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King Harald V of Norway

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Doing a bit of research this morning and came across the following very recent news item.


Norway's King Harald V, 67, resumed his royal duties Tuesday after more than four months on sick leave recovering from bladder cancer surgery.


Was anyone aware he has cancer? One to watch.


DWB ;)

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doesn't this guy raise the age old (or should that be old age?) debate about whether he's famous enough. I'll grant you:


a) we know there is a Norway


but before seeing the posting below did we know:


a) Norway currently has a king

;) that said king was named Harald

c) that he was the fifth King Harald

d) even one salient fact about him, other than he was King of Norway?


Now, Ron Santo I've heard of......

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He's not up there in the Princess Di league I grant you but is he any less famous than ex-Queen Juliana of the Netherlands?


DWB ;)

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Im with Ronnie on this one


Check out ...Great Norwegians


Harald doesnt even make it to there, although I do admit they have missed the guys from Morten Harkett and the guys from AHA and Royksopp.

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Well, all I can add is that in the list of Great Norwegians, the only ones I recognise are already dead, which if I understand the rules correctly, disqualifies any of them from next years list - even if it would give a good start to the year ;)


Oh, apart from Walter (Fritz) Mondale, who qualifies as a Norwegian by dint of being born in Minnesota and becoming Vice-President of the US!


Ronnie, I'm sure, will have fond memories of old Fritz, having walloped him in the 1984 election.

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Now, I know y'all think I'm a moron, but isn't "Great Norwegians" an oxymoron?


Walter Mondale. Ah yes, one of my favorite whipping boys. Crushed him when he was Carter's toady, then crushed him again when he tried to take me on himself.


And is DWB suggesting the ugly one out of Abba wasn't even Swedish?

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(before anyone asks-yes today is a very slow day at work. however all i post is true)


I have a friend who is a member of the Norweigian royal family . He assures me that Harad is in fine health.

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Yes, the King had a few health troubles over a year ago. I believe that he had cancer and for a while the Crown Prince led a Regency. He had surgery and now he seems to be doing fine.

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How could they include Walter Mondale and ignore the members of Burzum and other death metal bands?

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I had him on my very first DDP season, but his age plus the fact that he has beaten smoking, cancer & had a successful heart bypass means I think he will go on for a few more years. He has aged a lot lately though..

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He seems to be doing alright these days. Probably past the worst of it.


I noticed that Queen Beatrix was in hospital with pnemonia earlier this month.

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I had him on my very first DDP season, but his age plus the fact that he has beaten smoking, cancer & had a successful heart bypass means I think he will go on for a few more years. He has aged a lot lately though..

He's a corpse tease at its finest.

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Emperor Akihito had prostate cancer in 2002 but he seems to be doing pretty well at the moment.


Queen Beatrix wasn't in hospital long with the pneumonia, so it looks as though she's doing well.


Stubborn lot, these royals.

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Stubborn lot, these royals.

You can say that again.


If I were Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, I would just give up and die to give Windsor lots of points on DDP. ;)

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Sounds fairly minor. I've always seen Harald V as a trap for novice deathlisters. On the surface, he has all the signs of an excellent candidate. But when you really look deep down, I think it becomes clear that he has plenty of time yet.

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Judging by all his recent health problems, Harald V must have the lifestyle of Jim Royale (from the cult comedy series the Royale Family).*



*By that I don't mean they bothe sponge off the State.

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I agree Harold is a tease of the first order. (Order of the Tease?) As a royal figure he'll get the absolute best care his country can provide or can afford to have provided for him. His essential value to the state (a little light sacasm there) demands that he have the finest treatment possible and they'll probably spare no expense keeping him around.

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Guest Norway

Harald will be dead before 2010.

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Since you've got the inside track on this just give us the date and we'll pencil him in for the appropriate DDP.

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