I have three dogs. One of them is currently ten years of age, while the other two dogs I'm pretty sure my parents got when I was two or three. All three of them are amazing dogs.
Unfortunately, the past couple of months haven't been so great for the two older dogs. They're basically at life expectancy at this point and I'm noticing some problems with both of them. The male dog I'm pretty sure has very limited hearing at this point. While he never was the greatest listener, I now have to go up close in order for him to listen to me, which was even unusual for. Besides that and being a little frail, he's doing okay at the moment. Sadly, I can't say the same thing with the female dog. Her hearing is fine, but it's becoming very evident that she's becoming very frail to the point that she's even having trouble walking. I still have to bring her outside everyday to use let her use the bathroom, but since she's has to get off the porch, she doesn't have the capability to step from the porch to the ground anymore, and even when we help her, she has stumbled when she got down a couple of times. So unfortunately, I don't think she'll see the year out at this rate. Really makes me more sad since this is happening at the same time I'm battling another bout of depression at the same time. Of course, it's always evident that animals do die eventually, but slowly going through that process is turning out to be much harder than I have expected.