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Evelyn Middleton, surviving half of the "oldest British twins", has died.




Middleton and her sister Edith Ritchie hit the News in 2012, when they were recognized as oldest living twins.

Ritchie died in July 2014 and earned the points on the DDP.


Now, Middleton died back on March 7th, 2015. But there is no obit, I guess. Ontly this one... http://ajl.myfamilyannouncements.co.uk/home/view/3715639/middleton


A great example on how long you are popular as a twin.....


Oh please British press, mention Evelyn. I need her for Gray Panthers.



Yes and Olaf Pooley too?

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Evelyn Middleton, surviving half of the "oldest British twins", has died.




Middleton and her sister Edith Ritchie hit the News in 2012, when they were recognized as oldest living twins.

Ritchie died in July 2014 and earned the points on the DDP.


Now, Middleton died back on March 7th, 2015. But there is no obit, I guess. Ontly this one... http://ajl.myfamilyannouncements.co.uk/home/view/3715639/middleton


A great example on how long you are popular as a twin.....


Oh please British press, mention Evelyn. I need her for Gray Panthers.



Yes and Olaf Pooley too?


Still looking for you deadsox. Pity that Olaf who worked in the early days of BBC Radio and TV just doesn't seem to be news. But it's early days.

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Evelyn Middleton, surviving half of the "oldest British twins", has died.




Middleton and her sister Edith Ritchie hit the News in 2012, when they were recognized as oldest living twins.

Ritchie died in July 2014 and earned the points on the DDP.


Now, Middleton died back on March 7th, 2015. But there is no obit, I guess. Ontly this one... http://ajl.myfamilyannouncements.co.uk/home/view/3715639/middleton


A great example on how long you are popular as a twin.....


Oh please British press, mention Evelyn. I need her for Gray Panthers.



Yes and Olaf Pooley too?


Still looking for you deadsox. Pity that Olaf who worked in the early days of BBC Radio and TV just doesn't seem to be news. But it's early days.


Well considering that Jeffrey Segal doesn't seem to have made a ripple and he was in Fawlty Towers then this could be touch and go.


The Doctor Who/Star Trek connection is what you would be hoping for.

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Pooley will get an obit. Who/Trek supporting actor's deaths tend to hit the fan networks well ahead of the papers, and he did only die two days ago.

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Pooley will get an obit. Who/Trek supporting actor's deaths tend to hit the fan networks well ahead of the papers, and he did only die two days ago.


He is also the sort of person who would feature on The Last Word (Friday 4.30 Radio 4)

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Aubrey Morris: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8127&p=231810


Guardian Obit: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jul/16/aubrey-morris (Ta to The Dead Cow).


Alcides Ghiggia: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8273&p=231847


Guardian Obit: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/jul/17/alcides-ghiggia-uruguay-maracanazo-dies-88


Yoichiro Nambu: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6349&p=231854


Telegraph Obit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11751111/Yoichiro-Nambu-physicist-obituary.html


Jules Bianchi: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7092&p=231911


Daily Mail Obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-3166059/Jules-Bianchi-25-dies-nine-months-F1-driver-crashed-Japanese-Grand-Prix.html


Alex Rocco: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7161&p=231978


Daily Mail Obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3167423/Alex-Rocco-played-mobster-casino-owner-Moe-Green-Godfather-dies-79.html


Nova Pilbeam (includes qualifying obit): http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8454&p=232134


Theodore Bikel: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8174&p=232186


Reuters UK Obit: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/07/21/us-people-bikel-idUKKCN0PV25720150721

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One of my Theme Team picks the mighty Terrence Dicks is to be awarded a Lifetime acheivement award at the San Diego Comicon.


He is not collecting it in person but does this mean I might be heading for some points.


Oddly enough I hope not because my respect for his work is deep and longstanding.


Yes, points gained on Uncle Terry would be a sad event for Who fans, the world over. Mind you, he's meant to still be in fairly robust health, maybe he just didn't fancy a trip to San Diego/was too busy?



One of the reasons I put Terrance on my list was to keep him on the radar and to remind everyone how awesome he is.


His writing style is deceptively simple but some of his later original novels have such joie de vivre and love of his subject they put some of the other series writers to shame.


He has been an influence on many writers who have broken out through Doctor Who novels into the mainstream such as Paul Cornell, Ben Aaronovitch and Paul Magrs as well as new series writers such as Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffett.


I think he deserves a knighthood if Moffett and RTD can get OBEs

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Pooley will get an obit. Who/Trek supporting actor's deaths tend to hit the fan networks well ahead of the papers, and he did only die two days ago.


Aubrey Morris has leapfrogged him and the only places still carrying Pooley death are still Doctor Who fan forums.

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Pissed off at my hit-rate going to a standstill.


It was all going great when I got my 3rd hit in April. Whereas I had to wait until July 19th for my 3rd last year. Now here we are and nothing since Jean Nidetch. :smiley_f::flame2:

I demand that somebody do something immediately! Immediately - harumph harumph!

TMIB did you ever figure out that epic pun I was hinting at for one of my unique picks.....

(er I guess check the PM again if u completely forgot :glare: )

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Pissed off at my hit-rate going to a standstill.


It was all going great when I got my 3rd hit in April. Whereas I had to wait until July 19th for my 3rd last year. Now here we are and nothing since Jean Nidetch. :smiley_f::flame2:

I demand that somebody do something immediately! Immediately - harumph harumph!

TMIB did you ever figure out that epic pun I was hinting at for one of my unique picks.....

(er I guess check the PM again if u completely forgot :glare: )


Killen in the name?

Albee gone soon?

Art of darkness?

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Nope none of those are that epic but, for the love of your mum's signed Terence Alexander photograph... stop giving away good ones "early"

Guess I'll have to email it you myself in the event

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Latest page oop!


The pics and bios should be complete by the next one...

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I'll hold fire on Uzzaman until we know the exact circumstances of his death...

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Hey Blackie, will Hell To The Chief get credit for Mullah Omar? Do we know for sure when he died? Do we believe the Taliban or Pakistan?


Stay tuned for the answers to these riveting questions.

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Hey Blackie, will Hell To The Chief get credit for Mullah Omar? Do we know for sure when he died? Do we believe the Taliban or Pakistan?


Stay tuned for the answers to these riveting questions.

I'd say he falls into the Uzzaman category, but at least with Uzzaman there's hope that he died in 2015 (for deadpoolers obviously). Anyhow, The Times have published an obituary which is as good as confirmation he's dead, personally I'd assume the worst and he's been dead a long time and won't gather points. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/obituaries/article4513239.ece?CMP=Spklr-_-Editorial-_-TWITTER-_-TimesObits-_-20150730-_-216118445&linkId=15960975

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Hey Blackie, will Hell To The Chief get credit for Mullah Omar? Do we know for sure when he died? Do we believe the Taliban or Pakistan?


Stay tuned for the answers to these riveting questions.

I'd say he falls into the Uzzaman category, but at least with Uzzaman there's hope that he died in 2015 (for deadpoolers obviously). Anyhow, The Times have published an obituary which is as good as confirmation he's dead, personally I'd assume the worst and he's been dead a long time and won't gather points. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/obituaries/article4513239.ece?CMP=Spklr-_-Editorial-_-TWITTER-_-TimesObits-_-20150730-_-216118445&linkId=15960975



What he said. Uzzaman has a good chance of an obit, Omar unfortunately looks to have carked it in 2013, which is a bummer but such is the vicissitudes of deadpooling...

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Avoid those Talibani types in your DDP team at all costs.


Hakimullah Mehsud springs to mind as one that got many of our hopes up time and time again.

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Guest Pelican

[quote name="themaninblack" post="232579" timestamp="1438016492"


I'll hold fire on Uzzaman until we know the exact circumstances of his death...


In an interview with the Sunday Times, Assad Uzzaman's father says he last heard from him on July 6th...



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Latest pages are up.


Many thanks to TUM for polishing off the celeb pics/bios.


Page rate is past the 100,000 mark since Feb 2012! I need to get some sponsors in...


There will be a bit of back office work in the next few months (updates/experiments etc) in preparation for the 20th anniversary in 2016...

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