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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2006

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I'm fascinated by the fact that parmesan cheese and vomit have a common ingredient. I always thought the ready grated stuff smelt of sick.


What amazed me was that I knew that. :) No wonder my father called parmesan "stinky foot cheese."

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... ;)

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... ;)


Do what he said. And then tell your friends to do the same.

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... ;)


Do what he said. And then tell your friends to do the same.


If you're stuck for something to do whilst wating for death, might I suggest you try one of these?

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... ;)


Do what he said. And then tell your friends to do the same.


If you're stuck for something to do whilst wating for death, might I suggest you try one of these?


Good man Mr Crossed!


You have my vote.

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... ;)


Do what he said. And then tell your friends to do the same.


If you're stuck for something to do whilst wating for death, might I suggest you try one of these?


So whos the post whore now, Star Crossed?

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Death in the Deep Freeze: Stranger than Fiction


Cryonics believers sign up to be frozen after death in the hope of a second chance of life. This programme follows the remarkable journey of one woman from life to death, and her suspension in a tomb of liquid nitrogen, and asks if this controversial project has any chance of success.

Just in case anyone was tantalised by the description of this programme and was gutted that they missed it, it's being replayed tonight on C5 at 11pm.

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Your results: You are an Expendable Character (Redshirt)

Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed, and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable. That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first episode you appeared in.


Go figure. *sigh*

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SPOCK (75%)


You are skilled in knowledge and logic.

You believe that the needs of the many

outweigh the needs of the few.


That's ok I suppose, but I wanted to be 7 of 9... she's very like me... honest.

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Well Seems I'm Chekov with 80%


Got Scotty and Riker at 75%





Cool happy enough with that Keptin




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Will Riker, a bit after my time.

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You are Q, an egotistical self deluding fu*kwit,

ever considered a career in politics?

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Do your best to stop a war! Spend your Saturday in London, publicly demonstrating your disaffection with your fascist government and its policies. You know it makes sense.


Tell Tony Blair that you're sick of his support for illegal wars.


and maybe, just maybe, drop a line to your local Member Of Parliament and tell 'em what's on your mind... :(


Do what he said. And then tell your friends to do the same.


If you're stuck for something to do whilst wating for death, might I suggest you try one of these?


Good man Mr Crossed!


You have my vote.


Mine too SC, thanks for the links.

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An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 65%

Chekov 55%

Beverly Crusher 55%

Will Riker 55%

Spock 52%

Worf 50%

Jean-Luc Picard 50%

Leonard McCoy (Bones) 50%

Deanna Troi 50%

Data 37%

Uhura 35%

Geordi LaForge 30%

Mr. Scott 25%

James T. Kirk (Captain) 25%

Mr. Sulu 15%

Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed,

and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable.

That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you

were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first

episode you appeared in.

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Jean-Luc Picard



A lover of Shakespeare and other

fine literature. You have a decisive mind

and a firm hand in dealing with others.


I think the quiz may have it's faults...

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Apparently, the word 'Deathlist' has hidden meanings of power, materialism, leadership and organisation, among other things. You could waste time by finding the hidden meanings in your own names... or even the names of other people. :(

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this goes up to 23. Took a little Googling and a few hours of thought, but it's do-able






Done that.


Did anyone die?

Also done, although I refused to email the last answer to 'BinkelBop' as proof; I think I'd rather not be contacting anyone who'd go by that sort of childish name as a matter of choice...


Isn't that right, Cowboy Ronnie and Notapotato? <_<



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Conduct a fingertip search of a paedo's house & garden. I bet they are hoping to find more than just fingertips.

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Celebrate your 90th birthday by skydiving. If things go wrong you won't have to wait for death for too long.

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