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Octopus of Odstock

Dementia afflicted footballers

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44 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

Long post again ;)

I think the story about Steve Thompson and other rugby players is relevant here as the problem draws many parallels with the cases in football, and both sports are likely to see changes in the future to minimise the risk to players. And you’re right, it stops us having loads of near-duplicate threads.


I would agree with NFL being part of this too, however we all know how much many of us like being such UK-centric cuntos :D

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I'm not bothered about how this thread develops but Im not going to update the original post with the rugby, NFL and boxers. 

But if someone else wants to that's fine with me, I'm not precious and have other more important things to worry about. 

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Well, I'd say if we're going to have a thread for brain damaged sports types we likely should broaden the scope - my reasoning being that a combination of lawsuits and medical advances will surely deepen our understanding of the ways sport damages brains. 


One biggie from a dead pooling point of view is that some sports - notably rugby and boxing - have seen the participants grow in size and power in the recent past whilst human skulls have got no thicker. Elsewhere the money in areas like MMA has put the focus on a whole new experience of ferocity, up close and personal for television which clearly values those damage-inflicting moments between a losing fighter being beaten to submission and the ref wading in to save him/her. Even the oldest of the first generation of stars there are still fairly young, but they took intense punishment in the worst moments with frequent head-jarring that'd likely put them right in there with regards to CTE. So, lots of obitable cases involved and probably some widespread ignorance atm of just how quickly the life limiting conditions might emerge. Link below makes it clear there are Rugby World Cup winners from 2003 who've got serious issues with memory



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On 08/12/2020 at 08:14, The Quim Reaper said:

This thread should probably be extended to include Rugby players; Steve Thompson, off of England’s World Cup winning Rugby Union squad of 2003, has early onset dementia at the age of 42 and can’t remember winning the cup.


He and several other under-45s affected are planning on taking legal action against the RFU.


Why not just have this include ALL athletes with dementia?

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Occy has put much time and no little effort into constructing this thread about FOOTBALL players.

I know that he has been extremely gracious with his words regarding extending it to encompass other sports, such as Rugby, but, honestly, get another bastard thread started to capture dementia sufferers in other sports and leave this one as the good man intended.

I find it a tad disrespectful to trash his thread.

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1 hour ago, Banana said:

Why not just have this include ALL athletes with dementia?


Athletes as well?  Which athletes are you thinking of?

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1 hour ago, Banana said:


Why not just have this include ALL athletes with dementia?

Because it’s football and rugby that are being looked into for risks specifically associated with head-ball contact.

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1 hour ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Occy has put much time and no little effort into constructing this thread about FOOTBALL players.

I know that he has been extremely gracious with his words regarding extending it to encompass other sports, such as Rugby, but, honestly, get another bastard thread started to capture dementia sufferers in other sports and leave this one as the good man intended.

I find it a tad disrespectful to trash his thread.


To be fair, this is the third thread I've started about footballers. I can understand the argument about this being merged into the Time Added thread but updated as and when and I would not object in the slightest. 


I know @DevonDeathTrip has excellent merging skills, maybe he could do the necessary.


I thought there was something on DL to check what threads one has started. Fook knows what the last non football one I started was. 

EDIT It was gardeners and um.. sexy politicians. 

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37 minutes ago, Octopus of Odstock said:


To be fair, this is the third thread I've started about footballers. I can understand the argument about this being merged into the Time Added thread but updated as and when and I would not object in the slightest. 


I know @DevonDeathTrip has excellent merging skills, maybe he could do the necessary.


I thought there was something on DL to check what threads one has started. Fook knows what the last non football one I started was. 

EDIT It was gardeners and um.. sexy politicians. 

Oh yes, I remember the sexy politicians one...:D

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1 hour ago, Toast said:


Athletes as well?  Which athletes are you thinking of?


The ones that complete the hurdles and steeplechase by headbutting the barriers out of the way, who else?

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3 hours ago, Toast said:


Athletes as well?  Which athletes are you thinking of?

American football, boxing and ice hockey to name a few


2 hours ago, The Quim Reaper said:

Because it’s football and rugby that are being looked into for risks specifically associated with head-ball contact.

i dont think the cte is coming from the ball in rugby mate

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8 minutes ago, Banana said:

American football, boxing and ice hockey to name a few

None of these sports have high incidences of dementia amongst their respective sportsmen.


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20 minutes ago, Banana said:

American football, boxing and ice hockey to name a few


You said athletes, though.

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24 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

None of these sports have high incidences of dementia amongst their respective sportsmen.



To be fair - as well they should be.

And in any case it makes fuck all difference how much padding you wear if the damage is caused by the brain hitting the inside of the skull there's simply no way to pad that.

Same shit has been argued for cycle helmets and don't fucking start me on that one. ;)


I'm not disagreeing Uli, all I'm trying to point out is there's a lot of arguments that surround this topic and one needs to be careful.

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You guys are fucking idiots

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12 minutes ago, Banana said:

You guys are fucking idiots

And you're yet another North American self-satisfied twat. You call out the things you think are wrong, and go deadly quiet when your own mistakes are pointed out to you.

Ask me for an example, I double dare you.

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56 minutes ago, En Passant said:

And you're yet another North American self-satisfied twat. You call out the things you think are wrong, and go deadly quiet when your own mistakes are pointed out to you.

Ask me for an example, I double dare you.

I’m not calling you the idiot. What Ulitzer and Quim said is ignorant and factually-incorrect. They are the fucking idiots. 

Also, please give me an example. 

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19 minutes ago, Banana said:

Also, please give me an example

  On 03/12/2020 at 08:21, Banana said:

covid killed 2 people on the list who were already on their last legs and it took 10 months prior subsequent to the arrival of covid in Europe to kill anyone on the list




Not much of a fan of FTFY generally, well, not for spelling or general grammatical errors where the meaning is clear and it's just a typo, (largely because sooner or later I'll have egg on my face when I inevitably do it)  but I can't get my head around exactly what you mean if you did mean to use prior.

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21 minutes ago, Banana said:

I’m not calling you the idiot. What Ulitzer and Quim said is ignorant and factually-incorrect. They are the fucking idiots. 


If you think Uli and Quim are idiots, I'd suggest you need a good long think about that. There may well be idiots around here -  but they aren't them.


Fire it about all you like, but justify it, and you are nowhere near. (nor in my opinion will you be, the targets you are choosing make far more sense than you do so far).


carry on.

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3 minutes ago, En Passant said:
  On 03/12/2020 at 08:21, Banana said:

covid killed 2 people on the list who were already on their last legs and it took 10 months prior subsequent to the arrival of covid in Europe to kill anyone on the list




Not much of a fan of FTFY generally, well, not for spelling or general grammatical errors where the meaning is clear and it's just a typo, (largely because sooner or later I'll have egg on my face when I inevitably do it)  but I can't get my head around exactly what you mean if you did mean to use prior.


Oh damn you're right. I completely forgot to give you your medal, Here you are, how silly of me.


This is fucking hilarious, wtf else did you want me to do? I think it was pretty evident that was what I was saying and you fixed my error in words for me. Did you seriously expect me to take you out for dinner afterwards? You need to also realize we don't live in the same time zone. I wrote that at 2 am before going to bed, you fucking twat.



You call out the things you think are wrong, and go deadly quiet when your own mistakes are pointed out to you.


Now I assume you said this because you have more examples other than this asininity.


Let's not ignore that you're comparing using the wrong word to being wrong about an entire subject.

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2 minutes ago, En Passant said:


If you think Uli and Quim are idiots, I'd suggest you need a good long think about that. There may well be idiots around here -  but they aren't them.


Fire it about all you like, but justify it, and you are nowhere near. (nor in my opinion will you be, the targets you are choosing make far more sense than you do so far).


carry on.






Fuck it, they LITERALLY made a Hollywood film starring Will Smith about the fucking issue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concussion_(2015_film)


Boxing is self explanatory



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Exactly the kind of response that gets everyone totally pissed off with you. No possible admission of error in any form. I stand by what i said in the first place. I have no idea what makes some North Americans behave this way, but you just prove that for some reason some of them do.

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3 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Exactly the kind of response that gets everyone totally pissed off with you. No possible admission of error in any form. I stand by what i said in the first place. I have no idea what makes some North Americans behave this way, but you just prove that for some reason some of them do.



 I think it was pretty evident that was what I was saying and you fixed my error in words for me.


I'd fucking shoot myself if every time I made an error in online speech, I had to send the person who corrected me a fucking ham sandwich in the mail. 


Your You're embarrassing yourself.

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"Oh damn you're right. I completely forgot to give you your medal, Here you are, how silly of me."

And when I show it to you, your response is that of an 8 year old.

Done here.


I'm way past worrying about embarrassing myself, that ship sailed long ago. Can you say the same?

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Wind your neck in tiger, you make some fun points. but steady on with the insults.

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