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2013 DDP Dumping Ground And Salvage Lot

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I will explode if Zhuang Zedong dies... Now that he's off my team and a unique for DDT. I dropped him because I read that his treatment was going very well.


Please, there really is no need to combust on my account. Try to remain calm at all times. :)


I read that ZZ wasn't doing too well last September, so I thought I'd give him a run out in my team. I'm a bit worried about his obit chances though.


He was on the Last Word on Friday along with David Taylor!

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As I started the email, pick 20 was Jalal Talabani. Then I had a last-second change of heart and put in Bill Pertwee instead.


I've said elsewhere that points wise, the very ill 90 somethings aren't worth picking if I'm to do well, Princess Lillian went in the last rummage of names.


Others not mentioned already that came close to consideration were Derek Thompson, Guy Innes-Kerr, Paul Cellucci and Tim Curley.


That last minute change for Pertwee was a boost as it turned out, less so for Princess Lilian.


Innes-Ker has been out and about a lot more lately but it's still not clear if he's beaten his cancer - however Derek Thompson has beaten his cancer - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/horse-racing/21703628

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I dropped Havelange, Gunter Grass, Kony, Muhammad Ali and Masao Yoshida.

I can't believe I didn't pick Chavez as my joker.


Health failing apparently http://japandailypress.com/former-fukushima-nuclear-plant-chiefs-testimony-siezed-by-criminal-prosecutors-0422651


Yoshida has died but wasnt on Spades top challengers list of picks. I find that astonishing.

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Only one in the top 20 even had him - angryGreatness's team, who now leaps from =18 to 11.

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I dropped Havelange, Gunter Grass, Kony, Muhammad Ali and Masao Yoshida.

I can't believe I didn't pick Chavez as my joker.


Health failing apparently http://japandailypre...ecutors-0422651


Yoshida has died but wasnt on Spades top challengers list of picks. I find that astonishing.


I was going to note that the last person with a surname beginning with a Y to die on the DDP was Isuzu Yamada, exactly one year ago today. Then I noticed that Mandawuy Yunipingu ruined the sequence on June 1st, thereby rendering this post completely irrelevant.

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Only one in the top 20 even had him - angryGreatness's team, who now leaps from =18 to 11.

...although by me there are 2 teams now into/back into the top 20 because of this, so quite important for those of us clamouring to get into or stay in the top 20, even if those at the top missed him

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I think Yoshida was dropped by a lot of people who thought "well if this cunt hasn't died within 18 months of throat cancer presumably he's in remission?"

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I dropped Havelange, Gunter Grass, Kony, Muhammad Ali and Masao Yoshida.

I can't believe I didn't pick Chavez as my joker.


Took him as captain in one 'pool, and after listening to a r4 prog this morning the whole of the Fukushima 50 workers might be worth a thread of their own.

Not just after the high radiation doses suffered, but they are almost shunned by society now, which combined with overwhelming guilt and the Japanese fondness for suicide, could lead to rich pickings in the future.

With the sense of loyalty/association with their Companies, they have guilt over the incident, and landlords etc are turning them down for houses etc because of the association.


Bingo...BBC obit.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23251102



Edit....I thought it was brain not throat cancer ?

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ALMOST dumped him. Makes up for not picking Bernie Nolan.

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Similarly, Deborah Orr's mother is currently in a hospice with final stage cancer. I'm sure either she, or her hubby Will Self, would find it in themselves to write a terrible self-regarding article about WHAT DYING FROM CANCER MEANS IN TORY BRITAIN. Orr might even find it possible to blame Netanyahu for the death. Anyway, while this is a perfect pick, I couldn't for the life of me find Orr's mother's actual name. So no go.


Winifired. Would have gotten me perhaps the least-deserving points in DDP history as well if I'd have found it.

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Spade Cooley, 26 January 2012:

I think it's about time all those seeking an unnatural death bonus averted their eyes from assorted Taliban/Al-Qaeda (so 2000 and late) types and got abord the Boko Haram express. Abubakar Shekau is the current emir of the organisation and he's staking his claims out already.


Extra points for any Boko Haram/Procul Harum gags.


BBC, 19 August 2013:

Abubakar Shekau of Nigeria's Boko Haram 'may be dead'



Not a confirmed hit yet, but a definite maybe.

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DJ Cheb I Sabbah has been fighting stomach cancer throughout most of the past year, but who the fuck cares about dance/world music fusion in 2013? Is Giles Peterson even still alive?


Dead at 66, but no sign of a UK obituary nearly a week later. Maybe I chose right, maybe a filler Independent obituary on December 16th is going to make me kick a hole in the nearest cupboard.

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DJ Cheb I Sabbah has been fighting stomach cancer throughout most of the past year, but who the fuck cares about dance/world music fusion in 2013? Is Giles Peterson even still alive?


Dead at 66, but no sign of a UK obituary nearly a week later. Maybe I chose right, maybe a filler Independent obituary on December 16th is going to make me kick a hole in the nearest cupboard.



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That cupboard's going to take one helluva beating...

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Reg Presley - Resolution for next year: ignore my brain. I nearly didn't pick Jardine either.

Vincent Bugliosi - Probably will regret this as well but no health information after the initial TMZ report

Thor Hansen - Poker player with terminal cancer, though apparently recovered enough to take part in the WSOP last year. Obit pretty doubtful.

Julie Newmar - Sounds incredibly bleak on her blog

Bugliosi finally dead.

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