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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Sorry I didn't see the first one posting so I posted again sorry if it annoys you I'm getting to the point of just giving up on you!. You need to show some modicum of punctuation. Capital letters for names of people. Use a coma when needed. Be interesting and post with a level of incite-fulness. End with a full stop. If you can't do any of that, rearrange, and personally do, this well known phrase or saying: off, right, fuck! Use a coma - I second that.
  2. 1 point
    I've always considered standing for the loonies - maybe next election. Nominations for this year don't close until tomorrow. There is still time. And possibly still time for Nigel Farage to pull a Tory defector out of the bag. I haven't got a suitable outfit to go collecting the ten signatures I'd need nor the £500 deposit that I'd almost certainly not recuperate. The latter being the greater stumbling block. Cheers Thatcher for upping the fee you cretinous dead bastard, your legacy of trodding on the poors hopes and aspirations lives on. I'll just set up a savings plan and The other option could be standing as Deathlist candidate with your backing our policies could be something like legalising the murder of celebrities for advatageous purposes in dead pools, that ought to get the daily mail going. Whichever of us stands might need to buy a mask and change our name by deadpool though. And I doubt the EC would accept our circular with "Let's kill celebs for internet points" written over the skull and cross bones. [For those lacking an off-colour humour detector or any police officers reading - this is not serious, we are not planning and extremist murder-supporting party, we've got the Tories and Labour for that already) I think we could perhaps agree around a more modest set of policies such as making it a criminal offence for the national news media to fail to provide obituaries for writers and sitcom actors and to exempt persecution of guests from hate crime legislation.
  3. 1 point
    Too good not to post. Naomi Wilzig, founder of the World Erotic Art Museum in Miami, famed for penis necklaces (who hasn't had one of those?) dies at 80. http://forward.com/articles/218284/naomi-wilzig-founder-of-erotic-art-museum-dies-at/
  4. 1 point
    Can we ban guest posting now?
  5. 1 point
    No you're not top 3. You're not even in the game... Minus 10 points for Charon.For thinking you can pick an argument (edit) just because you are Scottish. Sorry NAP, but...
  6. 1 point
    There is a name that brings back unwelcome memories of Midlands Today Yes, we were an ATV Today household. Midlands Today seemed too 'establishment' for my tastes - mind you I was but a callow youth at the time. Like Tiswas vs Swap Shop. Tiswas won every time...
  7. 1 point
    There have been cases - one fairly recently but I can't recall exactly when - of the world's oldest title being surrendered by someone who remained alive; because another claiment was proven to be genuinely older. That's less and less likely to happen with better record keeping from the end of the 19th century. That would be Maria Gomes Valentim (9 July 1896 - 21 June 2011), who was discovered to be the world's oldest person after the title was given to Eunice Sanborn (20 July 1896 - 31 January 2011) and later to Besse Cooper (26 August 1896 - 4 December 2012), who later had the title anyway. "Bloody hell* you guys are professionals!" *Ron Weasley
  8. 1 point
    Im not surprised you "unconsidered" it. You realised that you were top of the list.
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