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Richard O'Sullivan

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I suppose that if the script calls for an old bag, then an old bag is what the producer wants. And I'm sure he'll find one without having to shag her.


That reminds me - what happened to Rita 'world wide' Webb and Patricia Hayes? I'm off to Google

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Even as we speak some producer is planning to unite Peggy Mount, Patricia Hayes et al in an 'hilarious' comedy sketch in which they act out the top moves from Spice Girls videos.

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Has anyone noticed that this topic has got 11,000 posts?


And 44,000+ views?

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Has anyone noticed that this topic has got 11,000 posts?


And 44,000+ views?


1,100 posts Deadornot :lol:, although I think it may well keep going until it reaches 11,000.

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That would be 1144 posts, Deadornot.

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Sorry, i was 'speed' viewing and misread it

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There's a former pontiff spinning madly in his tomb under St Peter's who'll have noticed the above figures.

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That reminds me - what happened to Rita 'world wide' Webb and Patricia Hayes? I'm off to Google


Rita Webb died in 1981 & Patricia Hayes in 1998.

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Such a shame. Very few 'old bags' left now. Presumably feminism has put paid to roles for 'daft old bats'.


Big Mo is a bit of a caution in East Enders, though ....... and, while we're on old ladies generally, am I the only one who wants to give Emily Bishop a slap? Not wishing the DL on the actress, but surely its time to send the character the same way as Percy Sugden and her late Ernest.

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No one posted on this thread on the 19th or the 20th... I was so hoping it'd be relegated to the depths...

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Yes. I feel like I'm going through the motions but there looks to be no chance of resuscitation. Without a new line on Dickie's plight we may be very near the end......... well he had a good innings, bless him.

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....... and, while we're on old ladies generally, am I the only one who wants to give Emily Bishop a slap? Not wishing the DL on the actress, but surely its time to send the character the same way as Percy Sugden and her late Ernest.

I couldn't agree more. The sanctimonious old biddy should show some compassion towards Ed. And she calls herself a Christian!?

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Back off. :D

Emily Bishop has every right to hold a grudge - afterall Ed killed her husband.

Christian? What's that got to do with anything? They are all a bunch of unforgiving souls who only look to the Church to 'better themselves' and to hold some pecieved power and influence in their community.

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Back off. :P

Emily Bishop has every right to hold a grudge - afterall Ed killed her husband.

Christian? What's that got to do with anything? They are all a bunch of unforgiving souls who only look to the Church to 'better themselves' and to hold some pecieved power and influence in their community.

But aren't Christians supposed to "forgive those who trespass against us"?


I've always had trouble getting the hang of religion...


PS Windsor, I'm surprised you're a Corrie fan :D

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But aren't Christians supposed to "forgive those who trespass against us"?

Yes. They're also supposed to turn the other cheek. I haven't seen that for a while.

I've always had trouble getting the hang of religion...

So do most of the religious.




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Back off. :P

Emily Bishop has every right to hold a grudge - afterall Ed killed her husband.

Christian? What's that got to do with anything? They are all a bunch of unforgiving souls who only look to the Church to 'better themselves' and to hold some pecieved power and influence in their community.

But aren't Christians supposed to "forgive those who trespass against us"?


I've always had trouble getting the hang of religion...


PS Windsor, I'm surprised you're a Corrie fan :D


I have nothing against real Christians - only those who cling to organised religion for social status. This group probably makes up the majority.

I watch the odd episode of Corrie. What's the bets on Emily and Rita becoming the streets first gay married couple. The've already moved in together. :lol:

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Back off. :P

Emily Bishop has every right to hold a grudge - afterall Ed killed her husband.

Christian? What's that got to do with anything? They are all a bunch of unforgiving souls who only look to the Church to 'better themselves' and to hold some pecieved power and influence in their community.

But aren't Christians supposed to "forgive those who trespass against us"?


I've always had trouble getting the hang of religion...


PS Windsor, I'm surprised you're a Corrie fan :D


I have nothing against real Christians - only those who cling to organised religion for social status. This group probably makes up the majority.

I watch the odd episode of Corrie. What's the bets on Emily and Rita becoming the streets first gay married couple. The've already moved in together. :lol:

Hope I get an invitation to their civil partnership ceremony.

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Dickie O in Bacon Number 2 Shocker!


Richard O'Sullivan (I) was in Father Dear Father (1972) with Donald Sinden

Donald Sinden was in Balto (1995) with Kevin Bacon

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Dickie O in Bacon Number 2 Shocker!


Richard O'Sullivan (I) was in Father Dear Father (1972) with Donald Sinden

Donald Sinden was in Balto (1995) with Kevin Bacon


Did you post this twice, or did someone movie it?


Lord Cthulhu does not like it when Richard O' Sullivan is outside the confines of his thread apparentely.

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Well I only wanted to slap Emily because she's a bitter old cow. Her Christianity wasn't an issue. There's something about her that seems to attract murderers. Her character has also become superfluous to the Corrie plot. Hence the need to use her as a plate upon which to serve a dish of psychopaths.


Indeed MPFC. the odd mention of the light comedy actor Richard O'sullivan in this thread comes as most welcome.

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No problem, but it isn't always a good idea. I posted on the Mary Travers thread - that had started to veer off into the twilight zone - asking about her health. The thread took a nosedive down the list within days.

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Lady Die; there used to be jobs keeping lighthouses that would have suited you fine. You could always have a pop at Ellen McArthur's solo round the world sailing record.

I get seasick so that's out of the question!!

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Autographed photo of Dickie here

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Can't see me coughing up more than 10p, mind you there's some real stars on that site;


Peter Glaze

Peggy Mount

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Can't see me coughing up more than 10p, mind you there's some real stars on that site;


Peter Glaze

Peggy Mount

I got Peter Glaze's autograph when I was a kid. Crackerjack was my favourite TV program when I was about 8..

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