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60 years C.S. Lewis (64) and Aldous Huxley (69) died.

Monochrome head-and-left-shoulder photo portrait of 50-year-old Lewis Monochrome portrait of Aldous Huxley sitting on a table, facing slightly downwards.

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6 hours ago, The Immortal said:

60 years since JFK was blown away, what else do I have to say?


President Kennedy, portrait photo | JFK Library


The 60s channel I listen to each morning said "Today we'll be remembering President Kennedy on the 60th anniversary of his death" and for the split second between "President" and "Kennedy" I thought Carter died overnight.

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It is a date on which 3 famous British writers died, as in addition to CS Lewis and Aldous Huxley, 30 years ago Anthony Burgess, born in Manchester, died in London, much of his work still remains anonymous, being remembered mainly for the eighteenth book , Clockwork Orange, 1962


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Nazi physician Wilhelm Beiglböck died on this day 60 years ago, aged 58.



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American actress, singer, comedian, screenwriter, and playwright Mae West died on this day 43 years ago, aged 87. Her career spanned over seven decades. Considered a sex symbol, she was known for her breezy sexual independence and her lighthearted bawdy double entendres, often delivered in a husky contralto voice. She was active in vaudeville and on stage in New York City before moving to Los Angeles to begin a career in the film industry. West was one of the most controversial movie stars of her day; she encountered problems especially with censorship. She once quipped, "I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it." She bucked the studio system by making comedy out of conventional beliefs, and the Depression-era audience admired her for it. When her film career ended, she wrote books and plays, continued to perform in Las Vegas and London and on radio and television, and recorded rock and roll albums. In 1999, the American Film Institute posthumously voted her the 15th greatest female screen legend of classic American cinema.



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Perkin Warbeck died on this day 524 years ago, aged 25.


- Warbeck was born in modern-day Belgium (in the city of Tournai), and he would become a travelling cloth merchant.

- Around 1490, Warbeck would begin to lie about being a claimant to the English throne. He pretended he was Edward IV's son Richard (the younger Prince of the Tower), and claimed that Edward V had been killed but he was spared due to his younger age and by agreeing to hide his identity for several years.

- Warbeck would try to legitimize his claim by meeting with European leaders, which included Charles VIII of France, and Edward IV's sister Margaret believed him to be her nephew. Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I would recognize him as "Richard IV of England" when inviting him to his father's funeral in 1493.

- King Henry VII would execute several of Warbeck's supporters in January of 1495, and Warbeck himself would arrive in England with a small army in July of that year; Warbeck would flee to Scotland to garner James IV's support. James would initially support him, but made him leave in 1497 following a thwarted attempt to invade England.

- Warbeck would then attempt to fight English forces in Cornwall, but he would be captured and imprisoned. He was initially treated well, and was allowed to attend royal banquets while under watch once confessing to being an impostor. Warbeck would only be executed two years after capture due to multiple escape attempts.

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Polish actress best known for her roles in 70s British horror films Ingrid Pitt died 13 years ago just 2 days after her 73rd birthday.



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American actress Claire Dodd died on this day 50 years ago, aged 61.



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British author, poet, screenwriter and wartime fighter ace Roald Dahl died on this day 33 years ago, aged 74. He rose to prominence as a writer in the 1940s with works for children and for adults, and he became one of the world's best-selling authors. His awards for contribution to literature include the 1983 World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement and the British Book Awards' Children's Author of the Year in 1990. Dahl's short stories are known for their unexpected endings, and his children's books for their unsentimental, macabre, often darkly comic mood, featuring villainous adult enemies of the child characters. His children's books champion the kindhearted and feature an underlying warm sentiment. His works for children include James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Witches, Fantastic Mr Fox, The BFG, The Twits, George's Marvellous Medicine and Danny, the Champion of the World. His works for older audiences include the short story collections Tales of the Unexpected and The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More.



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Freddie Mercury died on this day 32 years ago, aged 45.

Freddie Mercury (Music) - TV Tropes

- Mercury was born as "Farrokh Bulsara" in what is now Tanzania to Indian parents- his family fled to England during the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution. Freddie got his nickname while attending an English boarding school, and legally changed his surname to Mercury in the early 1970s (inspired by a line from his song "My Fairy King").

- Before Queen, Mercury played in bands such as Ibex (later renamed Wreckage) and Sour Milk Sea. After joining Queen, he designed the band's logo, basing it off of the Zodiac signs of each member (lions (Leo) for Roger Taylor and John Deacon, a crab (Cancer) for Brian May, and two fairies (Virgo) for himself).

- Mercury was known for his love of cats- he owned ten over his life (six at the time of his death), and his favorite was named Delilah.

- Mercury may have shown signs of HIV by 1982 (a white lesion on his tongue was seen). He had his blood tested in 1986 and officially diagnosed with AIDS in April of 1987. Due to anti-gay stigma at the time, Mercury would hide his diagnosis from the public. Rumors about his illness were everywhere by the time of The Miracle's release in 1989, with his appearances in music videos (for instance the ones for "Scandal" and "I Want It All") providing fuel for them. His last music video was for "These Are The Days Of Our Lives"- this was shot in black in white to hide his frail appearance:

- Mercury would announce his diagnosis a day before he died, with his last picture being taken that same day:


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HOF player and the first challenger to Babe Ruth’s home run prowess, Hack Wilson, died 75 years ago (age 48 in ‘48).  

Interesting history, as the booze got the better of him.  Died penniless and even his son wouldn’t pick up the ashes.  But eventually some big name ball players pitched in and got him a proper memorial.


Wilson’s 191 Runs Batted In in 1930 remains the all-time record, despite baseball going from 154 to 162 games per year and adding steroids/PEDs.  Amazing.



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American electric blues guitarist and singer Albert Collins died on this day 30 years ago, aged 61.



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American moral, legal and political philosopher in the liberal tradition John Rawls died on this day 21 years ago, aged 81. Rawls has been described as one of the most influential political philosophers of the 20th century. In 1990, Will Kymlicka wrote in his introduction to the field that "it is generally accepted that the recent rebirth of normative political philosophy began with the publication of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice in 1971". Rawls's theory of "justice as fairness" recommends equal basic liberties, equality of opportunity, and facilitating the maximum benefit to the least advantaged members of society in any case where inequalities may occur. Rawls's argument for these principles of social justice uses a thought experiment called the "original position", in which people deliberately select what kind of society they would choose to live in if they did not know which social position they would personally occupy. In his later work Political Liberalism (1993), Rawls turned to the question of how political power could be made legitimate given reasonable disagreement about the nature of the good life. Rawls received both the Schock Prize for Logic and Philosophy and the National Humanities Medal in 1999. The latter was presented by President Bill Clinton in recognition of how his works "revived the disciplines of political and ethical philosophy with his argument that a society in which the most fortunate help the least fortunate is not only a moral society but a logical one".



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Hastings Banda died on this day 26 years ago, aged ~99.


- Banda's year of birth is contested between 1898 and 1906- he claimed the latter, but the tribe he belonged to claimed the former (and he would accept the former later in his life).

- Banda received his education overseas (earning a medical degree), returning to Malawi (then Nyasaland) in 1958. He would be arrested the following year for anticolonial activity, being released after a year.

- Banda was the one who gave Malawi its post-independence name, naming it after a lake.

- After becoming Malawi's first president in 1964, Banda immediately showed dictatorial tendencies by firing cabinet ministers who proposed limiting his power. His Malawi Congress Party became the only legal political party in the country, and he was made president for life in 1971.

- Under the Banda regime, all businesses had to have an official picture of him (nothing could be hung higher than it), movies were not allowed to show acts of love (and all of them began with a preshow of Banda waving while Malawi's anthem played), and books about the history of colonial Malawi were burned.

- Banda's 30-year presidency ended after he allowed the country to transition to democracy in 1993- he was easily defeated in the 1994 elections by Bakili Muluzi of the newly-formed United Democratic Front Party.

- Banda would be arrested in 1995, charged with the murder of four political dissidents in 1983, but was acquitted due to a lack of evidence.

- Banda made four appearances on the DeathList (from 1994 until his death), and was the ninth and final hit of 1997.

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Bill Foulkes was born in St Helens and died 10 years ago in Manchester at the age of 81. He had a total of 688 appearances for Manchester United, as well as nine goals. For the English national team, Bill played just one game, scoring no goals. He survived the disaster aerial performance in Munich and was part of Manchester United's 67-68 European title

Greatest Quotes on Bill Foulkes, the giant busby babe - Footie Central ...

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American actress Claudia McNeil died on this day 30 years ago, aged 76.



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Cuban dictator, revolutionary and politician Fidel Castro died on this day 7 years ago, aged 90. He served as the leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008, serving as the prime minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and president from 1976 to 2008. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Cuban nationalist, he also served as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from 1965 until 2011. Under his administration, Cuba became a one-party communist state; industry and business were nationalized, and socialist reforms were implemented throughout society. After Batista's overthrow in 1959, Castro assumed military and political power as Cuba's prime minister. The United States came to oppose Castro's government and unsuccessfully attempted to remove him by assassination, economic embargo, and counter-revolution, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961. Countering these threats, Castro aligned with the Soviet Union and allowed the Soviets to place nuclear weapons in Cuba, resulting in the Cuban Missile Crisis—a defining incident of the Cold War—in 1962. Adopting a Marxist–Leninist model of development, Castro converted Cuba into a one-party, socialist state under Communist Party rule, the first in the Western Hemisphere. Policies introducing central economic planning and expanding healthcare and education were accompanied by state control of the press and the suppression of internal dissent. Abroad, Castro supported anti-imperialist revolutionary groups, backing the establishment of Marxist governments in Chile, Nicaragua, and Grenada, as well as sending troops to aid allies in the Yom Kippur, Ogaden, and Angolan Civil War. These actions, coupled with Castro's leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1979 to 1983 and Cuban medical internationalism, increased Cuba's profile on the world stage. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Castro led Cuba through the economic downturn of the "Special Period", embracing environmentalist and anti-globalization ideas. In the 2000s, Castro forged alliances in the Latin American "pink tide"—namely with Hugo Chávez's Venezuela—and formed the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas. In 2006, Castro transferred his responsibilities to Vice President Raúl Castro, who was elected to the presidency by the National Assembly in 2008.



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Betico Croes died on this day 37 years ago, aged 48.


- Born in the Aruban town of Santa Cruz, Croes entered politics in 1967 as a member of the island council. He would serve in this role until resigning in 1970.

- Croes would found the pro-independence People's Electoral Movement party in 1971, and the party won a majority of Aruba's seats in the Netherlands Antilles parliament.

- Croes would start planning Aruba's independence from the Netherlands by designing its flag, coat of arms, and co-writing its anthem in 1976:

The following year, he organized an independence referendum which the Dutch government considered illegitimate. 95% of voters were in favor of independence.

- Following a general strike, Croes managed to start dialogues with Dutch PM Joop den Uyl, and it was agreed that Aruba would become a constituent country of the Netherlands on New Year's Day 1986, with a potential independence referendum in 1995. Afterwards, Croes would kickstart Aruba's economy by investing in tourism.

- The day before Aruba became a constituent country, Croes was in a car crash that put him into a coma which he never woke up from, dying eleven months later. The Aruban independence movement soon fell apart, and the island remains under Dutch jurisdiction to this day.

- He is remembered in Aruba as the "Libertador", having his birthday (January 25) being made an island holiday, and several urban centers and statues dedicated to him.

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César Guerra-Peixe was born in Petrópolis and died in Rio de Janeiro 30 years ago at the age of 79. He was a Brazilian composer of classical music, arranger and scholar of Brazilian music

Grande Othello was born in Uberlândia and died at the age of 78 30 years ago in Roissy-en-France, France. He was a Brazilian actor, comedian, singer, producer and composer. He is often cited as one of the most important actors in the history of Brazil. due to a massive heart attack, when he was disembarking at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, in Roissy-en-France, 25 km from Paris, from where he would go to the Festival of the Three Continents, in Nantes, where he would be honored in a panel about "blackness in cinema". His body was buried in the São Pedro Cemetery, in Uberlândia, his hometown
His father was stabbed to death and his mother was an alcoholic
In 1948 he married his former partner Lucia Maria Pinheiro, mother of little Elmar (nicknamed "Chuvisco"). The following year, Lucia shot the six-year-old child to death and then committed suicide


Soulja Slim was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and died 20 years ago when he was shot four times: three in the face and one in the chest, in front of his mother's house in New Orleans. He was an American rapper who achieved modest success on the No Limit Records label. Slim is best known for his appearance on the top single "Slow Motion", along with rapper Juvenile


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English musician, bassist and composer John Rostill died on this day 50 years ago, aged 31.



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American animator, voice actor, and marine biology educator Stephen Hillenburg died on this day 5 years ago, aged 57. He is best known for creating the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants for Nickelodeon in 1999 - serving as the showrunner for its first three seasons and again from seasons nine until his death - which has become the fifth longest running American animated series. He also performed the original voice of Patchy's pet bird Potty the Parrot from the show. He also directed The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004), which he originally intended to be the series finale. He co-write the story for the second film adaptation of the series, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, released in 2015. He won two Emmy Awards and six Annie Awards for SpongeBob SquarePants. Hillenburg is an accolade from Heal the Bay for his efforts in elevating marine life awareness and the Television Animation Award from the National Cartoonists Society. In 2017, he announced that he is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and died from it in 2018.



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