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September 11th

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New 9/11 video released.


Too much traffic seems to have overloaded the Judicial Watch site, so I can't link directly to it, but I'm sure it'll be available soon enough.


I found this to be highly offensive Canadian Paul and have reported it as such.

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Aye, there were quite a number of unanswered questions about why that plane fully loaded with fuel didn't appear to cause the pentagon to catch fire when it crashed into it. Supposedly.


All sounds very doubtful to me. Still, if we blindly accept what is fed to us in the news, or simply believe what suits our prejudices, then we are no better than any conspiracy theorists.


I'm keeping an open mind on the subject.


Especially as I wouldn't trust the current administration to peel me an orange.

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Especially as I wouldn't trust the current administration to peel me an orange.


No doubt that's because its speciality is currents. Perhaps it could peel you a grape.

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New 9/11 video released.


Too much traffic seems to have overloaded the Judicial Watch site, so I can't link directly to it, but I'm sure it'll be available soon enough.


I found this to be highly offensive Canadian Paul and have reported it as such.


I haven't removed the link as its been on the T.V. a couple of times (in this country anyway) Maybe another mod might want to remove it. What I can do, is to close the topic so it can fade into DL obscurity.

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New 9/11 video released.


Too much traffic seems to have overloaded the Judicial Watch site, so I can't link directly to it, but I'm sure it'll be available soon enough.


I found this to be highly offensive Canadian Paul and have reported it as such.


I haven't removed the link as its been on the T.V. a couple of times (in this country anyway) Maybe another mod might want to remove it. What I can do, is to close the topic so it can fade into DL obscurity.


I really don't see what's so offensive about it, it's a historical event that happened being shown, and it is not being shown in an unneccesairily graphic manner. Should we stop showing the Pearl Harbor bombings in History Classes?

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New 9/11 video released.


Too much traffic seems to have overloaded the Judicial Watch site, so I can't link directly to it, but I'm sure it'll be available soon enough.


I found this to be highly offensive Canadian Paul and have reported it as such.


I haven't removed the link as its been on the T.V. a couple of times (in this country anyway) Maybe another mod might want to remove it. What I can do, is to close the topic so it can fade into DL obscurity.


I really don't see what's so offensive about it, it's a historical event that happened being shown, and it is not being shown in an unneccesairily graphic manner. Should we stop showing the Pearl Harbor bombings in History Classes?


It is the nature of the posting Paul. It struck me as highly inappropriate to be placed here and reeks with a political stink which definitely does not belong in something as sacred as a death froum.

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Why oh why is everyone freaking out about this footage of the Pentagon incident? I have had that footage on my hard-drive for over 4 years since it was first put on the internet. It's been all over the internet for years, so why is everyone saying it's "newly declassified"?


p.s. This is not a plane. It will, however, make a large hole in most buildings. Go figure...

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Why oh why is everyone freaking out about this footage of the Pentagon incident? I have had that footage on my hard-drive for over 4 years since it was first put on the internet. It's been all over the internet for years, so why is everyone saying it's "newly declassified"?


p.s. This is not a plane. It will, however, make a large hole in most buildings. Go figure...



I guess you had to actually BE there and SEE it f...ing happen to comprehend the horrific nature of the entire day. Toss in two losses of people you knew there and maybe some small part of it will register in your mini-brain.


Did I mention the stench of death in the air for the weeks following?

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It is the nature of the posting Paul. It struck me as highly inappropriate to be placed here and reeks with a political stink which definitely does not belong in something as sacred as a death froum.


Political? What the hell? I'm a freaking Canadian, I don't get political about American politics on online forums.


Furthermore, the link goes to the CNN article about the release of the video, not even the video itself.


Seeing as how you're so offended though, I've removed the link in my post anyhow. If others want to do that or not do that, that's their perogative. It's not a battle I'm particularly interested in fighting.

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Edit on a little Wagner and it's quite a stunning bit of film.

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Go away dear, you bore me to death.

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I guess you had to actually BE there and SEE it f...ing happen to comprehend the horrific nature of the entire day. Toss in two losses of people you knew there and maybe some small part of it will register in your mini-brain.


Did I mention the stench of death in the air for the weeks following?

I'm not going to doubt the horror of being there at the time, it's probably beyond my comprehension unless in the future I'm ever unfortunate enough to witness something of comparable destruction.


But, isn't the line of thought that 'things that have personal connections should not be discussed' heading down the line of agreeing with ranters who may personally know a DL candidate being outraged at us discussing their potential demise? Or have I misunderstood what is particularly annoying you about the last few posts relating to the video?


It's only a thought, I'm not trying to start an argument. Again, if I'd been there too I'd probably find it much harder to remain objective, if I even wanted to be objective.

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So many views expressed here and they all seem to be correct.

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So many views expressed here and they all seem to be correct.


What, all of them?


I always found the Srebreniza massacre by the Serbs in Bosnia as a far worse spectacle than Sept 11th. Four times as many people killed, closer to Devon than New York, also televised and, most critically it could have been stopped if the UN forces on the ground there had been given permission to use their guns instead of wave them around like lollypop sticks.

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While we're on the subject of rememberance what do people think about the £1million ear marked for a memorial to the dead, of the 7th July bombing? That and a 2 minute silence?

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While we're on the subject of rememberance what do people think about the £1million ear marked for a memorial to the dead, of the 7th July bombing? That and a 2 minute silence?


A bit like this one you mean?



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While we're on the subject of rememberance what do people think about the £1million ear marked for a memorial to the dead, of the 7th July bombing? That and a 2 minute silence?


I actually thought the minute's silence London held last year was one of the city's finest moments, at least where I was. All the traffic stopped, even taxis and bikes, everyone was silent, and for one of the few times in my life I was fairly moved. I'm no psychologist but it seemed an important part of moving on with life. I stopped casting suspicious looks at every Middle Eastern (and Brazillian) looking guy I saw carrying a backpack on the tube after that.

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A bit like this one you mean?



Bravo Sir! clapper9yr.gif


I actually thought the minute's silence London held last year was one of the city's finest moments, at least where I was. All the traffic stopped, even taxis and bikes, everyone was silent, and for one of the few times in my life I was fairly moved. I'm no psychologist but it seemed an important part of moving on with life. I stopped casting suspicious looks at every Middle Eastern (and Brazillian) looking guy I saw carrying a backpack on the tube after that.

Why a two minute silence though? Does it compare to Armistice Day?


As for the million quid... didn't one of the MP's excuse the attack as a lack of funding in the intelligence service? Why not give the million quid to the security services?

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Guest Average Joe

That was fitting as a one-off gesture but there are so many bloody silences these days - hardly a football match without a black armband plus silence, then all those bunches of flowers on railings where a biker has come off - that the gesture has become diluted in what really is the new fashion of visible grief. It's akin to the Victorian era when mourning became all the rage.

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That was fitting as a one-off gesture but there are so many bloody silences these days - hardly a football match without a black armband plus silence, then all those bunches of flowers on railings where a biker has come off - that the gesture has become diluted in what really is the new fashion of visible grief. It's akin to the Victorian era when mourning became all the rage.

But it does give solace to so many, so how can we begrudge it?

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Guest Average Joe

That was fitting as a one-off gesture but there are so many bloody silences these days - hardly a football match without a black armband plus silence, then all those bunches of flowers on railings where a biker has come off - that the gesture has become diluted in what really is the new fashion of visible grief. It's akin to the Victorian era when mourning became all the rage.

But it does give solace to so many, so how can we begrudge it?


Because it's so bloody maudlin. People are wallowing in grief. Sentimentalism has become a fashion. I think it started with Diana's death, the Candle-in-the-wind phenomenon. Personally I find it sick-making. I don't want to see bunches of garage-forecourt flowers and little shrines popping up all over the place. They make the place untidy.

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The alleged mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, has said he will 'welcome martyrdom'


And a new vest. And a Phillips Ladyshave.





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Not really. The US government is happy to distract you away from its security blunders. Someday I will write a book. I was on vacation in New Jersey ( I heard it was a good time to go).

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One more point. I don't know one person in DC or NY that thinks that this was missiles or any other butsh*t. People saw the plane from there offices on the Potomic and on Memorial Bridge. People in the Petagon, etc.

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