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  1. 3 points
    Fraser''s grown a conscience in his old age. It is a pity PMs - of all political persuasions - don't possess them while they are in office.
  2. 2 points
    Wankers. Back in the 80s, when Jasper Carrott used to do a lot of jokes about Sun readers, I once worked on a promotion that entailed collecting vouchers from the Sun. It was massively oversubscribed, and we couldn't keep up with the amount of mail coming in. This resulted in lots of angry phone calls and letters, many of them from posh people who clearly had only bought the paper for the vouchers. We sent out a letter to all disappointed punters, addressing them as "Dear Sun Reader". How we smirked as we imagined their expressions as they read that.
  3. 1 point
    Yesterday I saw Marianne Faithfull live in concert at her 50th Anniversary Tour. Because of her broken hip she needed a helping hand to walk on stage, she used a stick to stand upright and she sat down in her armchair every second song, but man! What a personality, what a charisma! I'm so in love with her (and I was before)! My highlight: Marianne singing her significant junkie-song „Sister Morphine“ as she was sitting down, drinking a cup of tea and smoking an e-cigarette. If you had told her that 40 years ago...
  4. 1 point
    Not really, he was a "progressive" (left-leaning) politician, unlike Thatcher; he had a brief premiership (less than a full term), unlike Thatcher; he was easily outmanoeuvered by his main political enemy etc. Maybe an anti-thesis of Thatcher? I meant in terms of reaction upon death, fucknut. (p.s. Holy shit, look at the front page... we have "details"! They're followin' and everything!) When Maggie Thatcher died, her "fans" have propelled "Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead!" to #2 on the UK singles chart; if fact, the theme of the day of her death had inspired numerous punk-ish songs (Pete Wylie [ The Day That Margaret Thatcher Dies!…: ; Hefner: The Day that Thatcher Dies: ) years before she actually kicked the bucket. I'd doubt that good old Gough Whitlam would get a similar treatment. But feel free to prove me wrong! That definitely won't happen. Anyway, put it this way: the conservative side don't really have a reason to loathe him - after all, they won! His governement was dismissed and then the Liberals were voted in at the next election. His ALP supporters won't turn the funeral into a time for recriminations either. If ever there is a controversial, it will be when his arch-rival and successor Malcolm Fraser dies (and I think Whitlam and Fraser buried the hatchet a while ago anyway.) I expect there to be more animosity around the funeral of Keating (for bad economic policies) or John Howard (Iraq and Afghan Wars.) It is really ironic that the man who helped kicked Gough out of office, Malcolm Fraser, is now no longer a member of his own party, having resigned from the LIberal Party in protest against the Mad Monk, Abbott. I was in Canberra on that day in November 1975 & remember it well. Gough did some wonderful things for Australia & I feel the country owes him more than it realizes.
  5. 1 point
    So I wanted to check if Kasem's afterlife still looks like an episode of Scooby Doo, and it does: http://www.kdramasta...-late-radio.htm His wife has escaped to Norway with his body. Since this is a conflict between his wife and his daughter, I was really looking forward to the wife getting caught by her step-daughter, yelling: "I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for this meddling kid!"
  6. 1 point
    It'd be one of those metre-long Christmas Toblerones for me.
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