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Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

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Hello everyone!


Thanks for all your greetings. Windsor was right - I've been off work today so haven't had time to waste on the forum!

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Got to go now .... alcohol to be consumed.


See you all on Monday. :P

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Happy Birthday!


This should get any excess alcohol out of your system.



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Happy Birthday!


This should get any excess alcohol out of your system.




I can see Windor adding this to his list of favourite sites :D

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Happy Birthday!


This should get any excess alcohol out of your system.




I can see Windor adding this to his list of favourite sites :P


Ahhhh - It burns, it burns.... :P:eshock::flame::D

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Happy Birthday Lady Die. :P


Lashings of ginger beer (particularly nice with gin actually).


Is that so? I'll try tonight then.

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Happy Birthday!


This should get any excess alcohol out of your system.



Sob. That brought a tear to my eye. ;)

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Happy Birthday Lady Die. :P


Lashings of ginger beer (particularly nice with gin actually).


Is that so? I'll try tonight then.


It was Arthur Lowe's favourite drink apparently. Jolly nice with a slice of lemon.

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Belated birtherday greetings Tempe. May you succumb to many more.................

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Well. I know I'm new around here, but allow me to serenade (and I use that term loosely) you with a little Newfoundland ditty:


"May you live a hundred years

May you drink a million beers

Get plastered you.. *ahem*

May you live a hundred years!"

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Well. I know I'm new around here, but allow me to serenade (and I use that term loosely) you with a little Newfoundland ditty:


"May you live a hundred years

May you drink a million beers

Get plastered you.. *ahem*

May you live a hundred years!"


Many times we've laughed

Many times we've shed tears

But my friend the best is yet to come

So let me buy you a round of beers

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Hmmmmmm.....yet another birthday bash I missed.

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Hmmmmmm.....yet another birthday bash I missed.


Me too, I have done the online equivalent of being in the kitchen at the party and completely missing the cake being presented, and the accompanying rousing chorus of 'happy birthday to you'... :lol:


So I'll do it now, belatedly. Whether you like it or not.


Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Lady Diiiiiiiiiie,

Happy birthdaaaaaay tooooooo yooooooou!!!!!!


Hope that's not overkill; if it's any consolation my birthday greeting is closer to your actual birthday than I manage with most of my own family.... :D


clearly a slow day at work today....

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Happy DL Birthday Boudicca! :P


Many happy returns of the anniversary to you. Keep on maintaining the high standards of the DL forum as a member and a Mod. Keep on enjoying it!





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Well it seems like it's been years

Since the first time that we met

And you've givin me so much

That I can never forget

Everynight we glance at the same skies

We celebrate when ever somebody dies

You always hold a smoke and a glass of wine

I say hello Bou you say your doing fine

For me you save the day and I don't know why?

I guess I can call you a friend of mine

She claims that she was once a dancer

Who's past wasn't what she asked for

Though I think the angels peeked down and realized

She deserved so much more

Now she lives in a world of love

Away from all the suffering and pain

She used to drink what was on sale

Now she drinks the best champagne!

So I just came to show my appreciation

My thoughts and my honesty 4 real

To show my true gratefulness

To reveal the emotion that I feel

And we must now all agree

You and she and certainly me

That there is nobody like her I ever knew

Bou there is nobody like you

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Well it seems like it's been years


Bou there is nobody like you

Damn, almost exactly what I was going to say (except minus the skill, poetry etc.).... so I'll just say happy DL birthday instead!


And a big thank you for being the mod who welcomed me when I finally got off my lazy arse and started posting recently. It was much appreciated by me, not sure whether everyone else appreciates my insightful and relevant posting as yet. :lol:


Oh, and Brian wishes you all the best too, as demonstrated by his party hat-doffing. He doesn't just do that for everybody, you know. :D

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Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary Bou :P Here's to many more years of DL'ing :lol:

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I just saw this thread


Happy Birthday Boudicca :lol::P:D

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I must say, these must be the most belated Birthday greetings ever... :D

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I must say, these must be the most belated Birthday greetings ever... :D

It's now her Death List membership anniversary being celebrated, rather than her actual birthday, although I must admit I thought the same at first. :)

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Oh, I see.


Happy anniversary Boudicca.

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