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Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

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Thank you all so much for your congratulatory posts on this my paper anniversary.


Ah yes, the paper anniversary, did you get the £10 note all us mods sent you? We all had a whip round.


The postie must have nicked it.

Bloody Royal Mail!

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Happy Belated Windsor!


When I get more time on the internet, I'll be sure to post some July 3rd sexiness for you! :D

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Yes, for today marks my first year at the DL.

Doesn't time fly when your having fun!

It appears as though I missed a significant anniversary at the hands of Mother Nature, so...


:angry::eshock:Congratulations Windsor!!! :eshock:;)


on a fine three-hundred-and-sixty-five-days'-worth of posting eloquence.


Please do enjoy a Pimms from your vintage imitation royal mug on me. :)

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Thank you ie for those kind words.


I think I've milked this event as far as possible (post wise). Now I look forward to my actual Birthday on the 28th :angry:.

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Thank you ie for those kind words.


I think I've milked this event as far as possible (post wise). Now I look forward to my actual Birthday on the 28th :angry:.

Ah yes, the actual birth day... a perfect excuse to procure the super-pricey, ever-shiny mint orbette.

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Happy Birthday waffals!


1 post in total over 6 months on the DL? "0 posts per day" average? That's what I call selective posting. Even Ghandi had less self-control than that :lol:

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OOps Sorry I'm Late Windy


Happy Birthday my friend <_<


Hope your day was fun...else..just have another one. Also just so I won't be late next time


Happy Birthday on the 28th ...hehehe




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Thank you scsi, I probably enjoyed my 3rd of July more than I will the 28th for on the 28th I'll have to talk to relatives.


They will all ask 'are you enjoying uni', 'how'd the exams go', and the great uncle who is always a year out will probably ask if I'm planning to learn to drive.

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Happy Birthday to Phantom

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Happy Birthday to Phantom


awww schucks :lol:

I have to wait another 12 hours before I can open any presents though. damn I hate these time zones :D

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Happy Birthday Phantom!

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How's the Phantomette?

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Happy Birthday Phantom :D

Did you get a ' Happy Birthday Daddy ' card? If not, don't worry, your little baby is too young yet to go out to the shops on her own - she'll soon be begging money from you so she can buy you something nice :D


Have a great day.xx

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:DHippos and Birdies, Phantom!! :D


Hope you have a great one!

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Happy Birthday Phantom.

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Happy Birthday, Phantom!

Hope you have a great day.


Six, being a baby is no excuse for not going out & getting Daddy a card. They have to learn to be independent & self-sufficient ASAP. :D

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I have a card that's marked to "Daddy" waiting for me when I get home from work.

I opened the present from my parents first thing this morning, as given the time difference, they will be calling me around 1ish in the afternoon here to wish me happy birthday and also I can let them know that I loved the t-shirt and also my plague rat hand puppet :D

Phantomette is doing very well, weighs just over 8lb and is growing at a rate of 1 inch each month. So at 21 inches, it won't be very long before she's taller than her grandmother (4ft 10in) <_<


I need to visit this thread more often, so apologies to anyone's birthday I've forgotten. Wasn't being rude, just forget to visit :D

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I opened the present from my parents first thing this morning, as given the time difference, they will be calling me around 1ish in the afternoon here to wish me happy birthday and also I can let them know that I loved the t-shirt and also my plague rat hand puppet :D

Like this? What a fab gift.

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I opened the present from my parents first thing this morning, as given the time difference, they will be calling me around 1ish in the afternoon here to wish me happy birthday and also I can let them know that I loved the t-shirt and also my plague rat hand puppet :D

Like this? What a fab gift.


That's the one!!! :D

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I opened the present from my parents first thing this morning, as given the time difference, they will be calling me around 1ish in the afternoon here to wish me happy birthday and also I can let them know that I loved the t-shirt and also my plague rat hand puppet :D

Like this? What a fab gift.


That's the one!!! :D

Don't frighten Phantomette!

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I opened the present from my parents first thing this morning, as given the time difference, they will be calling me around 1ish in the afternoon here to wish me happy birthday and also I can let them know that I loved the t-shirt and also my plague rat hand puppet :D

Like this? What a fab gift.


That's the one!!! :D

Don't frighten Phantomette!


bu..bu.bu..but she giggles at it

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Happy Birthday <_< Phantom! :D :D:D:D


I shall spare you any of my 'witticisms' today; it is your birthday after all and that's the best present I can offer!

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Happy Birthday Phantom!


All the best to you and yours!

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