Wow, Vince McMahon must have dipped into his pocket on that one. That's the most astounding rebound/recovery since the last time The Simpsons got renewed.
I take it you have read "the list" then.
Na, he just looks like a nonce, worked with una stubbs when she was fit and didn't , proof enough for me.
Perhaps he just didn't fancy being pooed on?
I reckon in 2 weeks Superstar Billy Graham will be deed. He's no Zsa Zsa, getting released from hospital will be the end of him. We all know Zsa Zsa is imortal.
Just checked her website and whilst it had little to tell me about her current state of health did inform me that she was descended from General Robert E Lee.
Quite a few cast members of the Big Sleep are still around as well, including Lauren Bacall, Dorothy Malone (who played the sexy, horny book store girl), Sonia Darrin, Tanis Chandler and Shep Houghton.
I have just had a bit of a look. Since you obviously like musicals, you will be interested to know that quite a few of the cast of French Can-Can (released in the same year) are also still alive but there do indeed seem to be more survivors than average for Seven Brides.
I am guessing there might be a lot of survivors still around from Japanese films of that era, given the noted longevity of the Japanese.
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