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Harry Potter

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Why would someone pay £16.03 (+£2.75 p&p) for this book from eBay when you could get it for £8.99 from amazon?





I'm sure I saw it in my local Sainsburys at £8.39




It's with great pleasure that I officially launch...



Please do your public service and report the cheapest price you have seen the new Harry Potter book available for.


Sarcasm takes alot more wit than you possess and even then it's the lowest form of humor. :(:o:angry:

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Reading Harry Potter takes a lot less intellect than I possess, and even then I wouldn't lower myself :(

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Reading Harry Potter takes a lot less intellect than I possess, and even then I wouldn't lower myself 



No i didn't buy it!

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Sarcasm takes alot more wit than you possess and even then it's the lowest form of humor.    :(  :o  :angry:

Hey, weren't puns the lowest form of humour?


The only hit from my Google search that agrees with you is a whining article about politics.




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QUOTE (Earl Gloomy @ Jul 17 2005, 06:29 PM)

Sarcasm takes alot more wit than you possess and even then it's the lowest form of humor.       



Hey, weren't puns the lowest form of humour?


The only hit from my Google search that agrees with you is a whining article about politics.






OH Bugger off Hein :(:o:angry: and stop spoiling my fun! :D:D Trust DL'S smartest arse to point that out to me! ;)

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I didn't even think I was being sarcastic which shows how witless I am. :(

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Hey, weren't puns the lowest form of humour?


The only hit from my Google search that agrees with you is a whining article about politics.

OH Bugger off Hein :(:o:angry: and stop spoiling my fun! :D:D Trust DL'S smartest arse to point that out to me! ;)

Ironic, that. ;)




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(Magere Hein Posted on Jul 17 2005, 05:00 PM )


Ironic, that.







Ironically, the lyrics to "Ironic" are not "ironical" in the slightest.

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I'm sure I saw it in my local Sainsburys at £8.39



I too saw it in a Sainsburys for £8.29.

It's £7.97 in Tesco

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Guest clint
Dumbledore led the bets as to who is being killed off, so many bets in fact, someone said there might be a leak.


She won't kill off any of the kids, her fans won't allow it. Though the best possible ending for book 7 is Harry and Voldermort both dying.


hi do you know why voldenort wanted to kill james and lily potter in the frist place

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Dumbledore led the bets as to who is being killed off, so many bets in fact, someone said there might be a leak.


She won't kill off any of the kids, her fans won't allow it. Though the best possible ending for book 7 is Harry and Voldermort both dying.


hi do you know why voldenort wanted to kill james and lily potter in the frist place

Are you asking because you want to know, or because you have such juicy gossip in your possession and wish to pass it on?


Either way no I don't, but I'm guessing it's either in one of the books, one of the films, or J.K. Rowling hasn't decided yet.


It's not real. You could try a Harry Potter forum, I'd be surprised if a few didn't come up above 'deathlist' on Google if you type "harry potter".





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Speculation that the major death in the final installment is the boy wizard himself. Should be one to watch in 2007.

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Reet, last book out in a few hours; widely accepted that significant death(s) occur, spoilers and other shite already exploding in cyberspace.


So who dies?

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Harsh ATJ, harsh bordering on brutal. She speaks very highly of you I hear. I read the first one - thinking it competent but hardly life changing. Then again, I'm not arguing with her bank balance. It's kinda like standing outside Tescos and screaming; 'you don't sell the stuff people really want.'

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Reet, last book out in a few hours; widely accepted that significant death(s) occur, spoilers and other shite already exploding in cyberspace.


So who dies?



I read on-line somewhere that it's [update] not Hermione.

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It's kinda like standing outside Tescos and screaming; 'you don't sell the stuff people really want.'




Funny, I didn't think we'd met.

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I heard that Hagrid is one of the slain.

Then again that could have happend in the second book for all my interest in Harry Potter books.

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Harsh ATJ, harsh bordering on brutal. She speaks very highly of you I hear. I read the first one - thinking it competent but hardly life changing. Then again, I'm not arguing with her bank balance. It's kinda like standing outside Tescos and screaming; 'you don't sell the stuff people really want.'

For me Harry Potter is a bit like Christmas; sh*t, but when shared with a 6 and an 8 year old, absolutely brilliant.

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Who cares about Harry Potter, how about JK Rowlings. Way to old for me, but somebody must want Harry's moma.



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