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What about film director Lewis Gilbert (James Bond, Alfie,...) ? for my opinion he would be a good choice for DL 2016.


At 94 he's certainly no spring chicken.



Exactly for this reason. This Friday he will be 95 years.

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"

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Richard Davies who played the role of Mr Price in Please Sir! and was also Private 593 William Jones in the film Zulu recently turned 89. Couldn't find any health info on him, but he's one of the few suriving cast members from Zulu.

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There's a major doping scandal in Germany's football breaking right now. It's about systematic doping in the 70s and 80s and the scandal could seriously taint the reputation of the sport and of a couple of old players, coaches and officials. The "Fuentes" of Germany is a 79-year old professor named Armin Klümper who fled to South Africa and whose current whereabouts are unknown. Two former presidents of the DFB, the German football association, might also wish right now that they'd disappear from the earth. There is 83-year old Gerhard Meyer-Vorfelder:


(picture is 3 years old)


And there is his predecessor, Egidius Braun who just turned 90, http://de.fifa.com/newscentre/features/news/newsid=2532158/


(He's the guy on the left in case it wasn't clear.)


In fact, I thought Braun was already dead.

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There's a major doping scandal in Germany's football breaking right now. It's about systematic doping in the 70s and 80s and the scandal could seriously taint the reputation of the sport and of a couple of old players, coaches and officials. The "Fuentes" of Germany is a 79-year old professor named Armin Klümper who fled to South Africa and whose current whereabouts are unknown. Two former presidents of the DFB, the German football association, might also wish right now that they'd disappear from the earth. There is 83-year old Gerhard Meyer-Vorfelder:


(picture is 3 years old)


And there is his predecessor, Egidius Braun who just turned 90, http://de.fifa.com/newscentre/features/news/newsid=2532158/


(He's the guy on the left in case it wasn't clear.)


In fact, I thought Braun was already dead.



I've seen dead people who looked better than him!

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........

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There's a major doping scandal in Germany's football breaking right now. It's about systematic doping in the 70s and 80s and the scandal could seriously taint the reputation of the sport and of a couple of old players, coaches and officials. The "Fuentes" of Germany is a 79-year old professor named Armin Klümper who fled to South Africa and whose current whereabouts are unknown. Two former presidents of the DFB, the German football association, might also wish right now that they'd disappear from the earth. There is 83-year old Gerhard Meyer-Vorfelder:


(picture is 3 years old)


And there is his predecessor, Egidius Braun who just turned 90, http://de.fifa.com/newscentre/features/news/newsid=2532158/


(He's the guy on the left in case it wasn't clear.)


In fact, I thought Braun was already dead.


So we can finally say openly that West Germany won in 54 because they were roided off their tits?

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.


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So we can finally say openly that West Germany won in 54 because they were roided off their tits?


Right now, there are lots of articles about how "one could have/should have known" and how it was all there to see. It's sort of proven that there was doping in 1954. There are also hints that it happened in 1966. I just read that in 1986, as testified by goalkeeper Toni Schuhmacher in his autobiography, there most likely was doping going on. The current scandal is mainly about doping in the Bundesliga, especially at Freiburg and VfB Stuttgart. A player who played at both clubs in exactly the interesting period is current national coach Jogi Löw. The national coach in 1986 was Franz Beckenbauer. Also implicated in the scandal are interesting figures like Ottmar Hitzfeld (winner of the Champions League with Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund) or Paul Breitner (long-time regular of Bayern Munich).

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....


Oh I'm ever so sorry to have to get you to actually look something up yourself. perhaps I should spoonfeed you the complete biography next time, because obviously it takes time out of your day from being a complete w***er.

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....


Oh I'm ever so sorry to have to get you to actually look something up yourself. perhaps I should spoonfeed you the complete biography next time, because obviously it takes time out of your day from being a complete w***er.


No, just the fact that he has actually directed more than 2 or 3 nameable films was all I was after actually..


Maybe JFGI should stand for Jonny Fantom's Geriatric Indignance.

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....


Oh I'm ever so sorry to have to get you to actually look something up yourself. perhaps I should spoonfeed you the complete biography next time, because obviously it takes time out of your day from being a complete w***er.


No, just the fact that he has actually directed more than 2 or 3 nameable films was all I was after actually..


Maybe JFGI should stand for Jonny Fantom's Geriatric Indignance.


Why should I or anyone have to justify their suggestions to you of all people? Well I'm sorry that you didn't recognise their name, afterall he's just as famous as Jake Roberts.

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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


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I often like to just "walk away" and "be the bigger man" in these arguments.


So I won't point out that Jake Roberts is a completely different case because that was a user complaining about not knowing someone who was picked by our "esteemed" committee , not me complaining about random people listed here. And if you can't be bothered to google someone who our precious retired-New-Zealand-sportsman-hocking geniuses selected I think that's the real laziness/arrogance right?


oh wait oops

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I often like to just "walk away" and "be the bigger man" in these arguments.


So I won't point out that Jake Roberts is a completely different case because that was a user complaining about not knowing someone who was picked by our "esteemed" committee , not me complaining about random people listed here. And if you can't be bothered to google someone who our precious retired-New-Zealand-sportsman-hocking geniuses selected I think that's the real laziness/arrogance right?


oh wait oops

So if you don't watch or follow cricket, you won't know who he is. If you don't watch the films people have directed, likewise.

But if you're too lazy to look up additional information (which is how I found out who Jake Roberts was only having just seen the name listed somewhere before) then I guess they would just be... well.. you. To put in bluntly. Now go run along and do something constructive.

Would you have known who Norman Hudis is if I hadn't put in that extra information about him? I knew who he was since I had watched the Carry On films several times over the years.


And while we're on the subject, I haven't bothered to watch any Bond movies. Don't care for them, I've seen enough clips of the movies to be able to tell who the main actors in them are, but I've seen Alfie a few times to know who directed it.

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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


* delete as applicable

Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .


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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


* delete as applicable

Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



I've not seen any health info on, in fact it's just a suggestion. You can chose to go with it, or not.

No one (apart from you) has suggested that it's a "90-something brainstorming thread"

And no it's not down to the poster to give some long rambling reason as to who that person is, merely put them as a suggestion. I personally think being 93/94 years of age puts them as good of a chance as anyone that age given the average life expectancy, or perhaps someone might wish to include them on a theme team.


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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


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Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



For a slightly different reason, I tried to find numbers on the mortality rate of people at a certain age. I found this from the US census: https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0110.pdf


The mortality rate of a 85+ year old male in the USA in 2008 was at 14%. The rate increases with age and the USA does better in high-end medicine, so for a 93-year old british male, the mortality rate is probably higher. If one definitely knew that there are no health issues with that person, then one could adjust the rate to a lower level, since these 14% include unnatural deaths, cancer deaths, and everything not primarily related to age. But without knowing anything else about that person, I'd guess the chance of that person dying until the 31st of December 2016 is at about 20%. Which is not nothing.

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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


* delete as applicable

Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



For a slightly different reason, I tried to find numbers on the mortality rate of people at a certain age. I found this from the US census: https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0110.pdf


The mortality rate of a 85+ year old male in the USA in 2008 was at 14%. The rate increases with age and the USA does better in high-end medicine, so for a 93-year old british male, the mortality rate is probably higher. If one definitely knew that there are no health issues with that person, then one could adjust the rate to a lower level, since these 14% include unnatural deaths, cancer deaths, and everything not primarily related to age. But without knowing anything else about that person, I'd guess the chance of that person dying until the 31st of December 2016 is at about 20%. Which is not nothing.



You don't need to justify to SC or Zorders as to why you think them to be a viable suggestion. If they're unable to deduce it for themselves then that's no skin off your nose.

I think they're competing for.. oh how was it Zorders phrased it? oh yes Arsehole Edgiest poster

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Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .


While I wholeheartedly agree that people with a known illness are usually more interesting suggestions than people who are simply very old (and notable), it might be worth noting that just being a nonagenarian might be a more relevant adverse prognostic indicator than some less serious (or near-harmless) cancer types (like non-metastatic testicular cancer, non-melanoma skin cancers, esp. basal cell carcinoma) that have cure rates of over 90%. The following excellent article, posted by Bibliogryphon in a thread on one of the old people on deathlist points out that people over the age of 96 who are alive at the start of the year have a 1-year baseline mortality rate of 25% and that rate increases to 30% by the age of 100.



Then add the fact that DL2014 only had a success rate of 10/50 (20%) and that nearly everyone dying were ancient people as opposed to younger celebrities like Valerie Harper, Sam Simon and Wilko Johnson who all survived the year despite being declared terminal...

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I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


* delete as applicable

Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



For a slightly different reason, I tried to find numbers on the mortality rate of people at a certain age. I found this from the US census: https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0110.pdf


The mortality rate of a 85+ year old male in the USA in 2008 was at 14%. The rate increases with age and the USA does better in high-end medicine, so for a 93-year old british male, the mortality rate is probably higher. If one definitely knew that there are no health issues with that person, then one could adjust the rate to a lower level, since these 14% include unnatural deaths, cancer deaths, and everything not primarily related to age. But without knowing anything else about that person, I'd guess the chance of that person dying until the 31st of December 2016 is at about 20%. Which is not nothing.



You don't need to justify to SC or Zorders as to why you think them to be a viable suggestion. If they're unable to deduce it for themselves then that's no skin off your nose.

I think they're competing for.. oh how was it Zorders phrased it? oh yes Arsehole Edgiest poster


I always try to appeal to the better parts of human nature.... I am very stubborn.

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TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


At lot of journalists are massive nerds and if a Doctor Who actor or a Bond director dies it is very easy copy they could write in their sleep. Gilbert will obit big time.

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