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Paul Bearer

Jonathan King

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Funny you should say that - a lot of the lads from school were keen, fit and healthy young rowers with tanned and powerfully muscled limbs... oo-er....

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Funny you should say that - a lot of the lads from school were keen, fit and healthy young rowers with tanned and powerfully muscled limbs... oo-er....

It looks as though it's time for you to hit the Friends Reunited site to "look up" some old boys......

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Status: Single

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Children: I don't want kids



I had to laugh at the last part.


And how do we know it is even him?


For a start, he was born in December, so he is certainly not a Leo.


Looks like the above poster enjoys beating up paedeotricians, as only NoTW readers can...

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Even I'll draw the line here; this self-opinionated, in denial, piece of scum isn't funny. End of.


As I think I pointed out earlier, I once read a review of his greatest hits in the NME that liked the album to the sound of a butterfly farting on a human face, forever. I'll second that.

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i knew his brother and he was just as bad...i only found out a little while ago that said guy was his brother through a friend who revealed he had been abusing his role as a radio dj and using the stations chatroom to try and groom young boys (i have spoken to a few of them and they told me what went on...) But when others tried to take evidence to the police...they were ignored and this man was left to his own devices...what worried me is that he has quite a few kids of his own....He used to txt me sordid messages but i always thought he was joking...now i know better....

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Status: Single

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Children: I don't want kids



I had to laugh at the last part.


And how do we know it is even him?


For a start, he was born in December, so he is certainly not a Leo.


Looks like the above poster enjoys beating up paedeotricians, as only NoTW readers can...


Yeah, he doesn't want to have kids naturally coz what those homosexuals do to each other can't possibly result in procreation, he just wants to molest everyone elses. Homosexuals are a serious threat to children! A group that makes up maybe 2% of the population are responsible for more than two thirds of all child molestations. What is the delay in hanging this piece of sub-human filth? :huh:

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The Evening Standard newstand hoarding says "Pop mogul released from prison". Surely, it should have read "Predatory paedophile released".


Or "Homosexual pedophile released". Seriously these people should be executed not realised so they can carry on raping kids to their hearts content. Bring back the death penalty now! :huh:

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The Evening Standard newstand hoarding says "Pop mogul released from prison". Surely, it should have read "Predatory paedophile released".


Or "Homosexual pedophile released". Seriously these people should be executed not realised so they can carry on raping kids to their hearts content. Bring back the death penalty now! :huh:


Xenon - short for xenophobic?

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i knew his brother and he was just as bad...i only found out a little while ago that said guy was his brother through a friend who revealed he had been abusing his role as a radio dj and using the stations chatroom to try and groom young boys (i have spoken to a few of them and they told me what went on...) But when others tried to take evidence to the police...they were ignored and this man was left to his own devices...what worried me is that he has quite a few kids of his own....He used to txt me sordid messages but i always thought he was joking...now i know better....


i know his brother too. strikes me as a weird guy . where you know him from.

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i knew his brother and he was just as bad...i only found out a little while ago that said guy was his brother through a friend who revealed he had been abusing his role as a radio dj and using the stations chatroom to try and groom young boys (i have spoken to a few of them and they told me what went on...) But when others tried to take evidence to the police...they were ignored and this man was left to his own devices...what worried me is that he has quite a few kids of his own....He used to txt me sordid messages but i always thought he was joking...now i know better....


i know his brother too. strikes me as a weird guy . where you know him from.

You can send me a private message via this website. AK does freek me out.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

If you need to ask Millwall, you're probably driving one.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

If you need to ask Millwall, you're probably driving one.


I'm sure he mentioned working in the BBC canteen.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

If you need to ask Millwall, you're probably driving one.


I'm sure he mentioned working in the BBC canteen.

That figures. Moonlighting on the cabs with licence payers' money.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

If you need to ask Millwall, you're probably driving one.


I'm sure he mentioned working in the BBC canteen.

That figures. Moonlighting on the cabs with licence payers' money.

There is a hint of 'mini-cab', about some of the exchanges on here. A while back I hit on the idea of Deathlist Taxis to put this to some profitable use.

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Make no wonder you can never get a cab in London. They're all on here.


What do you mean?

If you need to ask Millwall, you're probably driving one.


I'm sure he mentioned working in the BBC canteen.

That figures. Moonlighting on the cabs with licence payers' money.


Oh, I see now. The answer to my original question was "I am working on the stereotype that cabdrivers are in some way obbsessed with peadophiles". If you'd have said that I would have understood more clearly.

And I don't recall ever saying that I worked in the BBC canteen. I think it was said about me though. For the record, I don't work there.

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Oh, I see now. The answer to my original question was "I am working on the stereotype that cabdrivers are in some way obbsessed with peadophiles". If you'd have said that I would have understood more clearly.

And I don't recall ever saying that I worked in the BBC canteen. I think it was said about me though. For the record, I don't work there.


Not just with paedophiles. I've met cabbies who'd be happy with the gallows for a late library book. It's a well earned stereotype. Did they fire you? I expect it was something you said. Cabbies are just the same. I'd go work for ITV Millwall just to spite them.

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Oh, I see now. The answer to my original question was "I am working on the stereotype that cabdrivers are in some way obbsessed with peadophiles". If you'd have said that I would have understood more clearly.

And I don't recall ever saying that I worked in the BBC canteen. I think it was said about me though. For the record, I don't work there.


Not just with paedophiles. I've met cabbies who'd be happy with the gallows for a late library book. It's a well earned stereotype. Did they fire you? I expect it was something you said. Cabbies are just the same. I'd go work for ITV Millwall just to spite them.

The last cabbie I met didn't mention paedophilia once . Though I suppose he was more concerned about the completely legless twat who was in the back close to chucking up a vindaloo all over the seats (me)

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Oh, I see now. The answer to my original question was "I am working on the stereotype that cabdrivers are in some way obbsessed with peadophiles". If you'd have said that I would have understood more clearly.

And I don't recall ever saying that I worked in the BBC canteen. I think it was said about me though. For the record, I don't work there.


Not just with paedophiles. I've met cabbies who'd be happy with the gallows for a late library book. It's a well earned stereotype. Did they fire you? I expect it was something you said. Cabbies are just the same. I'd go work for ITV Millwall just to spite them.

The last cabbie I met didn't mention paedophilia once . Though I suppose he was more concerned about the completely legless twat who was in the back close to chucking up a vindaloo all over the seats (me)


Cabbies are generally pretty good with drunks. I got one a couple of Christmases ago and he pulled over for me to be sick in the gutter then he broke up the fight which started when someone laughed at me, bundled me back in the cab and got me back to the station. A real gent.

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Oh, I see now. The answer to my original question was "I am working on the stereotype that cabdrivers are in some way obbsessed with peadophiles". If you'd have said that I would have understood more clearly.

And I don't recall ever saying that I worked in the BBC canteen. I think it was said about me though. For the record, I don't work there.


Not just with paedophiles. I've met cabbies who'd be happy with the gallows for a late library book. It's a well earned stereotype. Did they fire you? I expect it was something you said. Cabbies are just the same. I'd go work for ITV Millwall just to spite them.

The last cabbie I met didn't mention paedophilia once . Though I suppose he was more concerned about the completely legless twat who was in the back close to chucking up a vindaloo all over the seats (me)


Cabbies are generally pretty good with drunks. I got one a couple of Christmases ago and he pulled over for me to be sick in the gutter then he broke up the fight which started when someone laughed at me, bundled me back in the cab and got me back to the station. A real gent.

I have to be honest....I like cabbies....they put up with my drunken antics on the few occasions I go out (no friends ya' see ! ) ......and I never leave a tip !

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I've never met a cabbie that's ever mentioned paedophiles.


Although I am now blacklisted from so many companies that I've had to resort to hitchhiking. :P

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The Evening Standard newstand hoarding says "Pop mogul released from prison". Surely, it should have read "Predatory paedophile released".


Or "Homosexual pedophile released". Seriously these people should be executed not realised so they can carry on raping kids to their hearts content. Bring back the death penalty now! :)


Xenon - short for xenophobic?


I'm not afraid of foreigners, so no. :P

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The Evening Standard newstand hoarding says "Pop mogul released from prison". Surely, it should have read "Predatory paedophile released".


Or "Homosexual pedophile released". Seriously these people should be executed not realised so they can carry on raping kids to their hearts content. Bring back the death penalty now! :)


Xenon - short for xenophobic?


I'm not afraid of foreigners, so no. :P

Just a straightforward racist & bigot then.


And 'these people'? Are you trying to get a job at the Daily Mail?

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