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2 minutes ago, Tower1 said:

(actually high-tech movie production)


Tough crowd.

We've also got a friend who can put you right on that vaccination cobblers.

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25 minutes ago, Tower1 said:


Ty for asking, I've prepared a red pill for this occasion. The real space program (trying to launch a rocket in space etc) really existed in 20th century but it was concluded because they discovered that nothing can pass through a specific barrier (Van Allen radiation belt), which means it's not possible to leave this place nor send anything from here in space because it simply gets destroyed when it reaches that barrier. Ofc they didn't want to tell this to general public because it could imply that we don't live on a globe circling through space, so instead they continued with fake space program (actually high-tech movie production). If someone saw a rocket flying to space, then they either just thought that was happening or it was a high-tech production, but no rocket or anything can leave to space and in fact, we do not even possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned after aforementioned conclusion.


What a fucking moron.

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2 hours ago, Tower1 said:


Ty for asking, I've prepared a red pill for this occasion. The real space program (trying to launch a rocket in space etc) really existed in 20th century but it was concluded because they discovered that nothing can pass through a specific barrier (Van Allen radiation belt), which means it's not possible to leave this place nor send anything from here in space because it simply gets destroyed when it reaches that barrier. Ofc they didn't want to tell this to general public because it could imply that we don't live on a globe circling through space, so instead they continued with fake space program (actually high-tech movie production). If someone saw a rocket flying to space, then they either just thought that was happening or it was a high-tech production, but no rocket or anything can leave to space and in fact, we do not even possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned after aforementioned conclusion.


Why all the negative reactions?  This is splendidly entertaining stuff.

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2 hours ago, Tower1 said:


Ty for asking, I've prepared a red pill for this occasion. The real space program (trying to launch a rocket in space etc) really existed in 20th century but it was concluded because they discovered that nothing can pass through a specific barrier (Van Allen radiation belt), which means it's not possible to leave this place nor send anything from here in space because it simply gets destroyed when it reaches that barrier. Ofc they didn't want to tell this to general public because it could imply that we don't live on a globe circling through space, so instead they continued with fake space program (actually high-tech movie production). If someone saw a rocket flying to space, then they either just thought that was happening or it was a high-tech production, but no rocket or anything can leave to space and in fact, we do not even possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned after aforementioned conclusion.

as someone who’s studied planetary science for 5 years, i can confidently say you’re a dumbass.

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11 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

as someone who’s studied planetary science for 5 years, i can confidently say you’re a dumbass.

As someone who hasn't studied planetary science for 5 years, I can also confidently say they are a dumbass

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5 hours ago, Tower1 said:


Ty for asking, I've prepared a red pill for this occasion. The real space program (trying to launch a rocket in space etc) really existed in 20th century but it was concluded because they discovered that nothing can pass through a specific barrier (Van Allen radiation belt), which means it's not possible to leave this place nor send anything from here in space because it simply gets destroyed when it reaches that barrier. Ofc they didn't want to tell this to general public because it could imply that we don't live on a globe circling through space, so instead they continued with fake space program (actually high-tech movie production). If someone saw a rocket flying to space, then they either just thought that was happening or it was a high-tech production, but no rocket or anything can leave to space and in fact, we do not even possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned after aforementioned conclusion.

Dude. This is amazing stuff. You have me thinking in ways I've never thought before. Do you have any more shocking facts to red pill us with. Like, a top 10 or something. I bet I'll never see the world the same afterwards.

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Why is it all these supposed 'free-thinkers' sound exactly alike. If I had a penny for every time someone used the redpill analogy for some batshit conspiracy theory I'd have enough money to build my own fucking moon rocket. 

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1 hour ago, Charles De Gaulle said:

Dude. This is amazing stuff. You have me thinking in ways I've never thought before. Do you have any more shocking facts to red pill us with. Like, a top 10 or something. I bet I'll never see the world the same afterwards.


You'd be surprised what I have, but unfortunately this forum is not ready even for the easier theories.

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For those who actually have brain cells. What would be the consequences of being in space for such a long time compared to like a week such as these two were supposed to be up there for?

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16 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

For those who actually have brain cells. What would be the consequences of being in space for such a long time compared to like a week such as these two were supposed to be up there for?

You'd run out of books to read and it'd do a number on your sex life.


The biggest consequences would probably be mental (stuck in a confined space for so long with a great deal of uncertainty surrounding when you'll return home). You also aren't weight-bearing, so this is likely to lead to bone and muscle wastage (akin to if you spent months just lying on a couch). The food probably wouldn't be nice to eat for such a long period (especially with a diminished sense of taste due to being at such a high altitude), but I don't think that would have any long-term consequences.

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27 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

For those who actually have brain cells. What would be the consequences of being in space for such a long time compared to like a week such as these two were supposed to be up there for?




I think that crews typically spend several months on the ISS, so this is nothing new.

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6 hours ago, Tower1 said:

Ty for asking, I've prepared a red pill for this occasion. The real space program (trying to launch a rocket in space etc) really existed in 20th century but it was concluded because they discovered that nothing can pass through a specific barrier (Van Allen radiation belt), which means it's not possible to leave this place nor send anything from here in space because it simply gets destroyed when it reaches that barrier. Ofc they didn't want to tell this to general public because it could imply that we don't live on a globe circling through space, so instead they continued with fake space program (actually high-tech movie production). If someone saw a rocket flying to space, then they either just thought that was happening or it was a high-tech production, but no rocket or anything can leave to space and in fact, we do not even possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned after aforementioned conclusion.


I know you're trolling, but it's important to engage with even the thickest of society in the forlorn hope that this leads to a realisation that there's a better path forward.


1. You give some very detailed explanations of the reasons why the space program is entirely fictitious (as of the mid-20th century) due to the inability to pass through the Van Allen radiation belt (I've never heard of radiation being a solid barrier, but there we go, you live and learn). Could you give me details of where you did your PhD in Astrophysics and who your instructor was that gave you this detailed inside knowledge?


2. We'd discover that we don't live on a globe circling through space? So something that between them Galileo and Copernicus not only proved to be the case, but also that we can observe, without technology beyond optics, with our own eyes - unless Earth is the only body in the solar system that is not spheroid in shape.


3. Our space program is hi-tech movie production, and presumably has been since the 1960s when we discovered we couldn't pass through the Van Allen Belt. Odd then that their production values still vastly outstrip the conventional movie industry from which they emerged. And that the vast production team required in this fake space movie industry have all kept their mouths shut for the past 60 years. I mean, not a single person has broken the secret!


4. Speaking of which, it is a historical fact that for the majority of the second half of the 20th century, there was a battle for supremacy between the capitalist West, led by the United States and the communist East, led by the Soviet Union, both of whom conducted the so-called 'Space Race' which saw the Soviets achieve most "firsts" (undisputed by the Americans) and the Americans land a man on the moon first (undisputed by the Soviets). How did this work? Did both sides fictionalise the entire geopolitical tension of the late 20th century or did they just agree to fake the Space Race? Because if either side believed the other had not achieved what they claimed to have, do you not think they would have publicised this fact?


5. Finally, we no longer "possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned". You do realise the rocketry knowledge we used to power those "failed" rocket attempts came from the Nazis use of said technology during World War 2 (Werner von Braun, V2s, etc.)? And that, even if we go along with your ridiculous notion that the entire space program is made-up, then without said rocketry knowledge there would be no cruise missiles, of the sort that are fired all over the world all the time (by Hezbollah into Israel overnight in fact!).


I look forward to your reasoned and detailed answers to my points. :rolleyes:

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32 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

For those who actually have brain cells. What would be the consequences of being in space for such a long time compared to like a week such as these two were supposed to be up there for?


There have been extensive studies on these things, and I think someone has spent 2 years in space in one period if I remember rightly, specifically measuring these sorts of things. It would undoubtedly be a shock, but they have prepared for life in space, even over a short period, and I assume there is some training about exactly such a scenario, where something goes wrong and they end up in space for a longer period than planned while a 'fix' is found. There are things that are regularly done on the ISS to maintain the body (like there's a treadmill you can be strapped to, to help maintain muscle mass for example), and 8 months is a long but not excessive length of time to spend in space. The mental stress must be pretty high though, even if they are fairly balanced individuals: missing Christmas, families, trapped unexpectedly must be stressful and there is literally no escape without putting your life, or others, in mortal danger. But, as I say, things do go wrong and they are prepared for it and to remain calm and rational in that situation. And it's been a possibility they'd be staying for months for weeks now, they've had time to come to terms with that, and presumably speak to their loved ones and discuss it with them too. This is just confirmation of that fact.

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34 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


There have been extensive studies on these things, and I think someone has spent 2 years in space in one period if I remember rightly, specifically measuring these sorts of things. 


I don't think anyone has spent 2 continuous years in space, though there is a cosmonaut who has spent 1000 days over the course of several missions.


There was an interesting study done comparing the effects of being in space vs on Earth for about a year, involving identical twin brothers Scott and Mark Kelly. Scott went into space while Mark stayed on Earth. Both have since retired as astronauts, but Mark Kelly is the current Democratic senator for Arizona.



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12 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:


I know you're trolling, but it's important to engage with even the thickest of society in the forlorn hope that this leads to a realisation that there's a better path forward.


1. You give some very detailed explanations of the reasons why the space program is entirely fictitious (as of the mid-20th century) due to the inability to pass through the Van Allen radiation belt (I've never heard of radiation being a solid barrier, but there we go, you live and learn). Could you give me details of where you did your PhD in Astrophysics and who your instructor was that gave you this detailed inside knowledge?


2. We'd discover that we don't live on a globe circling through space? So something that between them Galileo and Copernicus not only proved to be the case, but also that we can observe, without technology beyond optics, with our own eyes - unless Earth is the only body in the solar system that is not spheroid in shape.


3. Our space program is hi-tech movie production, and presumably has been since the 1960s when we discovered we couldn't pass through the Van Allen Belt. Odd then that their production values still vastly outstrip the conventional movie industry from which they emerged. And that the vast production team required in this fake space movie industry have all kept their mouths shut for the past 60 years. I mean, not a single person has broken the secret!


4. Speaking of which, it is a historical fact that for the majority of the second half of the 20th century, there was a battle for supremacy between the capitalist West, led by the United States and the communist East, led by the Soviet Union, both of whom conducted the so-called 'Space Race' which saw the Soviets achieve most "firsts" (undisputed by the Americans) and the Americans land a man on the moon first (undisputed by the Soviets). How did this work? Did both sides fictionalise the entire geopolitical tension of the late 20th century or did they just agree to fake the Space Race? Because if either side believed the other had not achieved what they claimed to have, do you not think they would have publicised this fact?


5. Finally, we no longer "possess technology from 20th century's rocket program anymore because it was all abandoned". You do realise the rocketry knowledge we used to power those "failed" rocket attempts came from the Nazis use of said technology during World War 2 (Werner von Braun, V2s, etc.)? And that, even if we go along with your ridiculous notion that the entire space program is made-up, then without said rocketry knowledge there would be no cruise missiles, of the sort that are fired all over the world all the time (by Hezbollah into Israel overnight in fact!).


I look forward to your reasoned and detailed answers to my points. :rolleyes:


The Earth is a material plain, but they lied to us about the rest of the so called space too. Planets and stars are not spheres. There are clues left by the ancient civilizations about what they really are and their purpose. Stars are placed on the firmament and about it is water. 

About Soviet and American space race, it was all staged ofc, it was just a theatre for the masses. Remember that those who rule the human population are above the countries, media are their cinema for lying and manipulating us. The problem is for ppl to understand this because they've been living inside a "matrix", They think what they see on television about geopolitics, news etc. is true and has happened spontanously. It's been all staged and the goal is always manipulation and perceptual enslavement of humankind. Behind this are some astral entities who possess humans who "rule the world".

When I said that space program was made up, I meant flying to space, satelite missions to other planets, photos from space (all fake btw) etc. Ofc rocket science does exist but we've never launched a rocket in space cause that's not really possible. All we managed to do is create weapons for mass destruction, see, another proof of the conspiracy against humankind.

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10 minutes ago, Tower1 said:


The Earth is a material plain, but they lied to us about the rest of the so called space too. Planets and stars are not spheres. There are clues left by the ancient civilizations about what they really are and their purpose. Stars are placed on the firmament and about it is water. 

About Soviet and American space race, it was all staged ofc, it was just a theatre for the masses. Remember that those who rule the human population are above the countries, media are their cinema for lying and manipulating us. The problem is for ppl to understand this because they've been living inside a "matrix", They think what they see on television about geopolitics, news etc. is true and has happened spontanously. It's been all staged and the goal is always manipulation and perceptual enslavement of humankind. Behind this are some astral entities who possess humans who "rule the world".

When I said that space program was made up, I meant flying to space, satelite missions to other planets, photos from space (all fake btw) etc. Ofc rocket science does exist but we've never launched a rocket in space cause that's not really possible. All we managed to do is create weapons for mass destruction, see, another proof of the conspiracy against humankind.


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6 hours ago, Tower1 said:


The Earth is a material plain, but they lied to us about the rest of the so called space too. Planets and stars are not spheres. There are clues left by the ancient civilizations about what they really are and their purpose. Stars are placed on the firmament and about it is water. 

About Soviet and American space race, it was all staged ofc, it was just a theatre for the masses. Remember that those who rule the human population are above the countries, media are their cinema for lying and manipulating us. The problem is for ppl to understand this because they've been living inside a "matrix", They think what they see on television about geopolitics, news etc. is true and has happened spontanously. It's been all staged and the goal is always manipulation and perceptual enslavement of humankind. Behind this are some astral entities who possess humans who "rule the world".

When I said that space program was made up, I meant flying to space, satelite missions to other planets, photos from space (all fake btw) etc. Ofc rocket science does exist but we've never launched a rocket in space cause that's not really possible. All we managed to do is create weapons for mass destruction, see, another proof of the conspiracy against humankind.

People who hate the US government have taken photographs of things in space that the US government claims doesn't exist, such as Spy Satellites, of course there is no reasoning with you because you are lost in a world of fantasy and there is no way to drag you out of it so I don't know why I am even bothering trying to explain why your worldview is entirely idiotic.

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9 minutes ago, Tango854 said:

People who hate the US government have taken photographs of things in space that the US government claims doesn't exist, such as Spy Satellites, of course there is no reasoning with you because you are lost in a world of fantasy and there is no way to drag you out of it so I don't know why I am even bothering trying to explain why your worldview is entirely idiotic.

Very clearly a troll, or possibly his brain has been obliterated in some tragic accident.

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