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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/14 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Nah, suicidal depression has no discriminations - you could be rich, popular and health and it'd still stick its claws in.
  2. 4 points
    Morgue And Mindy. (sorry) Really sad and shocking news. Another icon of childhood gone.
  3. 3 points
    I preferred him when he was in Take That. Now he's loving angels instead. R.I.P Rob.
  4. 2 points
    Have you ever heard of acting?! That reminds me of what Laurence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman on the set of "Marathon Man" when Hoffman would stay up for 3 days and nights at a time. Olivier is reputed as saying "Have you ever tried acting, dear boy?"
  5. 2 points
    Have you ever heard of acting?!
  6. 2 points
    I preferred him when he was in Take That. Now he's loving angels instead. R.I.P Rob. No it's the actor who used to be in Mork and Mindy who's died not the Take That singer Didn't see that one coming! HOW DOES THE BBC DO THAT AGAIN???! A FEW MINUTES AGO I WAS WATCHING THE FAMILY GUY EPISODE WITH ALL THOSE ROBIN WILLIAMSES ON BBC3!!! Some weeks ago the beeb showed James Garner movie on the same day he died. AND NOW THE BBC STRIKES AGAIN!!! Someone please ask them to air a Bieber movie!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721553/Rolf-Harris-lands-cushy-gardening-job-prison-just-weeks-conviction-Other-prisoners-claim-paedophile-jumped-queue.html -Rolf gets a gardening job .I suppose he couldn`t resist doing a job that involved tending to small bushes!Looks like he is still active then.
  9. 1 point
    And man invented God. Do the Taliban know where you live?
  10. 1 point
    No, I'm actually being serious. Several of these people are not familiar to me, and they are not household names in Sweden. Or anyhere outside of Uk. Is this really an issue? Well, anyways, I think longterm, which means that my knowledge of things keeps growing for every day. I'm only 20. No need to get all worked up and question my education that I work hard for at college level. Thanks!
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