt Mikhail Gorbachev (Joker) Nehemiah Persoff Noam Chomsky Patrick Duffy Pele Prunella Scales Queen Elizabeth II Roger Corman Sandra Day O'Connor Thomas Pynchon Wormfarmer Agnes Keleti Al Jaffee Art Rupe Boris Pahor Charley Trippi Emperor Akihito Everett Lee Francis Jackson Frank Field Gail Halvorsen Gary Burgess Guy Lafluer James Lovelock James Whale June Spencer Khaleda Zia Leslie Phillips (JOKER) Luis Echeverria Marsha Hunt Pope Benedict XVI Queen Elizabeth II Susie Steiner Tom Weiskopf Tony Bennett Walter Mirisch YorkshireBanker Angela Lansbury Chita Rivera Dick McTaggart Dot Wilkinson Frank Williams Gwyneth Jones Hannah Wants Inga Tobiasson Jeanette Charles Jerry Lee Lewis June Spencer Kim Woodburn Lynne Reid Banks Mai Raud Pahn Margaret Stuart Barry Milos Zeman (Joker) Mo Moreland Paula Rego Phyllida Law Ross from Friends Sammy Chung Sandy Gall Sonny Caldinez Terry Medwin Vytautas Landsbergis ZZZ Boring Predictable Team Bill Turnbull (8 Picks) Bob Barker (11 Picks) Frank Field (19 Picks) Gary Burgess (9 Picks) George Alagiah (10 Picks) George Perez (9 Picks) Glynnis Johns (10 Picks) James Whale (10 Picks) Jean-Louis Trintingant (13 Picks) Jerry Lee Lewis (12 Picks) Jimmy Carter (19 Picks) Kane Tanaka (9 Picks) Leslie Phillips (12 Picks) Linda Nolan (9 Picks) Mikhail Gorbachev (9 Picks) Milos Zeman (9 Picks) Olivia Newton-John (9 Picks) Pele (23 Picks) (Joker) Pope Benedict XVI (11 Picks) Queen Elizabeth II (10 Picks) Shannen Doherty (13 Picks) Susie Steiner (8 Picks) Tom Parker (9 Picks) Tom Smith (11 Picks) Yoko Ono (10 Picks) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bibliogryphon 9,779 Posted December 7, 2021 Team sent in by DM Let me know if there are any problems Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 7, 2021 6 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said: Team sent in by DM Let me know if there are any problems All good with the picks Biblio. I see you are going with my tactic of not selecting a Joker and letting alphabetical order work its magic - given the number of Tom Parker and Tom Smith jokers picked this year, that's probably as good a tactic as any! I will PM you my team later for safekeeping, once I find where I left my memory stick 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YorkshireBanker 175 Posted December 7, 2021 Angela Lansbury(Murder She Wrote) Chita Rivera(Tony Award Winner) Dick McTaggart(Olympic Boxer) Dot Wilkinson(Hall Of Fame Athlete) Frank Williams(Comedy Actor) Gwyneth Jones(Opera Soprano) Hannah Wants(DJ) Inga Tobiasson(Tv Presenter) Jeanette Charles(Charecter Actress) Jerry Lee Lewis(Us Musician) June Spencer(English Actress) Kim Woodburn(Reality TV Icon) Lynne Reid Banks(The Indian In The Cupboard Author) Mai Raud Pahn(Estonian Historian) Margaret Stuart Barry(Simon And The Witch Series Author) Milos Zeman(Czech Rep. President) *Joker* Mo Moreland(Rotund Singer) Paula Rego(Master Painter) Phyllida Law(OBE Actress) Ross from Friends(Essex Born Record Producer) Sammy Chung(Watford Football Legend) Sandy Gall(Journalist/News Presenter) Sonny Caldinez(Muscular Actor) Terry Medwin(Spurs Football Legend) Vytautas Landsbergis(Lithuanian Former Head Of State) subs Jane Rossington (Soap Actress) Charles Bronson(Murderer) Leonor Oyarzun(Former 1st Lady of Chile) Nadia Cattouse(Actress/Singer/Songwriter) Nana Mouskouri(Greek Singer) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 7, 2021 2 hours ago, YorkshireBanker said: Angela Lansbury(Murder She Wrote) Thanks for that clarification YB - otherwise I wouldn't have a fucking clue which Angela Lansbury you meant! And as for Jerry Lee Lewis Team is all good- best of luck 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 8, 2021 Rather than edit the rules at this stage, I'll just put this here. When entering a team, please put a brief description in brackets after their name IF THERE IS A REASONABLE CHANCE THAT THEY COULD BE CONFUSED WITH SOMEONE ELSE. You do not need to put in a description if they are relatively obscure (one persons relatively obscure is another persons household name!) but a quick google search will make it blindingly obvious who the pick is. I will be googling every name I haven't heard of anyhow, so if its the only name likely to appear on a google search, there is no need for clarification. On the other hand, if they are so obscure that they do not appear on the first page of a google search, you will need to add some details. Example from YB's entry above: Clarification of Frank Williams is needed, so I can be sure you didn't miss the recent death of the F1 owner and meant him. Clarification of Ross from Friends also a good idea so I can be sure that it wasn't David Schwimmer that was intended. On the other hand, even if I had never heard of Margaret Stuart Barry (I had) or Vytautas Landsbergis (nope), there is no doubt who the pick is, so you can save yourself the trouble of the brackets. Its one less thing for me to delete before I enter it on a spreadsheet. Thanks. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathByArsenic 49 Posted December 11, 2021 Pele Jean-Louis Trintignant Anne Vernon Francoise Hardy Jacques Delors *Joker Françoise Gilot Jean Philippe(Eurovision) Kerima (actress) Luis Ayala (tennis) Tom Cruise Alberto Fujimori Julia Reichert Erni Mangold Wilfredo Gomez(HOF Boxer) Jerry Lee Lewis Roland Burris Isabel Peron Milos Zeman Birthe Wilke Bernadette Chirac Mirta Díaz-Balart Frank Field Baroness Betty Boothroyd Sir Anthony Frank Mason Sirikit (Thailand's Queen mother) sub Yoko Ono Anouk Aimee Alain Delon Kane Tanaka 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeMoneypenny 60 Posted December 13, 2021 Ma Shitu Yang You (Scientist)-joker Socorro Cancio Ramos Chor Yuen Lisa Lu Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawānanakoa Paula Stafford(Fashion Designer) Jiang Zemin Asao Sano Grace Chang Chang Chang-sun Wu Tao-yan Tsin Ting Qin Yi Zhu Rongj Imelda Marcos Shane MacGowan Cheng-ning Yang Kamini Kaushal Emiko Miyamoto Shannen Doherty Julie Yeh Rebecca Pan Robert Kuok Rick Ross(rap) backup Lata Mengashkar Lucille Soong Lucio Tan James Hong Gwyneth Ho 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 13, 2021 Thanks for the entry Joemoneypenny - I have just spent a very pleasant hour looking through bios of old chinese actresses - very informative and entertaining. Not sure where Shane McGowan fits in with the general theme, but I'm sure he would enjoy their company. One snippet I liked was Rebecca Pan's name in Chinese - According to Wikipedia it is : simplified Chinese: 潘迪华; traditional Chinese: 潘迪華 - thank fuck for the simplification! Anyhow, I will leave it up to you to inform me if any of these people snuff it (with the few obvious exceptions) as it is unlikely that too many will appear on my radar. All good with your team too DeathbyArsenic - thanks for the entry and best of luck. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
msc 18,736 Posted December 13, 2021 Will just put my team here as its clear by now I keep the oldies on until they drop here. First here is the alphabetical list by first name as requested: Angela Lansbury Arnold Yarrow Betty White Bob Barker David Attenborough David Butler David Graham Dick van Dyke Donald Pelmear Eva Marie Saint Glynis Johns Henry Kissinger James Lovelock Jacques Delors Jill Knight Jimmy Carter June Lockhart Leslie Philips Mel Brooks Nehemiah Persoff Peter Tobin JOKER Queen Elizabeth II Tony Bennett William Russell Ysanne Churchman I assume these are all known names, or known faces at least! Tobin is the joker because he doesn't fit into the whole "old notables" thing. Sutcliffe had the good graces to die and save up a space for someone nice, time for Peter to fuck off too. In spoiler tags they are here in their original order for my notes (we've got to 1926 now), along with 5 subs in case any of these people fail to see 2022. Spoiler 1. Nehemiah Persoff 2. James Lovelock 3. Arnold Yarrow 4. Betty White 5. Henry Kissinger 6. Glynis Johns 7. Bob Barker 8. Leslie Philips 9. Eva Marie Saint 10. Jimmy Carter 11. William Russell 12. David Butler 13. Dame Jill Knight 14. Donald Pelmear 15. Angela Lansbury 16. Dick van Dyke 17. David Graham 18. Peter Tobin 19. Jacques Delors 20. June Lockhart 21. Ysanne Churchman 22. Queen Elizabeth II 23. David Attenborough 24. Mel Brooks 25. Tony Bennett subs 26. Gudrun Ure 27. Roger Corman 28. Stanley Baxter 29. Leonard Fenton 30. David Berglas 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 13, 2021 Thanks for the entry Msc. As you obviously carry over the names from one year to the next, I have put down David Butler the psephologist again, rather than the Irish author who is the first one to appear on a google search. Best of luck with your team of extreme oldies. (A pedant might point out that Jacques comes before James in alphabetical order, but really, who is that anal ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
msc 18,736 Posted December 13, 2021 17 minutes ago, An Fear Beag said: Thanks for the entry Msc. As you obviously carry over the names from one year to the next, I have put down David Butler the psephologist again, rather than the Irish author who is the first one to appear on a google search. Best of luck with your team of extreme oldies. (A pedant might point out that Jacques comes before James in alphabetical order, but really, who is that anal ) Yes, David Butler the elections expert. Good chap. 97 now. I am useless at alphabetical order (a brain issue) so relied on Word to bugger it up for me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 13, 2021 24 minutes ago, msc said: Yes, David Butler the elections expert. Good chap. 97 now. I must admit, last year when I saw on Deathray's master-list that you picked a psephologist, my first thought was "Why is msc picking a snake expert?!" That may be understandable, but 1/2 an hour ago when I checked the name against last years list, I thought exactly the same thing 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
msc 18,736 Posted December 13, 2021 4 minutes ago, An Fear Beag said: I must admit, last year when I saw on Deathray's master-list that you picked a psephologist, my first thought was "Why is msc picking a snake expert?!" That may be understandable, but 1/2 an hour ago when I checked the name against last years list, I thought exactly the same thing Haha, no, Sir David Butler basically invented how people cover elections before, during and after the fact - the swingometer was one of his, but so was working out the maths bit behind how safe (or marginal) all the seats are. For boring nerds like me he's an absolute boss in the stats field. The Beeb brought him back in 2015 when he was 91 and he tweeted (!) for the 2017 election, but he now lives in sheltered accommodation due to being very old. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pegasus 3 Posted December 16, 2021 On 05/12/2021 at 12:03, An Fear Beag said: Welcome to the 9th annual Hares Death Pool. As another year winds down, and the 2021 Hares Death Pool hots up, its time to start looking ahead to next years event. Since Deathray does not appear to have been granted clemency by the Mods to rejoin the site and reclaim his game, I will be taking on the task for another year. As always, should Deathers return and express a wish to take over, the game will be handed back. I appear to have been able to return for another brief stopover, but rest-assured I have absolutely no interested in taking this shitting pool over again so thanks for taking over the duties, and best of luck in future. Have fun with it. I'm just going to rest up and do nothing over new year for a change, after all it was the only time I really dedicated to this crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toast 16,388 Posted December 16, 2021 4 hours ago, Pegasus said: I appear to have been able to return for another brief stopover, but rest-assured I have absolutely no interested in taking this shitting pool over again so thanks for taking over the duties, and best of luck in future. Have fun with it. I'm just going to rest up and do nothing over new year for a change, after all it was the only time I really dedicated to this crap. All the best, Deathers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GuyFromFuture 73 Posted December 17, 2021 Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawānanakoa Constantine II of Greece Dick McTaggart Eleanor Collins(Canada's 1st Lady Of Jazz) Ethel Skakel Kennedy Hazel McCallion James Caan Jean-Louis Trintignant Juan Carlos I of Spain June Brown Luis Antonio Rivera Mahathir Mohamad Marianne Faithfull Norman Mineta (US Politician) Paolo Bonacelli Patricia Hamilton(Anna Of Green Gabbles) Pedro Ferrandiz Pele Shintaro Tsuji Sinead O'Connor Susie Steiner Ted Kotcheff Ursula Andress Vera Belmont Winnie Ewing(joker) subs Duchess Of Kent Glynis Johns William Russell (doctor who) Bill Russell(us basketball) Qin Yi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladyfiona 2,797 Posted December 18, 2021 Been a member here for years but always forgot to join in on these. So why not not. Anita Cornwell (writer) Aung San Suu Kyi (political prisoner) Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott) Betty Boothroyd (Politician) David Attenborough (likes animals) Derek Draper (political advisor) Dick van Dyke (actor) Eugenia Cooney (Youtuber) Janey Godley (Comedian) June Brown (Eastenders) June Spencer (The Archers) Katherine Jackson (Jackson 5 mother) Leslie Phillips (actor) Linda Nolan (Nolan Sister) Phil Collins (drummer) Pope Benedict (religious person) Milos Zeman (Czech president) Martin Bashir (journalist) Ned Rorem (composer) Rita Moreno (West Side Story) Rolf Harris (artist) Shannen Doherty (Prue Halliwell) Sidney Poitier (actor) Vanessa Redgrave (actress) Yoko Ono (screaming artist) Subs Carleton Carpenter (writer) Dalai Lama -Got promoted- ignore this EDIT - Betty White did get submitted but has now been replaced with my sub Dick van Dyke due to her death on NYE. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
An Fear Beag 1,654 Posted December 18, 2021 16 hours ago, ladyfiona said: Been a member here for years but always forgot to join in on these. So why not not. Anita Cornwell (writer) Aung San Suu Kyi (political prisoner) Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott) Betty Boothroyd (Politician) Betty White (actress) David Attenborough (likes animals) Derek Draper (political advisor) Eugenia Cooney (Youtuber) Janey Godley (Comedian) June Brown (Eastenders) June Spencer (The Archers) Katherine Jackson (Jackson 5 mother) Leslie Phillips (actor) Linda Nolan (Nolan Sister) Phil Collins (drummer) Pope Benedict (religious person) Milos Zeman (Czech president) Martin Bashir (journalist) Ned Rorem (composer) Rita Moreno (West Side Story) Rolf Harris (artist) Shannen Doherty (Prue Halliwell) Sidney Poitier (actor) Vanessa Redgrave (actress) Yoko Ono (screaming artist) Subs Carleton Carpenter (writer) Dalai Lama Dick van Dyke (actor) Could you be a bit more specific ladyfiona - which Dalai Lama did you mean? (all good with the team) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MariNisia 4,315 Posted December 23, 2021 Ady Barkan Alain Delon Alice Munro Bill Turnbull (242 points) Bob Barker Bobby Charlton Connie Stevens George Alagiah Glynis Johns Harry Belafonte (joker) Jacques Delors Jacquie Beltrao Jean-Louis Trintignant (167 points) Jimmy Carter Jimmy Lydon (67 points) Joe Negri Kat Bjelland Larry Storch (188 points) Leo Esaki Leslie Phillips (310 points) Mikhail Gorbachev (241 points) Pope Benedict XVI (614 points) Sidney Poitier (5 points) Vic Elford (71 points) Yoko Ono subs: Jerry Lee Lewis Burt Bacharach Jana Bennett Guy Lafleur Louis Gossett, Jr. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites