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Death List Convention

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Ladies and Gents.

A spiffingly good feedback, a healthy attendance anticipated.

If you havent, want to, thinking about it, PM me.



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We could always meet up for a walk.

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Mary, if you want to turn up stark, b*ll*cked, naked, you go right ahead.

Just dont ask any of us to help you pull your wallet out from the crack of your a**e.

That would be stretching new friendships too far.

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Mary, if you want to turn up stark, b*ll*cked, naked, you go right ahead.

Just dont ask any of us to help you pull your wallet out from the crack of your a**e.

That would be stretching new friendships too far.

So where else am I supposed to park my bicycle?

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Where is the Convention this year? I need to sort out my disguise.

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Dunno Pooka, print your address and we'll come round there, eh? I think it's all handled by hush-hush PMing of the - ahem - 'delegates.' Somewhere in London as far as I understand.


Saw the new fixtures yesterday and Carlisle are away at Stockport on Nov 1st, that trip isn't grabbing me so I feel a little 'work' coming on in the South East that weekend.

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LFN already knows, but for benefit of others, the lesser-spotted DWB will be with you all at DL2.


DWB :rip:

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I daresay I too, shall at some stage be looking in on the proceedings.


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One of the more embarrassing aspects of last year's DL convention (until everyone got pissed) was having to introduce yourself by your nickname. Of course everyone used their first names but I have long forgotten those.


Even more embarrassing was going up to complete strangers and saying "Hi you must be Dave and Slave to the Grave" only to find they were a random couple having a drink at the bar. The thing is, that while deathlisters might have silly avatars, in reality they are just Mr and Mrs Normal (or at least appearancewise - we know that the Graves have peculiar dog-burying habits- more on this story here).


I shouldn't have been surprised, I suppose, to discover that Notapotato really wasn't a potato or that Rotten Ali (alias Stab in the Dark) wasn't at all rotten.


But, the fact is I had never previously approached anyone and said: "Hello I'm Godot," at least not without my top hat, sunglasses and cigar. Nor had there ever previously been the need to say: "what's your's Lord Felatio Nelson?"


And naturally the conversation (until everyone got pissed) at first was mostly about the deathlist. Very quickly it didn't seem strange at all, and that was really worrying.


Another thing - I talk a lot about the Deathlist to friends but apart from an artist friend who I know looks in now again (but who I don't think has registered) they all think it's really weird and dismiss it as a kind of eccentricity. Outside membership of the Monster Raving Loony Party I'm thinking that it is possibly one of the internet's more esoteric communities. Yet the DL forum seems the most normal place in the world to me. I fear I have become institutionalised.

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Guest TDF
Another thing - I talk a lot about the Deathlist to friends but apart from an artist friend who I know looks in now again (but who I don't think has registered) they all think it's really weird and dismiss it as a kind of eccentricity. Outside membership of the Monster Raving Loony Party I'm thinking that it is possibly one of the internet's more esoteric communities. Yet the DL forum seems the most normal place in the world to me. I fear I have become institutionalised.


I'm afraid, I agree. Pretty much everyone I mention DL to think its strange/morbid/creepy, my other half accuses me of killing people when a celeb on a deadpool dies (Charlton Heston for example).


The only people I can discuss death with are the DL member who introduced me and my mum(altough she suggested Wendy Richards for last year).

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Another thing - I talk a lot about the Deathlist to friends but apart from an artist friend who I know looks in now again (but who I don't think has registered) they all think it's really weird and dismiss it as a kind of eccentricity. Outside membership of the Monster Raving Loony Party I'm thinking that it is possibly one of the internet's more esoteric communities. Yet the DL forum seems the most normal place in the world to me. I fear I have become institutionalised.


I'm afraid, I agree. Pretty much everyone I mention DL to think its strange/morbid/creepy, my other half accuses me of killing people when a celeb on a deadpool dies (Charlton Heston for example).


The only people I can discuss death with are the DL member who introduced me and my mum(altough she suggested Wendy Richards for last year).


You obviously need some CUMBRIAN friends, it's split 50/50 at my work from those who'll punt in an opinion when I log on and tell them what's happening on the DL, and a few others who reckon it sick. Those with an interest feed me the odd nugget to post. I've put a couple of people onto the site via e-mail, dunno if they post, and they wouldn't know which poster I was.

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Another thing - I talk a lot about the Deathlist to friends but apart from an artist friend who I know looks in now again (but who I don't think has registered) they all think it's really weird and dismiss it as a kind of eccentricity. Outside membership of the Monster Raving Loony Party I'm thinking that it is possibly one of the internet's more esoteric communities. Yet the DL forum seems the most normal place in the world to me. I fear I have become institutionalised.


I'm afraid, I agree. Pretty much everyone I mention DL to think its strange/morbid/creepy, my other half accuses me of killing people when a celeb on a deadpool dies (Charlton Heston for example).


The only people I can discuss death with are the DL member who introduced me and my mum(altough she suggested Wendy Richards for last year).


You obviously need some CUMBRIAN friends, it's split 50/50 at my work from those who'll punt in an opinion when I log on and tell them what's happening on the DL, and a few others who reckon it sick. Those with an interest feed me the odd nugget to post. I've put a couple of people onto the site via e-mail, dunno if they post, and they wouldn't know which poster I was.


I quite often talk about DL at work, and whilst I think one or two people think it's slightly strange, in the main everyone thinks it's funny, and when a well-known name dies people often ask if they were on the list. And funnily enough, I'm always quite proud when I can say 'yes, they were'!

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Outside of home, nobody knows Im here.

Thats the way I like it.

As for last years jolly, well Godot, as usual, has hit the mark with his post.

Walking into that Bar was a "Am I the only bugger to turn up?" moment.

Having surveyed the faces around me, it became very evident that the three shify looking Gents to one side COULD be DL members.

WTF do I say? Do I wander up to them and say "Hi, Im LFN!" Nah.

I tried to be subtle and let the words "Are you from the DL site" tumble out as, if they were, they would have picked up the DL bit and reponded, if they were not they would have assumed I had mumbled and would have said "what?" allowing me a hasty retreat.

The rest is history.

This forum is so much more than the sum total of its parts. Realistically the whole Death thing is remarkably underplayed and, in fairness, totally overshadowed by a whole plethora of other topics and threads which have nothing whatsoever to do with Death.

What is strange is the amount of Death related posting that tends to meander away from said subject and quickly mutates into something totally different.

I can only say that the people I met and got hammered with were some of the nicest people you could meet, self effacing with hollow legs.

Im looking forward to this years.

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self effacing with hollow legs


Ah, you've met our mate from Creetown; The Wicker Man.

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I wonder, ahem, if a colleague might PM with some details. The Pooka may make the trip up to town if he can find a modest flop-house in which to puke after the jamboree.

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We could find the pub in Thamesmead run by a certain Andy Fordham and his wife. I mean, what if the subject of a thread - like - died in front of us!!!!

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We could find the pub in Thamesmead run by a certain Andy Fordham and his wife. I mean, what if the subject of a thread - like - died in front of us!!!!

or didn't

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Another thing - I talk a lot about the Deathlist to friends but apart from an artist friend who I know looks in now again (but who I don't think has registered) they all think it's really weird and dismiss it as a kind of eccentricity. Outside membership of the Monster Raving Loony Party I'm thinking that it is possibly one of the internet's more esoteric communities. Yet the DL forum seems the most normal place in the world to me. I fear I have become institutionalised.


I'm afraid, I agree. Pretty much everyone I mention DL to think its strange/morbid/creepy, my other half accuses me of killing people when a celeb on a deadpool dies (Charlton Heston for example).


The only people I can discuss death with are the DL member who introduced me and my mum(altough she suggested Wendy Richards for last year).


A DL member introduced you to your mum! Name me another internet site which can track down long-lost relatives for you even though its main purpose is to furnish participants with the chance to indulge in light-hearted speculation about death.

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Name me another internet site which can track down long-lost relatives for you even though its main purpose is to furnish participants with the chance to indulge in light-hearted speculation about death.

I'm sure Octo of Odsto would oblige if you emailed him at the DDP. He always complains he's at a loose end, kicking his heels most evenings.

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I'm sure Octo of Odsto would oblige if you emailed him at the DDP. He always complains he's at a loose end, kicking his heels most evenings.




Funny thing is I went out partying last night for the first time in some while & immediately felt guilt the next morning.......



















Ahem... I meant for DDP neglection reasons, obviously... :)

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Ah hem...


Sorry to intrude, but is the jamboree still on? I only ask as I am tempted to put in an appearance, but still not sure I can swing it past Mrs Josco. My family have never understood my interest in this site, and they believe my fascination has subsided.


Incidentally I look remarkably like my AV but with a little more hair.

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I believe our esteemed colleague Lord Fellatio Nelson, aka Horatio Hornblower is handling the guest list. Drop him a line.

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I think it's still on. My family - oddly - DO seem to get it, the Voice of Young Maryport in particular often asking over breakfast who is going to die today. I look nowt like my avatar, mainly because I prefer more modern stylings of sunglasses.

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Incidentally I look remarkably like my AV but with a little more hair.

Me too.


(My avatar, not yours.)

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