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Joan Rivers, Please Lord

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What I don't get is why some people go around calling women who do acting "actors", when surely "actress" is the correct usage.  The Academy Award goes to the "Best Actress", not the "Best Female Actor".

I suppose in the modern age of acting an actor goes for both

men and women. I don't think it should be. The word actress

was created for a purpose.


Sadly some things have changed. We now call sitcoms Reality TV. ;)

Quite right Banshees,


female comics are comediennes not comedians, otherwise why does the word exist.


Do waitresses want to be called waiters now?

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I wish I could bang her & Paris Hilton's skulls together in somekind of oversized newton's cradle.

Could I just bang Paris Hilton ? ;)

Only if you're very drunk and enjoy your morning VD.

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What I don't get is why some people go around calling women who do acting "actors", when surely "actress" is the correct usage.  The Academy Award goes to the "Best Actress", not the "Best Female Actor".

I suppose in the modern age of acting an actor goes for both

men and women. I don't think it should be. The word actress

was created for a purpose.


Sadly some things have changed. We now call sitcoms Reality TV. :ph34r:

The Guardian always calls actresses "actors" in its birthday list. But that's probably because it's an artyfarty newspaper.

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I wish I could bang her & Paris Hilton's skulls together in somekind of oversized newton's cradle.

Could I just bang Paris Hilton ? :ph34r:

Only if you're very drunk and enjoy your morning VD.

One night in Paris would be fun, it says so in the tourist brochures.


Don't worry I would have a full set Bridgestones on to make sure I could steer out of danger.


However, I never played piano with my gloves on. A hole new experience :D

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I wish I could bang her & Paris Hilton's skulls together in somekind of oversized newton's cradle.

Could I just bang Paris Hilton ? :ph34r:

Only if you're very drunk and enjoy your morning VD.

Antibiotics will cure the VD, but how could I get it past Mrs Josco?

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Joan's been kicked off a TV show for calling Russell Crowe a f*&%ing sh£t live on air. Or was it a f%$*ing sh#t? Either way, she's f$*^ing right.

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It's hard to post a link from my phone, but there is a developing story on TMZ that Joan Rivers stopped breathing during throat surgery and has been hospitalized

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It's hard to post a link from my phone, but there is a developing story on TMZ that Joan Rivers stopped breathing during throat surgery and has been hospitalized




She has also made some pretty outlandish remarks recently. Maybe it's the mind slipping. If she survives this, she looks like a good bet for 2015.

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It's hard to post a link from my phone, but there is a developing story on TMZ that Joan Rivers stopped breathing during throat surgery and has been hospitalized




She has also made some pretty outlandish remarks recently. Maybe it's the mind slipping. If she survives this, she looks like a good bet for 2015.


So er... let me guess, she must be senile because she dared to have a so-called "dissenting" opinion on a certain ongoing world event recently?


By the sounds of things you guys over there must be busy warming up some old ovens you haven't used in a while.....

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By the sounds of things you guys over there must be busy warming up some old ovens you haven't used in a while.....


She literally said: "You're dead, you deserve to be dead - you started it."



At the same time she asked Selena Gomez to "shut up about Gaza":




She also called President Obama gay and Michelle Obama a "tranny":




She also said that Justin Bieber should stop behaving like a "big, black thug (...) you are ordinary and completely white":


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Wow you're keeping a dossier..... okay. I guess you didn't realise the old cow has made a career out of saying "outrageous" things. The first two are just understandable overreactions to the excessive pro-Palestinian media coverage/internet chatter....


And the fact that she actually knows who Justin Bieber is probably means she's a lot more mentally alert than most 80 year olds.....

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Nah, it's called Google. Yes, she has made a career of saying outrageous things, mostly about d-list stars and plastic surgery. Justin Bieber is her portfolio so to say, so that's understandable even if completely stereotyping. However, it's not her job to judge the Middle East conflict, or using homosexuality as a slur.

But then I didn't know you were a fan.

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Nah, it's called Google. Yes, she has made a career of saying outrageous things, mostly about d-list stars and plastic surgery. Justin Bieber is her portfolio so to say, so that's understandable even if completely stereotyping. However, it's not her job to judge the Middle East conflict, or using homosexuality as a slur.

But then I didn't know you were a fan.


Yeah..... when you say stuff like that you're falling into bad stereotypes again..... y'know "stepping out of line" and stuff.

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Yeah..... when you say stuff like that you're falling into bad stereotypes again..... y'know "stepping out of line" and stuff.


It's hard to step any more out of line or using stereotypes even more when you've already thrown the holocaust at me in your first reply. But now I see why you're a fan of Mrs. (Ms.?) Rivers.

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I am a fan of Joan Rivers-although she was out of order saying some of the things she did about the Middle East by in large she says exactly what people think and is one of those brutally honest battleaxes/divas who is very entertaining to watch!I hope she recovers!

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I am a fan of Joan Rivers-although she was out of order saying some of the things she did about the Middle East by in large she says exactly what people think and is one of those brutally honest battleaxes/divas who is very entertaining to watch!I hope she recovers!


Now that's a scary thought... if "everyone" is thinking the kind of stuff she usually says.


(p.s. I just saw she's now "stable". Also she already had her own thread, someone move these posts?)



Edited by Paul Bearer
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I guess I just have a dark side-humour is best when black like on this site!

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Haha brilliant-distasteful but brilliant!

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Joan Rivers may be permanently brain damaged according to medical experts :(

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Joan Rivers may be permanently brain damaged according to medical experts :(


So no change then?

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