Thats because nobody can be arsed anymore C.A.
These are sad times for the D.L, there is a distinct lack of mojo and the infestation of Wayne and Waynettas siblings has only sought to weaken the strength and integral structure of the forum in a brazen attack on its ethos and very existence.........................or summat.
Fucked if i know.
I actually knew a Waynetta. True story. Brother named Wayne, sister named Waynetta. Dad Wayne insisted they both be named after him.
Good God.
I know a man named Kevin, middle name Wayne. He had a son, named him Wayne, middle name Kevin. Suffice to say, they are a pair of cunts.
In other news, I have a job interview today that my whole entire life depends on. Being a grown up sucks.
Good luck with the interview but if you are applying to be an Angliacan Bishop there are a couple of things that will go against you.