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Guest iain

I have typed the sentence 'gerald ford dies' every day almost for months and t his is the first time that Google has produced that page.


I think we should watch events very carefully in the coming hours ,just in case....

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I have typed the sentence 'gerald ford dies' every day almost for months and t his is the first time that Google has produced that page.


I think we should watch events very carefully in the coming hours ,just in case....


I think we should do no such thing.

I doubt anything will happen in the coming hours.

You've also typed into this site that Gerald Ford's death in imminent for several months now and it's not got you anywhere.


Obituaries are often prepared months or even years in advance and updated every so often if a milestone in the person's career or life is achieved.


I opt we should all go put the kettle on, put our feet up and relax from the momentary excitement that Maria Esther de Capovilla's death gave us.

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I have typed the sentence 'gerald ford dies' every day almost for months and t his is the first time that Google has produced that page.


I think we should watch events very carefully in the coming hours ,just in case....


Yes, I'm sure he'll croak at your prediction as much as Michael Foot did.


I'm with Phantom on this one - obits need to be ready to go to press or whatever when someone finally does pass on, so they are written in advance with the occasional tweak now and then to keep it fresh. I'm sure Foot has an obit ready to go, as does King Tupou IV, Maggie Thatcher and a host of other notables for when they shuffle off, but it doesn't mean they're going to kick their respective buckets before their next meal.

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Re Thatcher, if you check out my post a couple of minutes back on her thread you'll see you can already order the Thatcher's dead t-shirt, and have some web fun celebrating her demise. I'll bet the webmaster lost his job to her policies in the eighties.

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Guest jerry blair
This is an intersting situation and hard to read (in part because his condition is still being kept relatively secret from us). On one hand its not a good thing if a 93 year old man has been hosptalized four times in the past year and the result is that he required a pacemaker and an angioplasty, that shows there must be some serious chronic problem that had to be addressed ASAP meaning he could be near death and this is just a desparate attempt to save him, on the other hand as a former president he is clearly getting some of the best health care in the world at the Mayo Clinic and that alone may keep him going for awhile wheras joe blow 93 year old man would probably just keel over at your average local hospital when your typical novice nurse steps out of the room.


As of today Gerald Ford has been in the hospital for 13 days and under went two operations, he has never been hospitalized this long, not when he had his stroke back in 2000, not when he was hospitalized for pnemonia in January. He is probably undergoing some kind of rehab for chronic congestive heart failure. Even if he doesnt die any day now there is a possibility he might be in the hospital for a long time and at this point pretty much requires medical care 24/7. Now you cant just put an ex-president in a nursing home, but Ford has practically been living in a hosptial lately anyways. That photo-op he had when Bush visited him in April will probably remembered as the last public apperance by Ford and the amoung the last pictures taken of him, at least pictures the public can see.


I would keep my eye on this one if I were you people, anything from his immediate death to release from the hospital could happen. I believe this is the longest single period a president has been hospitalized since Harry Truman's deathbed hospitalization in December 1972 which lasted 21 days. I have dug pretty deep on my presidential trivia here and just looking at the living presidents and the presidents that died recently (Nixon, Reagan) and none of them spent this much time in the hospital ever. As a presidential trivia buff with a morbid fascination with the circumstances of presidential deaths I must say that Ford's decline is very similar to that of Herbert Hoover's, Dwight Eisenhower's and Harry Truman's, they were all under constant medical care their last few weeks alive and just had chronic failure after chronic failure until something just gave out. It seems the same thing might have happened to Reagan as well with the pnemonia that actually did him in but details about his final weeks and days are somewhat sketchy and private. I think Ford is going that route right now.



That is very good work Chicago. I just read the David McCulloug biography of Truman which does a very good job chronicling his last days in a Kansas City hospital in late 1972. Truman had also suffered from heart and lung problems. And another interesting fact: At that time Truman and his wife Bess were the longest lived presidential couple at 88 and 87 respectively. Well Gerald and Betty Ford have now broken that record at 93 and 88 respectively. So even if Ford doesn't become the longest lived president at least he and Betty have broken a longevity record together.

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Guest Guest

Gerald Ford left the Mayo Clinic and has returned to his home in Rancho Mirage, California. This is coming from FOX news.

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Gerald Ford left the Mayo Clinic and has returned to his home in Rancho Mirage, California. This is coming from FOX news.

Here is a link to the story.

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Guest Guest_iain_*

NOTE TO MODERATORS-look Im fed up with you ,mucking me about and suspending my account for no good reason then lifting it then suspending it again.Either just let me post under my account or just tell me you dont want me here anymore and i'll sod off and never post again.Fair deal?


I look forward to your answer ASAP

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NOTE TO MODERATORS-look Im fed up with you ,mucking me about and suspending my account for no good reason then lifting it then suspending it again.Either just let me post under my account or just tell me you dont want me here anymore and i'll sod off and never post again.Fair deal?


I look forward to your answer ASAP

Iain, your account was always suspended for a very good reason, you are just far too stupid to understand it.


Given the choice you offer:


We don't want you here any more so sod off and never post again.

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He'll be back as a ranter, don't you think?


Iain, that is, not Ford, who'll be back in hospital, eventually.

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Iain, if all you do is read between the lines, make up your own little story (like on this thread today saying Ford "was refusing further treatment and was going home to die") and post it here then I for one don't want you posting here. The real news item FF put up from FOX was that Ford's treatment was completed and he was discharged to go home. But if you have solid info (not tittle tattle from inside your own mind) that you can back-up with reputable source info then just watch what you are doing and post with care in the right threads.

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NOTE TO MODERATORS-look Im fed up with you ,mucking me about and suspending my account for no good reason then lifting it then suspending it again.Either just let me post under my account or just tell me you dont want me here anymore and i'll sod off and never post again.Fair deal?


I look forward to your answer ASAP




I think you'll find that moderators and members alike on this forum are growing tired of your constant postings claiming "imminent deaths" which 99.9% of the time are grossly exaggerated.

Going by the shows that you claim to remember from your childhood would place you somewhere in the mid-to-late 30s age range. Stating that, you're supposedly a grown adult and should be able to read a news report and interpret the facts as they are.


The moderators suspended your account for a good reason which I believe was explained to you several times.


I have been a member on this site since mid January and you have made wild claims that Gerald Ford, Michael Foot, Ariel Sharon and various others are going to die within a couple of days. Lo and behold, nearly 9 months later, they are still with us.

You also claimed a few months ago to take credit for claiming that you declared Fred Trueman's death to be imminent, which you did no such thing, you merely posted a link to a report that stated he was undergoing treatment for cancer.


You need to calm down, not make up your own interpretations of news reports and just because an obituary has been prepared for someone, that does not mean they will die within the next couple of days.

I believe the Queen Mum's obituary was prepared a good ten years before she eventually passed away.

I personally suggest that you go out, have some fun and try to find yourself a girlfriend who is willing to listen to your wild stories.

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please rememebr this is a very unsuccessful forum-7 out of 50 deaths by the end of august is very poor.I have tried to bring y'all some luck and success but you just dont appreciate it.I'm sorry to tell you all this but unless you get a hit sometime very soon you are heading for the worst year ever on deathlist-maybe you sh ould go back to the drawing board and see where your going wrong.I might put a curs eon you so you dont get another deathlsit hit ever again!I predict a very unsuccessful few months ahead for you.Remember I kn ow the dark arts such as voodoo.You may mess with me at your peril...<_<


Perhaps you should also ask the voodoo demons to help you with your typing.

Iain, I believe reading in one of the forums earlier in the year when you were bitching about how few hits there have been at the time, that there was a reply in the form of "many of the selections were made due to widely exaggerated reports from yourself"

What does that tell you?

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Mindless posts and voodoo threats.


Someone needs to double his medication.


Iain, obviously, you are interested in the dark arts of terminal health research, which is fine, but you're clogging up the topics with inane predictions and assorted crap such as prewritten obituaries. When predictions are made, I've gathered that people try to remain conservative with their predictions and back it up with something concrete or simply post an article with someone's health update without any prediction on a timeframe for that particular person's demise. Example, it's fine to post a link to an article on Gerald Ford getting a pacemaker, but it doesn't mean that it should be followed with something like "Gerald Ford needs a pacemaker, but I believe that the surgery will kill him in, oh, the next few hours along with all other living former US presidents and all famous people named Ford (first or last). Watch the news for my predictions or my voodoo power will cause your rectum to prolapse. All hail my stupidity and the chocolate covered smurfs." Damn.


The moderators have had reasons a plenty to take action against your continued board pollution. Once in a while, a nugget of deathlist joy comes from your posts, but unfortunately, it's far outweighed by poo posts.

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Here is a link to the story.


Thanks FF. I was starting to wonder why Ford hadn't been released yet (an earlier story said last Friday). Let's see how he goes from here.







Oh, and Iain? Sod off.

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I'm loving this.


Some of the above rantings towards iain are by the same people who Pm'd me a week or so ago telling me to ignore his postings.

I'm having visions of that 'H' word again.


You ought to take a page out of your own book.


As for him reporting deaths of people who were hardly famous, it seems to me that some just wanted rid of iain so they could take over from him.


You're all a bunch of whores!*


(*Unless I like you.)

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I'm loving this.


Some of the above rantings towards iain are by the same people who Pm'd me a week or so ago telling me to ignore his postings.

I'm having visions of that 'H' word again.


You ought to take a page out of your own book.


As for him reporting deaths of people who were hardly famous, it seems to me that some just wanted rid of iain so they could take over from him.


You're all a bunch of whores!*


(*Unless I like you.)


Ignoring him didn't work, being totally blunt doesn't seem to work either. Banning his login doesn't work as he logs on as a guest. Unless you ban the entire IP range that would cover his local area, it would be the only way to keep him out.

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I'm loving this.


Some of the above rantings towards iain are by the same people who Pm'd me a week or so ago telling me to ignore his postings.

I'm having visions of that 'H' word again.


You ought to take a page out of your own book.


As for him reporting deaths of people who were hardly famous, it seems to me that some just wanted rid of iain so they could take over from him.


You're all a bunch of whores!*


(*Unless I like you.)


Ignoring him didn't work, being totally blunt doesn't seem to work either. Banning his login doesn't work as he logs on as a guest. Unless you ban the entire IP range that would cover his local area, it would be the only way to keep him out.


When did this ignoring period start?

I failed to recognise that period.

After I heldmy tongue, you lot started to let rip.

The ignoring period may have lasted a day at the very most.

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When did this ignoring period start?


We took that bit in shifts <_<

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As for him reporting deaths of people who were hardly famous, it seems to me that some just wanted rid of iain so they could take over from him.


Says the person who posted a death about a disabled bowler from Aberdeen who didn't even get a local online obit & also all those who died in his local paper that week. *




*Light-hearted jab young man, don't throw a hissy fit. I'm trying so hard not to post useless updates about ol'Tupou & just about succeding right now.*

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When did this ignoring period start?


We took that bit in shifts <_<


I got tired of holding my tongue and ignoring him.


Didn't know there was a concerted effort to ignore him. Sorry 'bout that.

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As for him reporting deaths of people who were hardly famous, it seems to me that some just wanted rid of iain so they could take over from him.


Says the person who posted a death about a disabled bowler from Aberdeen who didn't even get a local online obit & also all those who died in his local paper that week. *




*Light-hearted jab young man, don't throw a hissy fit. I'm trying so hard not to post useless updates about ol'Tupou & just about succeding right now.*



Post all you want. The forum is in tatters anyway.

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Why, Oh, Why?

Big name death and its Glenn Ford that's gone not Gerry Ford.

So my Rotten.com entry finishes today and it looks like I've finished top on just 6 out of 10 hits.

I missed the important news about Glenn not getting to his 90th birthday party - still inputting these numbers would not have got him within even my 68 name short list.

I'll be needing a new list of 10 for my next RDP. Question is shall I drop Gerry down a bit if I do judge his latest surgery to have been helpful. I normally downgrade the person's score by half for the recovery from the complaint. For Gerry I'm only going to knockoff 25%.



Yep, he has had his chance - no room initially on my top ten list for Gerry - I think I've got a good number of worst case histories and those with poor progn's.

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Why, Oh, Why?

Big name death and its Glenn Ford that's gone not Gerry Ford.

So my Rotten.com entry finishes today and it looks like I've finished top on just 6 out of 10 hits.

I missed the important news about Glenn not getting to his 90th birthday party - still inputting these numbers would not have got him within even my 68 name short list.

I'll be needing a new list of 10 for my next RDP. Question is shall I drop Gerry down a bit if I do judge his latest surgery to have been helpful. I normally downgrade the person's score by half for the recovery from the complaint. For Gerry I'm only going to knockoff 25%.



Yep, he has had his chance - no room initially on my top ten list for Gerry - I think I've got a good number of worst case histories and those with poor progn's.


Strange I didn't here the death announcement of Glenn Ford, but I expected this since I remember posting the facts about how he could not even attend his 90th birthday celebration. Within mind I doubt Gerald Ford will pass on this year, how much longer he will drag on time is a mystery but as i've said once before his hospital visits are routine and for a man his age it's nothing out of the ordinary.


And just the other day I went to go see a movie, and since theatres overprice everything they sell, I went to the store right beside it to buy a water and I decided to get a snickers bar. While I was in there I did read an underground tabloid regarding Nancy Reagon and her frail health. It was mainly based on her depression living without the late Ronald Reagon. I have heard no word from CNN or any other solid source but this rumor must have come out of something. I did not end up reading it because the two afghanistani women who work there wait for you to buy something, not that they would have cared but I figured I would arrive early to see the productions of the movies that are now soon coming. I also did end up buying popcorn.


So as a whispered tip for next year Nancy should be givin some thought.

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The fact that he is 93 years old and will be the longest lived President in US history should not be overlooked and IMO he should maintain about the same ranking next year as this year: #19 or therabouts. He is going to die sooner or later and not having the oldest president ever on would be a mistake, especially with a list containing 50 names. Furthermore, the year isnt even over yet, in fact there is still 1/3 of it left, something could still happen.

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