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Allen must chew alot of that nicotine gum they sell on shelves. That is disgusting.

I agree. Selling stuff on shelves ought to be banned. Alot.

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The anti-smoking campaigner Allen Carr, has been diagnosed with lung cancer


He says:


"This has come as a shock but I remain very upbeat.”


He might as well start smoking again.



Devon, or whatever F**k your name is, i hope you die and burn in hell for eternity, you son of a bitch. Allen carr was a good man who helped a lot of people. You asshole, why would someone want to smoke again just because he has lung cancer? At least when allen dies, he would die a free man, not as some cigarrete company addict.


Thanks for the feedback, Sunsett 70. I'm practically beside myself with remorse, heaven only knows how I sleep at night .


Don't worry about my name, you can call me Sir.


P.S Have you got a light?

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Carr has published more than one book on how to stop smoking. Given that one of them is called The *Only* Way To Stop Smoking [emphasis mine], what does this say about the man's credibility... ? :rolleyes:

His books are called the Easyway not Only way. they work.

He has said that until he gave up, 23 years ago he was smoking 100 a day, and has since spent much time with other people smoking as they did his course.

He is now 75 and accepts his fate gracefully, His credibility intact.


I've been wondering why it is that unregistered users tend to be morons. Is it that the registration process is too trying for these monkeys? Either way, most of what they post is simply wrong. And don't even get me started on their poor grasp of English...

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Devon, or whatever F**k your name is, i hope you die and burn in hell for eternity, you son of a bitch. Allen carr was a good man who helped a lot of people. You asshole, why would someone want to smoke again just because he has lung cancer? At least when allen dies, he would die a free man, not as some cigarrete company addict.


Bit harsh and lacking in understanding I'd say. Quite a few ex-smokers start puffin' again in the terminal stages and I once worked a summer stint in a factory where some of those paid large sums to work stripping out asbestos were guys already on the way out with asbestosis. They could leave a few quid behind and had nowt more to lose from the work.


I wonder how many ex-posters will return here for a final few sessions when they get the bad news.

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anti smoking guru who has advised millions to give u smoking and gave up fags 23 years ago has died of lung cancer -aint life sh*t!

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Guest smithy

damn it I reported his death on the 'not exactly famous' thread-I didnt know about this one!

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Why do these arseholes keep dying too soon!


Ashes to Ashes...

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In one way, this is hugely annoying. He was my #1 Pick from September onwards, and was a perfect candidate.


But in three ways, on reflection, the annoyance is softened. One, I don't lose my tentative grip on the top 10 of the DDP 2006, two, it leaves a space free to try & fit someone else in now, which is much needed, and three... damn it! I thought, along with Puskas, I chose him for the CPDP. :)


I could've sworn I never chose Funicello, but what's there is there and I can't argue. :D



Oh sod it, it's very annoying after all.

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This is getting on my pissing nerves!!


Can't some of thses guys hold out till next year?


It'll be Lee Hazelwood next...... :)

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But in three ways, on reflection, the annoyance is softened. One, I don't lose my tentative grip on the top 10 of the DDP 2006, two, it leaves a space free to try & fit someone else in now, which is much needed, and three... damn it! I thought, along with Puskas, I chose him for the CPDP. :)


I could've sworn I never chose Funicello, but what's there is there and I can't argue. :D


Since I'm fairly prone to mistakes, I checked just to be sure, but yes Funicello is on there, Puskas and Carr were not.


I agree with TF though, I thought he'd hang out for longer.

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