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Rotten Ali

Forum organisation

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I don't mind if it is split into other sections, I don't think it makes too much of a difference really. Guest posters I would keep, in the past a lot of the guest posts were made by members who didn't log in for various reasons. This has changed as these members have eschewed us for pastures anew, almost every guest post now is either by a random poster or by a serial guest poster who has never joined in the first place, I admit there is a lot of dross posted by them but every so often one might post something insightful. The Ladies Forum I would keep simply because it is a little bit of DeathList history, I think it could be shut down to new posts if the ladies requested that. That's my Tuppence worth.

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I don't mind if it is split into other sections, I don't think it makes too much of a difference really. Guest posters I would keep, in the past a lot of the guest posts were made by members who didn't log in for various reasons. This has changed as these members have eschewed us for pastures anew, almost every guest post now is either by a random poster or by a serial guest poster who has never joined in the first place, I admit there is a lot of dross posted by them but every so often one might post something insightful. The Ladies Forum I would keep simply because it is a little bit of DeathList history, I think it could be shut down to new posts if the ladies requested that. That's my Tuppence worth.


Don't forget the small minority of serial guest posters who are banned ex-members intent on resuming their role as an irritant...I think it may be a minority of one?

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I think it could be shut down to new posts if the ladies requested that. That's my Tuppence worth.


Wait, I've not had my morning coffee, that's a deliberate innuendo right?

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Can I suggest a major re-jig of the forums please. Currently the DL forums have 3 sub folders...


The current 50 names on the Deathlist.

The Forum.

The Extra Curricular.


I'm thinking that it would be better laid-out if the forums were instead split 5 ways.



You can suggest anything you want but from my perspective the system is fairly much fine the way it is and has been for quite some time. Adding subterranean mishmash will just bring confusion and wreak havoc on this place. As somebody else already indicated there would be headaches galore what with people placing threads in the wrong section and the needing to move the corpse when it became such,


Next thing you'll suggest a separate forums for each hemisphere.

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Didn't think it was going to become a thread in its own right but even after 8 years bouncing about this place I still have too much trouble such as to hanker down if Roger Moore actually has a thread of his own!


Now if the persons of singular note would be grouped together then my blind side OCD would be far happier.


Never the less bringing the subject of guest postings into the equation does not concern me greatly. My main worry in letting guests post is that the spammer doss head is given too much latitude to post a load of shite about stuff we really don't wish to see on "our" boards. We get ranters, I would not like to see their "open mike" opportunities limited in anyway should they be responsible in their concerns.


So we don't have a chance dead pooling against you, then?

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Didn't think it was going to become a thread in its own right but even after 8 years bouncing about this place I still have too much trouble such as to hanker down if Roger Moore actually has a thread of his own!


Now if the persons of singular note would be grouped together then my blind side OCD would be far happier.


Never the less bringing the subject of guest postings into the equation does not concern me greatly. My main worry in letting guests post is that the spammer doss head is given too much latitude to post a load of shite about stuff we really don't wish to see on "our" boards. We get ranters, I would not like to see their "open mike" opportunities limited in anyway should they be responsible in their concerns.


So we don't have a chance dead pooling against you, then?


Come on. You and everyone else always gets a full and wholesome chance in dead-pooling. I'm really no ultra expert but I'll always have a fair stab at it...

Bit of effort brings rewards in good time...


Come on my team, finish with pride...

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Well, if that's a way to go, then it better be "The Hall of Fame".

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I'm all for leaving it the hell alone.

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Thats the problem with forums run by men.

When they were boys they would constantly play with themselves to a satisfactory conclusion.

When those same boys get old, they dont play with themselves so much so end up finding other things to play with.

Some end up owning/running forums and cannot resist playing with them.

Well fellas, you can play with this one as much as you like but it wont make you cum.

Leave the fuggin place alone!

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I'm all for leaving it the hell alone.


I agree.


This sort of talk reminds me a bit of the gentleman in China, who leapt to his death from a third floor window as he thought his microwave was about to explode. I'm not sure I can really expand on that, except to say that reorganising this form would be a similarly unnecessary thing to do.



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The only change I would make is to do with ease of navigation. Currently at the top it says


DeathList Forum DeathListDeathList extra-curricular


Surely DeathList Forum is one of the three (four counting the ladies' section) boards This always confuses me when I want to switch to a different board. Mind you, I can be quite dim at times.

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I'm not a fan of creating multiple forums for each category but if it was just the pinned topics I wouldn't mind. Oh and the guests are always welcome.

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I'm all for leaving it the hell alone.


I agree.


This sort of talk reminds me a bit of the gentleman in China, who leapt to his death from a third floor window as he thought his microwave was about to explode. I'm not sure I can really expand on that, except to say that reorganising this form would be a similarly unnecessary thing to do.



So I ,must inquire did he jump for naught and the microwave never exploded or was it a wise move and he had expected to land on his wife as she returned from the restaurant with takeout from the local American restaurant and he just jumped too soon?

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I like it the way it is.


“Fashion changes, but style endures.”

Coco Chanel

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