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Rolling "dr Zorders Makes An Edgy Post" Thread

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

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Feel like this thread is due a revival.

Why? I think this "thread" should be locked by now. Basically, if the admin team starts allowing people make topics that single out individual members, then it will set a bad precedent for thread-makers. What will stop someone from making a "Top 100 Reasons why Predictor Sucks" in the future?


I may be a bit biased because I think Zorders is cool and all, but my comment applies to whomever this thread would've been aimed towards.




To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.



Guys, guys. Stop giving the doctor ideas!

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself.

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself.


If only I could!

Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. :(

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself.


If only I could!

Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. :(


If we started a needless thread to mock LFN we could call it Fellatio's Going Down


Not that we'd ever dream of such, like.

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself.


If only I could!

Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. :(


If we started a needless thread to mock LFN we could call it Fellatio's Going Down


Not that we'd ever dream of such, like.


I shall always bow to your greatness Mary.

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

Only a thousand?

I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself.


If only I could!

Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. :(


If we started a needless thread to mock LFN we could call it Fellatio's Going Down


Not that we'd ever dream of such, like.


I shall always bow to your greatness Mary.




It's easier on the back if you are on your knees. Trust me.

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To be honest I'd be flattered if someone made a top 1000 reasons Deathray sucks thread or one of that ilk.

To be clear, I 'liked' this post because I would also be flattered, not because I think you suck. I have no opinion one way or the other of your suckiness or lack thereof.

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You're a real moron charrers. A genuine gold-plated twazzock. Everyone was laughing at the latest posts in this thread up until yours then you fucked it up..........


Who's the real "idiot" here?

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I'm not a huge fan of Dr Zorder's persona on here but I do think posting PMs on the main board is a bit off and unnecessary.

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Eh , you.


Didn't read reply in 3 weeks ffs, if it meant that much to you that you sent a simpering diatribe like that......lol.


If you had even read the reply then it wouldn't have been posted.

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Eh , you.


Didn't read reply in 3 weeks ffs, if it meant that much to you that you sent a simpering diatribe like that......lol.


If you had even read the reply then it wouldn't have been posted.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Ban this guy and delete these posts (except this one). Twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Seriously this guy needs to be banned.

I'm not a huge fan of Dr Zorder's persona on here but I do think posting PMs on the main board is a bit off and unnecessary.

Of course it's "a bit off". And obviously we know who's really been "got to" here if he feels the need to post them. lolololoololol.

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I'm not a huge fan of Dr Zorder's persona on here but I do think posting PMs on the main board is a bit off and unnecessary.


Why send it in first place if you don't even read the reply.........


Boy isn't all there, which is pot calling kettle, but, really....

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I'm not a huge fan of Dr Zorder's persona on here but I do think posting PMs on the main board is a bit off and unnecessary.

Why send it in first place if you don't even read the reply.........


Boy isn't all there, which is pot calling kettle, but, really....



Quite possibly but we can judge that for ourselves from his posts. There is no need for private messages to be made public on here.

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I'm not a huge fan of Dr Zorder's persona on here but I do think posting PMs on the main board is a bit off and unnecessary.

Why send it in first place if you don't even read the reply.........


Boy isn't all there, which is pot calling kettle, but, really....




Are you very annoyed that you think you're gonna embarrass me or something then it barely even bothers me and I flick you off my shoulder like one of those really fat, slow-flying moths?


My "family" are good at that too lol, you should see my sister's face change, and watch her run off like a dog who's seen a ghost when 2 minutes into the thing she realises A. her trying to beat me in an argument is like Bernard Manning the day before he died trying to land one on Mike Tyson aged 21. and B. she had no fucking point in the first place.

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Why send a pile of poo like that if you aren't looking for attention?


All I have done is give him his platform.

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I just removed two posts, one quoting a PM and one quoting that post.


I thought it would be obvious that PMs are private. Don't post them (or parts of them) in the forum.




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Thanks. Or at least don't post them without expecting them to be deleted if asked.......


Like I said in the now-deleted post, it's hilarious that you think I would send you that Pm while "drunk". As if something as dull as that attracts my attention when drunk. Christ on a jetski.......

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If PMs are private, why do forum owners get to see them if they want? Hey, hey? ;)

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Is it OK then if I post my unread reply? Not really a pm as such then....

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If PMs are private, why do forum owners get to see them if they want? Hey, hey? ;)

As far as I'm aware only admins can see other members' PMs, and only with some effort and technical knowledge. I can, and have done so only once, a long time ago, to investigate a complaint about spam PMs.


Is it OK then if I post my unread reply? Not really a pm as such then....

Better not.




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Aye I knew about 'privalages' and no, I wont do reply.


Unless provoked :)

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And for the record, the lush 'still' hasn't read my reply from Xmas eve...



Meant a lot to me :(

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Can I get an anthrax ripple during the interval?

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