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2 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:


As someone raised in an area which is affluent where old and new money lives, but who have parents/relatives who used to live in Croydon and working class. This is what i've been taught.


Breakfast - First meal of the day to set you up. Could be anything from toast, full English or cereal etc

Elevenses - Morning snack or tea (drink) if feeling peckish.

Lunch - Small from 12-2pm roughly where usually have a sandwich or something light

Tea - Light snack or a break for...well tea and biscuits. Similar to elevenses.

Dinner - Last meal of the day anytime from 5pm to 8pm (later if going out to eat).

The general consensus of my extremely northern family, based on this, would be that you're a posh toff who probably has six offshore bank accounts and murders frail grandmothers for fun.


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9 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

The general consensus of my extremely northern family, based on this, would be that you're a posh toff who probably has six offshore bank accounts and murders frail grandmothers for fun.



I wish. I'm an NHS worker waiting for a pay rise, who wants to murder the NHS managers because they are all useless. The CEO of our trust just fucked off to work and live in Dubai.

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Just now, ladyfiona said:


I wish. I'm an NHS worker waiting for a pay rise, who wants to murder the NHS managers because they are all useless. The CEO of our trust just fucked off to work and live in Dubai.

For the avoidance of doubt, my commentary was intended to be satirical. I am onboard with your suggestion to dispose of the NHS managers, having seen an acquaintance be forced to quit his job and be pushed far in to depression almost entirely because the managers at his unit were completely inept and would throw him under the bus at every opportunity.

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As a kid in a working-class Birmingham household, we had breakfast, dinner, and tea. 


'Elevenses' were only something we heard about via TV (Black & White, obviously), and only in reference to the middle-class. 'Supper' was a Northern thing; I never met anyone who had supper until I moved to Yorkshire, and it was the evening meal (as opposed to 'tea'). 'Lunch' was what posh people (or pseudo-posh) people had instead of 'dinner' (confusing things further by having dinner at tea-time).


As an adult having lived in various places but now in the south, I have breakfast, lunch,, and tea (unless having an evening meal out in a proper restaurant, in which case it's breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

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16 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

For the avoidance of doubt, my commentary was intended to be satirical. I am onboard with your suggestion to dispose of the NHS managers, having seen an acquaintance be forced to quit his job and be pushed far in to depression almost entirely because the managers at his unit were completely inept and would throw him under the bus at every opportunity.


Oh I know. I just have dry humour as well. Autism doesn't help. It's why I put a lol at the end to show it's in good humour...lol.


Our trust doesn't believe in people being made redundant, they just reshuffle everyone about and try to send you to a hospital you can't get to because of no car, lol. Thankfully i'm a member of Unison and now i'm still 5 minutes from home but in outpatients main desk.

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The middle meal is lunch, not dinner, because if you're late for breakfast, 'Brunch' is a more appetising sounding portmanteau than 'Binner'.

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34 minutes ago, TQR said:

The middle meal is lunch, not dinner, because if you're late for breakfast, 'Brunch' is a more appetising sounding portmanteau than 'Binner'.

No working class family ever had brunch. Also, neither Breakfast & Brunch or Brunch & Lunch are not mutually exclusive.

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4 minutes ago, time said:

No working class family ever had brunch. Also, neither Breakfast & Brunch or Brunch & Lunch are not mutually exclusive.


If you think 'working class family' and 'brunch' are mutually exclusive, you'll have to define 'working class family' please.

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The real question is what is the difference between a living room and lounge.

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5 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

The real question is what is the difference between a living room and lounge.

My parents had both.


Living room for dinner, tv etc. Lounge for best, guests, more tea, vicar?

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9 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

The real question is what is the difference between a living room and lounge.

Your living room is at home, lounges are at airports.

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Brunch is an Americanism - dismiss out of hand

Tea is a drink


Living room in your house

Lounge in the pub or airport

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

The middle meal is lunch, not dinner, because if you're late for breakfast, 'Brunch' is a more appetising sounding portmanteau than 'Binner'.

Surely it would be brinner?

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23 minutes ago, TQR said:


If you think 'working class family' and 'brunch' are mutually exclusive, you'll have to define 'working class family' please.

I never said working-class and brunch are mutually exclusive, just that brunch never existed in the world I grew up in. (I'll also concede 'working-class' is very difficult to define in this day and age, whereas when I was a kid, it was more-or-less self-explanatory).

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I've never watched "Strictly" (stupid name), will never watch it and have no interest in it or any of its participants.

The fucking BBC persists in treating it as front page news items. 


Make it stop.jpg

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The Guardian is as bad, it gets a bee in it's bonnet about something and can't stop pushing articles about it passing it off as news. That's when it can stop posting other articles about a topic that you discover only at the bottom is actually a book plug long enough to annoy in a different way....


Never seen strictly either. Nor in fact 90% of what passes for entertainment on there.

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I’m sure Ninette de Valois et al got where they are today (6 ft under) by pussyfooting around telling her protégés to go and have a lie down, you’ve all worked so hard in very trying conditions. Bloody whingeing celebflakes. It’s not called Leniently Come Dancing, after all.

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Trauma dumping about pets.


I'm thinking of adopting a dog in the near future and have been doing very important market research on adorable dog videos.


Question for bereaved owners: if you saw a dog video, which of the following comments would you write?


A. [No comment, mind your own business]

B. Aww, how cute! My Labradoodle did the same thing!

C. Aww, how cute! I had a Pyrenees just like this one. Lucky crossed the rainbow bridge on July 15, 2021. She was diagnosed with cancer aged just 5 and fought bravely for over 27 months. At the end she was so weak that she could barely hold her head up. I cried myself to sleep for 4 nights after arranging for her to be PTS. She passed in my arms in the parking lot outside our wonderful vet's office. She let out a little yelp then a deep sigh, then it was all over. I stayed with her lifeless body for 48 hours after her passing. I will miss her for the rest of my life and long to be with her in paradise. Please pray for me and Lucky.


These comments get hundreds of likes and positive interactions. Is it just me or is it inconsiderate? I've been through grief too and would never piss on other people experiencing moments of joy.


There are a few subreddits for photos and videos of living pets only, to avoid spoilsports like that.

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A (or B if appropriate)


I don't get this "crossed the rainbow bridge" thing. 

People get this wrong. Pets wait at the rainbow bridge for their person to come, and then they cross the rainbow bridge together.

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Crisps with stupid pissing flowery names


There are many examples but to demonstrate 


Old name Beef and Onion

New Name Finest Aberdeen Angus Beef in Red Wine with French Challots 


Also whilst I’m here what the fuck are hand cooked crisps?

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The price of coffee.


I'm not talking about your Starbucks or Costa coffees (if you're stupid enough to drink coffee in those places you deserve to be ripped off), but the price of ground coffee in supermarkets. On my  last visit to Tesco (other supermarkets are as bad) my preferred coffee has increased in price by 28%.


I know bad weather has affected the harvest but 28% increase is taking the piss.

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56 minutes ago, time said:

I know bad weather has affected the harvest but 28% increase is taking the piss.


I use beans, and it's similar, though I can still get it for a little over 10 quid a kilo in Lidl/Aldi and they had a bunch on offer a while ago so ended up with 4 kilos in store which I'm still working through.

Lettuce was the one that got me, I mean lord knows why I know this, but they were 45p in all places before it all went crazy and the damn things are now 75-80p, in sheer monetary terms it's not that much, but the percentage is crazy. Olive oil is another thing where the 'harvest' was bad, but the price increase insane.


This and shrinkflation and so on is indeed just taking the piss. As ever the price rockets when it goes up, and falls slowly afterwards, if at all. Although it does get reported in the news, not much seems to actually happen about it.

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Big companies find a way of exploiting situations to make even more money. Shock.

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59 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Lettuce was the one that got me, I mean lord knows why I know this, but they were 45p in all places before it all went crazy and the damn things are now 75-80p, in sheer monetary terms it's not that much, but the percentage is crazy.


Talking of lettuce (no, this is not about Liz Truss for once), my preferred lettuce is Romaine, and if not available Gem. 

All the main supermarkets package these in pairs, and it's infuriating as one is usually enough at a time.  The second one is usually too far gone by the time I get to it.

Why do they do this? They sell other lettuces singly, why aren't we allowed to buy a single Romaine?  People who want two can buy two.

I keep meaning to write to them all about this.  They're supposed to be against food waste.

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15 minutes ago, Toast said:

They're supposed to be against food waste.


Ach, Politics again, they're about making profits and pretty much nothing else and will say whatever they need to say when pressed to subscribe to envrionmental or demographic issues.

Sounds silly to complain about capitalism when talking about lettuce, but still.

Can't remember who it was, but "It's the worst system, apart from everything else that's been tried" or something like that, Churchill probably, it's usually him.


And naturally they don't sell this stuff in quantities to suit us, they sell it in quantities that suit them. If you've got a bottom line and the authorities can't or won't force you to cater to individuals you do whatever's best for profits you don't geve a shit about food waste it just means you sell more whilst saying 'every little helps' or something equally banal.


I've gone off on one again haven't I? :lol:

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