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Death Anniversary Thread

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Another golfer died this day 10 years ago, Byron Nelson hit the bunker aged 94.


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30 years ago today, the bell tolled for Cliff Burton, the original bassist for Metallica.


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Edgar Degas, great French painter of XIX century, died 99 years ago. His death really impressed us.


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Call him dead, Herman Melville had his epilogue this day 125 years ago aged 72.


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60 years ago today Willaim E Boeing, founder of The Boeing Company, ascended to a higher plane aged 74.


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Seriously? Two people posted and blew off Miles Davis (25 years)?


Did u see what I did there.....?

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30 years ago time ran out for Shada's Professor Chronotis actor Denis Carey, aged 77.




He was also The Keeper Of Traken - nice throne as I recall.

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Seriously? Two people posted and blew off Miles Davis (25 years)?

Did u see what I did there.....?

Davis had already been done. Boeing hadn't.
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Seriously? Two people posted and blew off Miles Davis (25 years)?

Did u see what I did there.....?

Davis had already been done. Boeing hadn't.


No he hadn't, I went for Melville but couldn't think of any Moby Dick puns this morning. Might have done Boeing, boeing gone if i'd have been more awake!

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One I missed from yesterday, the last confirmed Bali Tiger was shot and killed in 1937. There have been rumours of sightings since then but no definite sightings and who can blame them when the last one ended up dead on a stick.



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Louis Pasteur failed to find a vaccine against death and he paid the consequences 121 years ago, aged 72.


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Louis Pasteur failed to find a vaccine against death and he paid the consequences 121 years ago, aged 72.


Pasteur way?

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20 years ago, Leslie Crowther priced up his funeral aged 63.



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35 years since Bill Shankly got to find out if football really was more important, aged 68.


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An impropely ventilated chimney killed French writer Emile Zola 114 years ago, aged 62. According to many sources, the chimney was paid to kill him.


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It's been 40 years since Paul Dehn, screenwriter for Murder On The Orient Express, took his last journey aged 63.



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Ouchi Yoshitaka feel oh his sword this day 465 years ago aged 43.


He wrote a death poem.

Both the victor
and the vanquished are
but drops of dew,
but bolts of lightning –
thus should we view the world


What would yours be?

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170 years since the passing of Benjamin Waterhouse co-founder of Harvard Medical School aged 92. He really did like bringing his work home with him, testing the smallpox vaccine on his own family.


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It's been 12 months since Denis Healey died aged 98. He's been spinning ever since.


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790 years since the death of donkey lover and everyone's favourite as good as comparitor, St Francis of Assisi aged 45.


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