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Saddam's death sentence upheld,

He'll be dead in less than 30 days, supposedly.



Bollocks. This & Wilma Dykeman will teach me to name my DDP team early. I thought Bandar's sentence would be commuted to life.


Ah well, at least that's two early hits on the DDP UNLESS they are hanged in the next 5 days. Now that would be most annoying.

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Saddam's death sentence upheld,




He'll be dead in less than 30 days, supposedly.

Good, he will get the punishment he deserves.

If the damn bastards hang him this week they've made months of speculation in this topic useless. Not that I would mind much...




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He'll be dead in less than 30 days, supposedly.



Bastard about that is that Alphonsin's dead pool stars Feb 1st and Saddam would be worth a few words in a broadsheet obit.

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Saddam's death sentence upheld,

He'll be dead in less than 30 days, supposedly.



Bollocks. This & Wilma Dykeman will teach me to name my DDP team early. I thought Bandar's sentence would be commuted to life.


Ah well, at least that's two early hits on the DDP UNLESS they are hanged in the next 5 days. Now that would be most annoying.


It doesn't say anything about the other two in that article, nor any others that I've read thusfar. It only says Saddam has to be executed by January 27. I haven't submitted my team just yet...

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It doesn't say anything about the other two in that article, nor any others that I've read thusfar. It only says Saddam has to be executed by January 27. I haven't submitted my team just yet...


I read it in the Times online. The other two are doomed. :(

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The BBC man in Baghdad is this evening saying that it will be a case that the hangings will more likely happen in the next few days. Well I hope Rude Kid will lets those already with 2007 teams (including me today) to submit more substitues, should it happen this year.

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It doesn't say anything about the other two in that article, nor any others that I've read thusfar. It only says Saddam has to be executed by January 27. I haven't submitted my team just yet...


I read it in the Times online. The other two are doomed. :(


Here is a link to the article. Hopefully they wait until after the new year.


Judge Shaheen said that death sentences had also been upheld for Saddam's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, head of Iraq's intelligence service at the time of Dujail, and former revolutionary court judge Awad Ahmed al-Bandar, whose court ordered the execution of the Dujail villagers.

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It doesn't say anything about the other two in that article, nor any others that I've read thusfar. It only says Saddam has to be executed by January 27. I haven't submitted my team just yet...


I read it in the Times online. The other two are doomed. :(


Here is a link to the article. Hopefully they wait until after the new year.


Judge Shaheen said that death sentences had also been upheld for Saddam's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, head of Iraq's intelligence service at the time of Dujail, and former revolutionary court judge Awad Ahmed al-Bandar, whose court ordered the execution of the Dujail villagers.

Being realistic, it'd be crazy not to include all three as their chances of dodging the gallows can't be any better than 50/50, which is probably better odds than anyone else you care to name.


However, this line of the report troubles me greatly:


Iraq's three-man presidency council must now ratify the decision. President Jalal Talabani has said he would stand aside and allow his vice-presidents to ratify the decision out of his own personal opposition to the death penalty.


This one could run and run, much like the US of A's pursuit of the loony.

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Hopefully they wait until after the new year.


Judge Shaheen said that death sentences had also been upheld for Saddam's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, head of Iraq's intelligence service at the time of Dujail, and former revolutionary court judge Awad Ahmed al-Bandar, whose court ordered the execution of the Dujail villagers.


If they can kill Bandar and Barzan before 2007 and Saddam on the 1st January, that'll do me just fine. :P Or, failing that, Bandar. He MUST go before Jan 1 2007, unless Maurice Papon decides to pop off instead.


RA, I believe you can have as many substitutes as possible if submitted candidates die before 1 Jan. Wilma Dykeman died, so Basil d'Oliviera is in, and now I'm desperately hoping Papon will go so I can put Bandar in, but no such luck, I fear. :(

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Guest Guest_Mikey_*

Hopefully they wait until after the new year.


Judge Shaheen said that death sentences had also been upheld for Saddam's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, head of Iraq's intelligence service at the time of Dujail, and former revolutionary court judge Awad Ahmed al-Bandar, whose court ordered the execution of the Dujail villagers.


If they can kill Bandar and Barzan before 2007 and Saddam on the 1st January, that'll do me just fine. :P Or, failing that, Bandar. He MUST go before Jan 1 2007, unless Maurice Papon decides to pop off instead.


RA, I believe you can have as many substitutes as possible if submitted candidates die before 1 Jan. Wilma Dykeman died, so Basil d'Oliviera is in, and now I'm desperately hoping Papon will go so I can put Bandar in, but no such luck, I fear. :(

It's for these kind of reasons that I won't be submitting my team until the evening of the 31st.


Take every advantage you can I say.

I'm sure you do.

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If anyone thinks or says that the whole concept of Death - Pools is somehow sick or twisted , I think they only need to be referred to this thread to have their minds opened . Never have I been as interested in Middle East Politcs/Current Affairs as I am now....usually I watch Coronation Street or Crossroads 8 nights a week....but now.... :(

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Hopefully they wait until after the new year.


Judge Shaheen said that death sentences had also been upheld for Saddam's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, head of Iraq's intelligence service at the time of Dujail, and former revolutionary court judge Awad Ahmed al-Bandar, whose court ordered the execution of the Dujail villagers.


If they can kill Bandar and Barzan before 2007 and Saddam on the 1st January, that'll do me just fine. :) Or, failing that, Bandar. He MUST go before Jan 1 2007, unless Maurice Papon decides to pop off instead.


RA, I believe you can have as many substitutes as possible if submitted candidates die before 1 Jan. Wilma Dykeman died, so Basil d'Oliviera is in, and now I'm desperately hoping Papon will go so I can put Bandar in, but no such luck, I fear. :(

It's for these kind of reasons that I won't be submitting my team until the evening of the 31st.


Take every advantage you can I say.


Mostly agreed TF... I won't be submitting my list for a few days left.


Thanks to OoO and Football Fan, it will have two new additions. :P

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To sh*t on you all I think I will enter a team of all those due for execution around the world.


The teamname will be 'Cheating Bastard'.


On my real team, I'm only putting on Saddam because he will actually be remembered in history...

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To sh*t on you all I think I will enter a team of all those due for execution around the world.


The teamname will be 'Cheating Bastard'.


On my real team, I'm only putting on Saddam because he will actually be remembered in history...

Aye, sounds like a bloody good idea Windsor old chap.

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To sh*t on you all I think I will enter a team of all those due for execution around the world.


The teamname will be 'Cheating Bastard'.


On my real team, I'm only putting on Saddam because he will actually be remembered in history...


It does sound kind of cheap to put people on who are sentenced to death...however, in the US at least, it can take years to finally put someone to death after their conviction. Also with ever changing views, death penalties can be struck down and you end up with Charles Manson in prison for life.


I'll be putting all 3 on my list, just cause I'm sick of never getting a lot of hits and I'd like to have some "sure things". But I agree that Saddam will only be remembered...the other two will be like the two guys who died with Jesus on the crosses...no one remembers their names either....not that I'm comparing these two cases in any way...ok, I'm rambling, damn excedrin. :(

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What with Ford deing this morning - I'm going to submit three more names to DDP in case these three hang in the final days.

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RA, I believe you can have as many substitutes as possible if submitted candidates die before 1 Jan. Wilma Dykeman died, so Basil d'Oliviera is in, and now I'm desperately hoping Papon will go so I can put Bandar in, but no such luck, I fear. :P


Well, indeed he hasn't, but Gerald Ford will do instead. :(



So Bandar pencilled in as 2nd replacement, but now I have to find 3 names to submit just in case the trio are executed....

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To sh*t on you all I think I will enter a team of all those due for execution around the world.


The teamname will be 'Cheating Bastard'.


On my real team, I'm only putting on Saddam because he will actually be remembered in history...

Windsor that's an admirable policy. Rotten Ali and any other would be noose junkies take notice.

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To sh*t on you all I think I will enter a team of all those due for execution around the world.


The teamname will be 'Cheating Bastard'.


On my real team, I'm only putting on Saddam because he will actually be remembered in history...


Hey, if you didn't want me to choose the other two, you should have made more of an effort to keep Puskas, Carr, Drake, and Ford alive, all of whom were above these other two fellows on my list. If you're not going to help me catch a break Windsor, I can't help you! :P

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Well, I'm sure you'll have fun counting down the days to the execution.

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Well, I'm sure you'll have fun counting down the days to the execution.


I can't. I don't know when it will happen.


Furthermore, just because you've only heard of Saddam Hussein doesn't make him the only famous one. Have you heard of Majid Khadduri? He's a Middle Eastern scholar born in 1908 and, as far as I know, still alive. Most people wouldn't have heard of him, but does that mean I can't pick him? Of course not, it might make for a good unique pick because I have specialized knowledge. Just like if someone were to come up with an African Leader or Formula 1 motor racer with terminal cancer that you'd never heard of. It'd be the same thing.


For the record, the judge is a bit of a strech, but DDT was right, Barzan was fairly well known in Iraq and to those who study the Middle East, especially that region. It's not like a certain 16-year-old who's known for nothing other than her terminal illness. Just because you've never heard of them and they're about to be executed doesn't necessarily make us "cheating bastards." Perhaps you should get down off your high horse and study up on a subject before you comment on it. There's no difference between picking an obscure soon-to-be-executed Iraqi judge and an obscure soon-to-be-dead-from-terminal-cancer F1 racer.


If you want to play with your standard of famous, that's fine and respectable, but you have no right to criticize how others play the game so long as they do so within the rules. Everyone draws their own lines. I draw mine at that 16 year old, but I don't spit at those who don't either.

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There's no difference between picking an obscure soon-to-be-executed Iraqi judge and an obscure soon-to-be-dead-from-terminal-cancer F1 racer.


The one I've picked hasn't got terminal cancer, sorry CP. :P


Otherwise I think your sentiments are spot on. How famous someone is, is entirely subjective to each person, I guess.

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Going back to our regularly scheduled program, Sadaam likely to be executed sooner than later. Also included, a selection from the desk of Sadaam.

Lets hope they wait at least another 5 days before they hang him.

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