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Death Anniversary Thread

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Well you would probably like it if you were 20 years younger or something. But hey you like Dr. Who and that's for kiddies, so.... (*holds up shield for expected wrestling barbs* ....... christ, "shield" I might as well be playing D&D.)


He made a guest appearance as himself in an episode in like series 3 or 4 something. The central character goes back to 1999 to try and stop himself being frozen in time and thus ending up waking up in the year 3000 (which was what happened in Episode 1 and was basically the premise of the series). Somehow Al Gore and Gary Gygax show up and lecture him that he was "meant" to go to the future and he needs to stop trying to mess with events. When Gygax shows up he says "Hi it's... *rolls dice*....... nice to meet you!". The fact that I'm actually recounting it should indicate I think it's one of the more enjoyable and clever scenes that I can recall. If you want a cringefest you'll have to seek out Bender singing "She'll be coming round the mountain" yourself..

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18 years today The Notorious B.I.G. passed and a restaurant had this amazing tribute for him. RIP.


Restaurant Marks Notorious B.I.G's Death With Menu Inspired By The Rapper's Lyrics



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60 years ago today Oscar F. Mayer founder of Oscar Mayer died at the age of 95



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Music day today (3/12):

60 years ago the incomparable sax player Charlie Parker died.

20 years ago Eugene Ormandy went to great orchestra pit in the sky.


BAH jumped the gun by 24 hours. That's what I get for waking up at midnight and running a quick search.

*places dunce cap on appropriately*


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Alex Chilten vocalist and guitarist for The Box Tops died from a heart attack 5 years ago today

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65 years ago, Edgar Rice Burroughs died at the age of 74

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5 years ago, legend of boxing commentary, Harry Carpenter, died.

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25 years ago, Soviet goalkeeper Lev Yashin died at the age of 60

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King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was assassinated by his nephew 40 years ago today aged 68.



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Incredibly it's been 20 years since rapper Eazy-E died of AIDS (1995), seems less than that; I must be closer to the end than I thought.

Sir C

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15 years ago today



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Russian born French painter Marc Chagall carked it 30 years ago today aged 97.





Also dying on this day in 2006, Caspar Weinberger, former Secretary of Defense under president Reagan.



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Pope John Paul II died 10 years ago today.

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Oh sure you gotta jump through a few hoops, but Jesus Christ died 2015 years ago today.


*couldnt find link to event*

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Oh sure you gotta jump through a few hoops, but Jesus Christ died 2015 years ago today.


*couldnt find link to event*

Your maths is a bit questionable...


Who knows for sure? but conjecture points to him being born in a range of years between 7bc to 2bc and died between 30ad and 33ad. Thus 1982 to 1985 years ago.

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Oh sure you gotta jump through a few hoops, but Jesus Christ died 2015 years ago today.


*couldnt find link to event*

Your maths is a bit questionable...


Who knows for sure? but conjecture points to him being born in a range of years between 7bc to 2bc and died between 30ad and 33ad. Thus 1982 to 1985 years ago.



Also the calendars didn't switch from 10 months to 12 months until 1752 so even that could be questionable with the timeline. To be honest I can't be bothered doing the math.

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47 years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated aged 39.



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Maurice Cole, otherwise known as Kenny Everett, died 20 years ago today age 50...



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I'm not sure if animal deaths count but I've never forgotten Dark Ivy's death on this day in 1987.



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Chiang Kai-shek, who served as leader of China, died 40 years ago today aged 87.



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I'm not sure if animal deaths count but I've never forgotten Dark Ivy's death on this day in 1987.




Nor did my sister, she had him in the sweepstake!

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Seeing as all the other April 6 deaths suck (and let that be a TRUE celebrity's motivation for today!), it's been 495 years since the passing of the great Italian painter Raphael.


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The witch Margaret Thatcher died on 8 April 2013, aged 87 from a stroke.
I was going to add a picture, but I couldn't find one that wasn't hideous.

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