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Name A Million Dead People

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Has anyone done a list of Popes?


Edited to say : ignore my intial post, I just noticed someone has already done that.

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998,759 Maurice Gibb

998,760 Andy Gibb

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Dead Cow did Maurice at 983.


I've just been thinking of adding the two founding owners of the Franky and Bennie franchise chain of restaurants but I've been cut to the quick to have just found out that the idea is all make-believe and was only started in Leicester in 1995.

Let's look at these long missed British TV greats...


998,761. Percy Thrower

998,762. Fanny Cradock

998,763. Johnnie Cradock

998,764. Roy Castle

998,765. Johnny Morris

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Dead Cow did Maurice at 983.


I've just been thinking of adding the two founding owners of the Franky and Bennie franchise chain of restaurants but I've been cut to the quick to have just found out that the idea is all make-believe and was only started in Leicester in 1995.


Haha you sucker. I suppose you thought Mr. Muscle was real too? :D:lol:

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Dead Cow did Maurice at 983.


I've just been thinking of adding the two founding owners of the Franky and Bennie franchise chain of restaurants but I've been cut to the quick to have just found out that the idea is all make-believe and was only started in Leicester in 1995.


I did a search on just the surname of Gibb and all that came up with Robin

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998,766. Beryl Reid

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Since Rotten Ali added Johnny Morris, then I have no alternative but to do


998,767 Terry Nutkins

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998, 768: Boethius

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998, 769. Ian Hendry

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99 of the 100 dead US Supreme Court Justices, as I think Taft's the only one already named


998770 Henry Baldwin

998771 Philip Barbour

998772 Hugo Black

998773 Harry Blackmun

998774 John Blair

998775 Samuel Blatchford

998776 Joseph Bradley

998777 Louis Brandeis

998778 William Brennan

998779 David Brewer

998780 Henry Brown

998781 Warren Burger

998782 Harold Burton

998783 Pierce Butler

998784 James Byrnes

998785 John Campbell

998786 Benjamin Cardozo

998787 John Catron

998788 Salmon Chase

998789 Samuel Chase

998790 Tom Clark

998791 John Clarke

998792 Nathan Clifford

998793 Benjamin Curtis

998794 William Cushing

998795 Peter Daniel

998796 David Davis

998797 William Day

998798 William O. Douglas

998799 Gabriel Duvall

998800 Oliver Ellsworth

998801 Stephen Field

998802 Abe Fortas

998803 Felix Frankfurter

998804 Melville Fuller

998805 Arthur Goldberg

998806 Horace Gray

998807 Robert Grier

998808 John Marshall Harlan

998809 John Marshall Harlan II

998810 Oliver Wendell Holmes

998811 Charles Evans Hughes

998812 Ward Hunt

998813 James Iredell

998814 Howell Jackson

998815 Robert Jackson

998816 John Jay

998817 Thomas Johnson

998818 William Johnson

998819 Joseph Lamar

998820 Lucius Lamar

998821 Brockholst Livingston

998822 Horace Lurton

998823 John Marshall

998824 Thurgood Marshall

998825 Stanley Matthews

998826 Joseph McKenna

998827 John McKinley

998828 John McLean

998829 James McReynolds

998830 Samuel Miller

998831 Sherman Minton

998832 William Moody

998833 Alfred Moore

998834 Frank Murphy

998835 Samuel Nelson

998836 William Paterson

998837 Rufus Peckham

998838 Mahlon Pitney

998839 Lewis Powell

998840 Stanley Reed

998841 William Rehnquist

998842 Owen Roberts

998843 John Rutledge

998844 Wiley Rutledge

998845 Edward Sanford

998846 George Shiras

998847 Potter Stewart

998848 Harlan Fiske Stone

998849 Joseph Story

998850 William Strong

998851 George Sutherland

998852 Noah Swayne

998853 Roger Brooke Taney

998854 Smith Thompson

998855 Thomas Todd

998856 Robert Trimble

998857 Willis Van Devanter

998858 Fred Vinson

998859 Morrison Waite

998860 Earl Warren

998861 Bushrod Washington

998862 James Wayne

998863 Byron White

998864 Edward D. White

998865 Charles Whittaker

998866 James Wilson

998867 Levi Woodbury

998868 William Woods

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998,869. Bill Grundy

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998870 Marie-France Pisier

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998,871: John Peel (legendary Cumbrian huntsman - NOT John Ravenscroft)

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998872 Bernard Edwards

998873 Tony Thompson

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998,874: Keith Relf

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998875 Luther Vandross

998876 Teddy Pendergrass

998877 Lou Rawls

998878 Joe Tex

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998,879. Magnus Pike

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998880 Rainer Werner Fassbinder

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998,881. Moondog

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998,869. Bill Grundy

He's in at 1536, with other newsy types.

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998,882 Sue Townsend

998,883 Elizabeth Beresford

998,884 Enid Blyton

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998,884 Roald Dahl

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998,888 Gretchen Franklin

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998.885. Guy Mitchell

998,886. Rosemary Clooney

998,887. Connie Francis


Connie Francis isn't dead (yet).

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