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Charles Kennedy

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Guest Himler

Good riddence Mr Kennedy, we wouldn't want another Churchill would we! :lol:

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I'd agree that there was more chance of Oaten topping himself. He could be staring in to the abyss right now B)


Leadership bid over, exposed by the News of the World, stood down as Home Affairs spokesman, marriage over and under pressure to step down as an MP.


That could be described as a very very bad week in politics. I bet Mr Oaten

has at least considered suicide since Saturday night.


His website looks in serious need of updating. he remarks about how he is looking forward to a quiet weekend with his family... :)

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I'd agree that there was more chance of Oaten topping himself. He could be staring in to the abyss right now B)


Leadership bid over, exposed by the News of the World, stood down as Home Affairs spokesman, marriage over and under pressure to step down as an MP.


That could be described as a very very bad week in politics. I bet Mr Oaten

has at least considered suicide since Saturday night.


His website looks in serious need of updating. he remarks about how he is looking forward to a quiet weekend with his family... :)

As are his quotes about Blair's policy on prostitution being misguided...


At the end of the day, I've nothing against someone going to a gay prostitute - but if you are doing that, don't invite the tv cameras into your house to show you as an honest, family man.


And it's not as if all he did was sleep with the rent-boys...


As for Simon Hughes, Westminster has always known, but his by-election in 1983 against Peter Tatchell was outrageous - he portrayed himself as the "Straight Choice"

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His website looks in serious need of updating. he remarks about how he is looking forward to a quiet weekend with his family...


He might have a point, if I'd married him I wouldn't be speaking to him now!

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The publicity over his drinking problem has forced Charles Kennedy to resign as Liberal Democrat leader.


Embattled Kennedy quits as leader


"Mr Kennedy's resignation comes after 25 MPs delivered an ultimatum saying they would refuse to serve on the Lib Dem front bench unless he resigned by Monday. "

This time next year he will also still be leader of the Lib Dems.

I think Windsor should leave political forecasting to the professionals. :angry:


Well done Ming. Will it be the death of him?

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The publicity over his drinking problem has forced Charles Kennedy to resign as Liberal Democrat leader.


Embattled Kennedy quits as leader


"Mr Kennedy's resignation comes after 25 MPs delivered an ultimatum saying they would refuse to serve on the Lib Dem front bench unless he resigned by Monday. "

This time next year he will also still be leader of the Lib Dems.

I think Windsor should leave political forecasting to the professionals. :angry:


Well done Ming. Will it be the death of him?


No - hes seen a sign, Drink Canada Dry.

He will give it a shot.

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Listen, CK isn't gonna go anytime soon. If the past few turgid Liberal weeks have proven anything it's the lack of charisma and talent at the heart of the operation. Ming's missus looked gutted at his win and he barely sounded awake as he promised action and the taking of risks. Their 'hot' new discovery is a 51 year old with no big time political experience to speak of and the other two throwing their hats in the ring might as well have hired a hotel room and had a lengthy 69'er for all the good the campaign did them.


Meanwhile, Charlie boy - no longer in denial and mad as hell - still got the odd bit of coverage. If anything could inspire him to get clean and fight his way back it'll be the thought there's still a chance they'd welcome him again. I'll bet I'm not the only one guessing Ming's gonna look like refried leftovers the day after the next election as he tries to present an overall loss of seats and votes as some kind of victory. He'll be 67 at least and facing a mandatory debate on whether he continues as leader.


It'll be a Liberal snoozefest until that day, by my reckoning.

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Will Charles Kennedy's liver see out the year?


This time next year he will also still be leader of the Lib Dems.


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Listen, CK isn't gonna go anytime soon. If the past few turgid Liberal weeks have proven anything it's the lack of charisma and talent at the heart of the operation. Ming's missus looked gutted at his win and he barely sounded awake as he promised action and the taking of risks. Their 'hot' new discovery is a 51 year old with no big time political experience to speak of and the other two throwing their hats in the ring might as well have hired a hotel room and had a lengthy 69'er for all the good the campaign did them.


Meanwhile, Charlie boy - no longer in denial and mad as hell - still got the odd bit of coverage. If anything could inspire him to get clean and fight his way back it'll be the thought there's still a chance they'd welcome him again. I'll bet I'm not the only one guessing Ming's gonna look like refried leftovers the day after the next election as he tries to present an overall loss of seats and votes as some kind of victory. He'll be 67 at least and facing a mandatory debate on whether he continues as leader.


It'll be a Liberal snoozefest until that day, by my reckoning.

So we're left with Blair/Brown twuntship and the Baby Blair for the conservatives :)


Don't be Vague, vote for Hague.

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The most worrying thought is that the Liberal Democrats (who are neither) could hold the balance of power after the next election.


Thankfully, they'll as for the introduction of proportional representation in exchange for propping up either party - which both of them will refuse.


That would cause another snap General Election, where people would vote either Tory or Labour, just to stop the other winning, and the Lib Dems would be destroyed.


And I'll buy everyone a drink to celebrate.

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the Lib Dems would be destroyed.


No they wouldn't although the floating voter support would desert them in droves, leaving whoever was leading them at the time looking a complete loser.


I'm not prone to betting but I'd have a punt on one of the next two Lib Dem leaders being Kennedy.

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the Lib Dems would be destroyed.


No they wouldn't although the floating voter support would desert them in droves, leaving whoever was leading them at the time looking a complete loser.


I'm not prone to betting but I'd have a punt on one of the next two Lib Dem leaders being Kennedy.



I think Ming's going to be good for the LDs but I do think the whole thing could kill him. I'll give him two years max. He doesn't look as if he has a very robust constitution.

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Godot; the knives are already out for the man. Truth is he had an easy ride, often getting off lightly when the media wanted a comment on the wrongness of the Iraq war. Now he has to muster some fight and stay in touch the whole time he looks jaded and sorry.


Like I said, I think it entirely possible that one of the next two Lib Dem leaders will be a cleaned up Charlie boy. Don't see too many able and ambitious types emerging from their ranks unless you count Lembit Opik who looks more like an extra from The Lord of the Rings movies. The mere fact an alcoholic was more able and focussed than the supposed 'elder statesman' of their party speaks volumes about the lack of talent overall in their ranks.

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Charlie boy made the national news today because on Question Time he refused to rule out returning to the leadership. He was jokey and relaxed about the whole thing but it's noticeable how quickly the news hounds decided this was a story. Like I said earlier, don't bet against it.

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News of the World reckoned last Sunday he was planning a punt for his old job when Ming the Mediocre messes up the next election. Like I said, don't bet against it. The party has - maybe - 3 years to find a better candidate, they've already found some stinkers.

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It is logical, but perhaps he is still living in an alchol-induced dream world where he thinks he should still be in the job...


He'll finally snap and top himself soon enough.


I hope....

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Dr H


I doubt that. He knows well enough that 'talent' in that party sometimes amounts to having a pulse. I reckon if anything could motivate a man to clean up his act it would be the chance to get that job back. Has a lot of perks in terms of travel and profile and little danger of getting real power and being obliged to do something with it. It's notable that the erudite and sober Ming Campbell is a less effective leader than the sozzled over-grown school boy so the stage is set for Clean Kennedy.

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But clean Charlie K wouldn't be anywhere near as good.


And he could end-up with that annoying recovering-alcholic "holier than thou" attitude.


Mark Oaten would be a better leader... :)

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But clean Charlie K wouldn't be anywhere near as good.


And he could end-up with that annoying recovering-alcholic "holier than thou" attitude.


Mark Oaten would be a better leader... :)


Not sure about the lead, but was Mr Oaten the 'plug' or the 'socket'?

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Not sure about the lead, but was Mr Oaten the 'plug' or the 'socket'?



Oaten was mainly scat, and I'm not too sure whether he was top or bottom.


Incidentally, he is standing down at the next election so could he get bored in retirement and top himself?

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Mr Oaten appears to be trying to carve out a career in journalism and the media, so I expect he'll be driving a mini-cab soon.

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TBH I don't care that much but Kennedy struck me as a human being which puts him one up on Blair and Cameron in my book. He doesn't strike me as a holier than thou kind mainly because he seems to see leading a party as a daunting job. I mean, obviously if you're pissed all day...


I'd love to see them appoint Oaten as leader simply because every one on one with John Humphries and Jeremy Paxman would be classic until he suffered a nervous breakdown or topped himself.

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Indeed, was he the scatteur or the scattee?


Not sure about the lead, but was Mr Oaten the 'plug' or the 'socket'?



Oaten was mainly scat, and I'm not too sure whether he was top or bottom.


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Indeed, was he the scatteur or the scattee?
Not sure about the lead, but was Mr Oaten the 'plug' or the 'socket'?
Oaten was mainly scat, and I'm not too sure whether he was top or bottom.
If there's three or more scatteurs with dodgy stomachs involved in some sort of chain-scat, presumably that's where the term Gravy Train comes from? ;)


I always was dubious about buying scatter cushions.... :D:D


Bags I get to be 'Lucky Pierre'!*


*probably best not to ask.

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