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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

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Looks like GR has been proactive and is not just waiting for death to arrive



Grim Reaper

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Relive your childhood, crappy I know, but some of it made me smile especially the bit about elastics', which I was rubbish at, and the kids riding bikes while wearing their coats by only the hoods. I remember loving playing tennis (in the street) in the summers of those years, that would be when Borg was playing MacEnroe and I also remember a huge crowd of us kids emulating Ally McLeod's' World Cup winning team of '78 (we were kids what did we know of Iran, Holland and Peru). The game I remember most was 'balls' (go on snicker, I know) but it was innocent, you basically took 2 tennis balls or something that bounced and played them up against a wall using both hands to aim and catch, underleg etc and even doing a twirl as the ball left your hand and bounced off the the ground then hit the wall, if you timed it right you could twirl and catch it again, I wonder if I could still do that now. Edited by Lady Grendel

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When we were young, although I swear I still am :rolleyes: , (crappy I know, but some of it made me laugh).

Aye lass, it was great, Ricketts. All those walls with broken glass on top, bacon slicers where if you were lucky they gave you a bit of finger with your quarter pound of streaky, scabby knees, boils, lung cancer, pea soup fog, Myra Hindley, Mother's Pride, Dandylion and Burdock, dog sh*t on the pavements, bri-nylon, Izal toilet paper, cling peaches, coal holes, outside lavs, holidays in Mablethorpe. Those were t'days.

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When we were young, although I swear I still am :rolleyes: , (crappy I know, but some of it made me laugh).

Aye lass, it was great, Ricketts. All those walls with broken glass on top, bacon slicers where if you were lucky they gave you a bit of finger with your quarter pound of streaky, scabby knees, boils, lung cancer, pea soup fog, Myra Hindley, Mother's Pride, Dandylion and Burdock, dog sh*t on the pavements, bri-nylon, Izal toilet paper, cling peaches, coal holes, outside lavs, holidays in Mablethorpe. Those were t'days.


:lol: Godot, yes it does seem very self indulgent, even worse now that I've edited the post, it seems I'm more even self indulgent, forgive me.


P.S. Izal toilet paper, that is the worst thing ever invented, we used to visit my grandparents in Hampshire in the '70's and my autocratic Grandma always had that there, us kids used to sneak it out and use it for tracing paper.


You were lucky LG! At my auntie's outside lav we had to use scraps of newspaper tied to the cistern pipe on a bit of string. But we were 'appy! :)

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Ally McLeod's' World Cup winning team of '78


So near yet so far. Peru and Iran are tricky sides to tackle, apart from that it would have been in the bag.


The game I remember most was 'balls' (go on snicker, I know) but it was innocent, you basically took 2 tennis balls or something that bounced and played them up against a wall using both hands to aim and catch, underleg etc and even doing a twirl as the ball left your hand and bounced off the the ground then hit the wall, if you timed it right you could twirl and catch it again, I wonder if I could still do that now.


Or seeing how many times you could clap before the ball came back or until you were told to move on and stop banging the ball against Mr X's wall or ruining a few flower beds with an "accidental" stray throw?

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Methinks he has too much time on his hands....


Most toddlers are weaned off scribbling on themselves....perhaps his parents were real "liberals"(?)

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This is what happens when you combine a poor diet with the use of crack cocaine.


1. The song "Mother's Little Helper"

2. That's right ... when Obama's president ... watcha gonna do.

3. Thank god I have great genetics..

4. The movie "Joe Dirt" starring David Spade .. and this is the guy who didn't get the part.

5. He tried to join the bloods on April Fool's day ..

6 If Amy Winehouse were a stay at home mom ..

7. Elves ARE REAL!

8. When your vision goes ... you become hard to look at.

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Hard bastards, monks. Tibetan monks are also well tasty.


So I've heard.


Although the first rule of monk fight club is......etc.

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Hard bastards, monks. Tibetan monks are also well tasty.


So I've heard.


Although the first rule of monk fight club is......etc.


Hmmmm, Tibetan monks, or Benedictine monks, who's the hardest?


There's only one way to find out.........



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Hard bastards, monks. Tibetan monks are also well tasty.


So I've heard.


Although the first rule of monk fight club is......etc.


Hmmmm, Tibetan monks, or Benedictine monks, who's the hardest?


There's only one way to find out.........




I am the serenest!


Actually, right now , I am the drunkest.


And now I am the hungoverest.

Edited by harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy

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Bad news. According to one line in this article, I'm going to become a twisted serial killer. :lol:


Hard work, marriage, maybe children is what people expected in that area they called the Broch.

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I nearly moved in to his old flat a few years back.

I still remember the estate agent saying "...now there's one thing you need to know about his property."




Bad news. According to one line in this article, I'm going to become a twisted serial killer. :lol:


Hard work, marriage, maybe children is what people expected in that area they called the Broch.



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I nearly moved in to his old flat a few years back.

I still remember the estate agent saying "...now there's one thing you need to know about his property."


My late grandmother remembered seeing him being pushed in his pram as a baby.


Also, according to a friend of mine, his mother lives just round the corner from me. I don't know if this is true or not. I don't even know if his mother is still alive.

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Become Britain's best paid exterminator.

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