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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2006

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One for the geeks who walk amongst us. Which Star Trek character are you?

Shoot to kill!, I'm James T. Kirk.


70% An Expendable Character (Redshirt)

55% Jean-Luc Picard

55% Data

55% Will Riker

35% James T. Kirk (Captain)

35% Uhura

20% Leonard McCoy (Bones)

20% Mr. Scott

20% Chekov

20% Geordi LaForge

20% Deanna Troi

15% Spock

10% Beverly Crusher

5% Worf

0% Mr. Sulu


Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed,

and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable.

That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you

were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first

episode you appeared in.

I doubt I'd get on the ship in the first place with percentages like that.


Also, <_<:) TF you clever devil you, Q isn't even on the list. I guess that proves your Q likeness then by ignoring the rules.

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An Expendable Character (Redshirt)An Expendable Character (Redshirt)






Beverly Crusher



Will Riker



Deanna Troi






James T. Kirk (Captain)



Leonard McCoy (Bones)



Geordi LaForge



Jean-Luc Picard






Mr. Scott









Mr. Sulu



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85% Mr Scott


You are a fun-loving foreigner with an

amazing ability to get any job done on time.

Often described as a "Miracle Worker".



Aye, that's me all right, Captain.

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Jean-Luc Pickard with 85%. Bit of a surprise there.

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I'm Uhura


You are a good communicator with a

pleasant soft-spoken voice.

Also a talented singer.


No idea how it came to that conclusion, I can't sing to save myself <_< .

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I'm Mr Scott. :angry:

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Read funny chat logs.


One seems to involve a DL member? Logging on as a moderator?

*** Topic in #doghouse is 'Our hearts are extended to the 17 victims of the recent internet fraud'
* Anubis has joined #doghouse
<Anubis> what fraud?
<Kadmium> You haven't heard about it?
<Anubis> no?
<Kadmium> You can read the full story at http://www.tubgirl.com
<Anubis> omg wtf!
*** Kadmium changes topic to 'Our hearts are extended to the 18 victims of the recent internet fraud'

Anubis was that you? I never can tell?

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If you have 5½ minutes to spare, check out Billy's Balloon. It gets better towards the end. Not having the sound on is no disadvantage.


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I dontt think it was me, the consistency and colour seemed a bit wrong, but then again, I cant see myself from that angle...oh, wait.









One seems to involve a DL member? Logging on as a moderator?


*** Topic in #doghouse is 'Our hearts are extended to the 17 victims of the recent internet fraud'

* Anubis has joined #doghouse

<Anubis> what fraud?

<Kadmium> You haven't heard about it?

<Anubis> no?

<Kadmium> You can read the full story at http://www.tubgirl.com

<Anubis> omg wtf!

*** Kadmium changes topic to 'Our hearts are extended to the 18 victims of the recent internet fraud'


Anubis was that you? I never can tell?

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This game has been driving* me mad all day.


I can't do it at all!


* No pun intended. Honest.

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This game has been driving* me mad all day.


I can't do it at all!


* No pun intended. Honest.

Got to the "parallel parking" bit, 3rd level, then touched the car behind me ever-so-slightly. Game Over!


I can see that game becoming addictive for bored office workers, so I've just sent it to a few :lol: The fact that one tiny touch of another car means "Game Over" is irritating, though. Still, there's not much that doesn't irritate me :P

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Become a

The world and his dog are talking about this guy!

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Become a
The world and his dog are talking about this guy!

I just love his wallpaper.

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Become a

The world and his dog are talking about this guy!

I just love his wallpaper.


Modern art it seems. When i'm down I always wish that I was in a totally silent room. Completely white.

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Not sure where to post this


Would a cartoon noose really persuade someone to commit suicide?

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If your name's Iain, and you think your a super cool dude, press here to take the test

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I'm a cat :birthday:


Come on then Godot, lets get the Mrs. Slowcomb joke out of the way.


Speaking of Godot, you don't suppose he may be the journalist who has been charged for Royal phone tapping. He hasn't been around for ages...

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I am a cat ... purrrrrrrr

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Surf a site full of information on fatal road accidents in the USA.


Fifteen fatal accidents in my zip code (75067) and everyone was going 98 mph.

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Either that or the dorks employed to investigate them had only mastered the writing of two numbers, I'm tellin' ya, cut taxes too far and public services fall apart.

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