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When Deathlisters Go Shopping

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:unsure: I bought a cat scratching post last week.
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I bought a piano today. Seventy Two bucks well spent I say.

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I bought a piano today. Seventy Two bucks well spent I say.

$72? Does it play?

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:unsure: I bought a cat scratching post last week.

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I bought a piano today. Seventy Two bucks well spent I say.

$72? Does it play?

Absolutely. It's going to cost nearly twice that to have it moved across town.


Although as they stated in the auction "Three keys dont (sic) work, the right black key, the left white and black key, but is generally in good condition" which means the bottom A and B flat stick and the top A needs a hammer repair. But who plays those ones anyway?

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I bought a piano today. Seventy Two bucks well spent I say.

$72? Does it play?

Absolutely. It's going to cost nearly twice that to have it moved across town.


Although as they stated in the auction "Three keys dont (sic) work, the right black key, the left white and black key, but is generally in good condition" which means the bottom A and B flat stick and the top A needs a hammer repair. But who plays those ones anyway?


Only $72? That and the moving costs seem to be well worth it. What made someone want only $72, was there a dead body stuffed in it at some point?


For a while, I collected Baseball and American Football memorabilia...but shortly after I started, I realized I didn't have space for it all and I didn't trust the storage space in my apartment complex.

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I'm a college student, so I don't tend to buy too many things for myself, but recentely I got myself a case for my iPod so that it won't keep getting scratched up and decided to use most of my $500 birthday gift on a week trip to Toronto this summer.


The rest of it goes towards our housewarming party this weekend. :party:

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We might be heading over to Canada this year, I have an aunt who lives if carleton place. Don't know the cost yet though!

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Bought wedding rings yesterday so thats me skint!


But I'll be able to save (hopefully) again, you'll be skint for the rest of your life :party::party:


How true, sold my motorbike 2 weeks ago to help pay for the wedding! :blink:

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I buy books. Haven't seen the surface of my desk for years because of all the books sitting there (we filled the bookcases up years ago so now the books are piled on desks and on the floor).


I buy books too Entropy, like you my house is full of them and the bookshelves were all filled up long ago, most available surfaces have a pile of books on them. I also have a thing about boots, some people buy shoes I love boots.

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I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult.


My Chav Sis has moved three times in the last year, but the only books she owns are the "Argos" and "Index" catalogues.

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I suspect that most Deathlisters are not natural shoppers.

So very true, I find retail emporia to be places of fear and loathing.



I just wondered, for the sake of comfort, if fellow Deathlisters have bought anything strange or anything they might have regretted?



Some years ago I bought WWI bayonet from a market stall, it has no useful modern purpose beyond being a rather dangerous letter opener.


Why did I buy it? I have no idea, other than the fact it is very satisfying to hold. Makes me feel almost Dunnesque.

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Far more useful is my US army entrenching tool, which I carry in the car "just in case". It comes in useful on camping trips when we go to obscure camp sights (called fields) and I use it to dig a, ahem, toilet. This is always appreciated by the family. I love to live close to nature, a passion which has never been shared by the Godmater and her Godettes.


Ray Godot Mears

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I suspect that most Deathlisters are not natural shoppers.

So very true, I find retail emporia to be places of fear and loathing.

Bite your tongue!


I am pretty much a shopaholic. I've recently had a lot of work to do, so it was no shopping for ie+ and I was starting to go through some serious withdrawal. However, yesterday I hit the shops and bought this (I'm big into tops with stuff on the back but not on the front), this (though with short sleeves - also stuff on the back, but also on the front), a top from here (that I can't show because my computer isn't souped up enough - it's pink and strappy and my mum says it looks like underwear), and this belt (which I love).


The next thing I am planning on buying is a ticket to see The Stills in April. Or quite possibly some footwear. Or some jewellery. Or all of the above. :party:


Most recent book I bought was Death's Door: Modern Dying and the Ways we Grieve (2006) by Sandra Gilbert. Let the good times roll!


Today I bought a car stereo, 4 speakers, etc...

ff - Sounds like you have one pimped-up ride - am currently rideless and very jealous!

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i will buy anything. for instance -


a) a chandalier from an old hotel. it is 8 ft across. it is still out in the barn.

b ) a cane with a sword in it.

c) a totem pole.

d) a beaded silk dress that i will never fit into. or have anyplace to wear . it weighs about 25 lbs. besides, how do you sit in one?

e) a set of teakwood handled flatware. for 30.

f) a 1948 plymouth deluxe, mostly in boxes. i have no mechanical ability.

g) books.


but then, i never throw anything away, either. i am a hopeless packrat.



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I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult.


My Chav Sis has moved three times in the last year, but the only books she owns are the "Argos" and "Index" catalogues.

Your Chav Sis sounds very entertaining. I have a Christian Sis and the only books she owns have "Jesus" in the title.

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I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult.

Difficult? Impossible, I'd say. Who gave those horrible instructions and on what authority? A mutiny seems in order.


I bought eight books today, most of them cheap:

I've recently built a new book case, so there's still some room left.


Apart from books, I rarely buy useless things.




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I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult.

Difficult? Impossible, I'd say. Who gave those horrible instructions and on what authority? A mutiny seems in order.


I'm moving to a newly built house which doesn't have five floor to ceiling built-in cupboards, so Mr B has suggested that I trawl through my books and get rid of those which I don't treasure.


The thing is, I threw out over 400 books last week, so I'm already down to my basics :unsure:


You are perfectly correct, Mr. Hein. It's an impossible task, and my mutiny shall take the form of storing them all in the loft.

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I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult.

Difficult? Impossible, I'd say. Who gave those horrible instructions and on what authority? A mutiny seems in order.


I'm moving to a newly built house which doesn't have five floor to ceiling built-in cupboards, so Mr B has suggested that I trawl through my books and get rid of those which I don't treasure.


The thing is, I threw out over 400 books last week, so I'm already down to my basics :o


You are perfectly correct, Mr. Hein. It's an impossible task, and my mutiny shall take the form of storing them all in the loft.


400 books!!! Talk about a library! :unsure:

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The thing is, I threw out over 400 books last week, so I'm already down to my basics :o


You are perfectly correct, Mr. Hein. It's an impossible task, and my mutiny shall take the form of storing them all in the loft.

400 books!!! Talk about a library! :unsure:

Removing 400 books from my library would free one or two book cases, but there'd still be seven full ones left. My insurance agent complains bitterly about my overly thick and expensive wallpaper.




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We have a small walk-in cupboard which I lined with shelves when we moved in here. Many of the shelves are two deep with books.


And then there is the sheet music.. and the CD's.. and the DVD's...


The funny thing is that ten years ago I lived in a VW bus and owned next to nothing.


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Removing 400 books from my library would free one or two book cases, but there'd still be seven full ones left. My insurance agent complains bitterly about my overly thick and expensive wallpaper.




Any way of measuring the insulation properties? It must save you a fortune on heating.

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Your Chav Sis sounds very entertaining.


She is! I had great fun with her last summer when my parents were in Spain. We were watching the news and the weather came on. I discovered that she couldn't place Spain, France or Germany on a map of Western Europe.


Her husband is even more amusing. He declined some dental work the other day on the grounds that if the tooth fell out, it would grow back.

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Your Chav Sis sounds very entertaining.


She is! I had great fun with her last summer when my parents were in Spain. We were watching the news and the weather came on. I discovered that she couldn't place Spain, France or Germany on a map of Western Europe.


Her husband is even more amusing. He declined some dental work the other day on the grounds that if the tooth fell out, it would grow back.


Is that the sister that Mr.B makes faces at? - Like when he checks out a photo of her? :D

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Your Chav Sis sounds very entertaining.


She is! I had great fun with her last summer when my parents were in Spain. We were watching the news and the weather came on. I discovered that she couldn't place Spain, France or Germany on a map of Western Europe.


Her husband is even more amusing. He declined some dental work the other day on the grounds that if the tooth fell out, it would grow back.




He sounds like a bloke i know!

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