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World War II Veterans

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Greetings. I regularly contribute to a thread about surviving & recently dead WWII veterans at Flashback, the main Swedish discussion forum. I've been following this thread for some months, and finally decided to register at Deathlist as well.


In Finland, we now in November have lost two ex-ministers who participated in World War II. Heimo Linna, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry from 1973 to 1976, died on November 14 at the age of 96 (born in 1925). In 1944-45, he took part in the Continuation War against the Soviets and the Lapland War against the Germans. During  the battle of Vuosalmi, he spent nine days in his foxhole. In a skirmish at Ranua against the Germans in October he was separated from his unit, and he played dead for several hours in order to avoid enemy bullets.






Ele Alenius, born in 1925, Deputy Minister of Finance between 1966 and 1970, died on November 19. During the Continuation War, he served as Second Lieutenant in the coastal artillery.




Still alive is Taisto Tähkämaa, born in 1924, Minister of Defense between 1977 and 1979, and Minister of Agriculture and Forestry from 1979 to 1983. As an anti-tank gunner, he took part in the battle of Tali-Ihantala in June and July 1944, where he was wounded. He has described how the air was filled with noise and rumble, and how the roadside was dotted with smelling carcasses of dead horses. Once he saw three Soviet T-34:s approaching his post. He knew his own 37 mm cannon would not harm them, so he let them roll by. After a while, one of the tanks was hit by a shell from a Finnish 76 mm gun and stopped. The two other tanks drove off the road, but were stuck in the soft ground. Afterwards, Tähkämaa's fellow soldiers asked him if he had fired his cannon. He shook his head. You did the right thing, was their reply, otherwise you hadn't been here.





Does anybody have information about WWII veterans among former Cabinet ministers or MEP:s in the U.S., Britain or other countries?


In Norway, the last surviving member of Linge's Company / Norwegian Independent Company 1, August Rathke, died on November 25, at the age of 96.






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On 27/11/2022 at 17:18, Hurri Khan said:

Does anybody have information about WWII veterans among former Cabinet ministers or MEP:s in the U.S., Britain or other countries?

Greetings and welcome!

I'll try and do my best on this one:

*there are no living members of the Royal Family who served following the deaths of Prince Philip in 2021 and Queen Elizabeth II in 2022.
*there are no living former Cabinet ministers who served.

*there is 1 living former MP who served – Sir Patrick Duffy (b. 1920) and Ben Ford (b. 1925).
*there is still 1 current member of the House of Lords who served – Lord Christopher (b. 1925); and there are 2 living formers members of the Lords who served – 21st Baron Saye and Sele (b. 1920), 11th Earl of Elgin (b. 1924), 9th Baron Walsingham (b. 1925), 8th Marquess of Ailesbury (b. 1926) and 13th Earl of Airlie (b. 1926)
*there are no living former MEPs who served.

*there is 1 living former President who served – Jimmy Carter (b. 1924).
*there are no living former Vice Presidents who served following the death of George H. W. Bush in 2018.
*there is 1 living former Cabinet members who served – Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) and Ray Marshall (b. 1928).
*there are 5 living former members of the House of Representatives who served –
Al Quie (b. 1923), Frank Joseph Guarini (b. 1924), G. William Whitehurst (b. 1925), Lucien Nedzi (b. 1925), Benjamin B. Blackburn (b. 1927), Austin Murphy (b. 1927) and James W. Symington (b. 1927).
*there is 1 living former Senator who served – James Buckley (b. 1923) and Daniel Evans (b. 1925).
*there are 3 living former Governors who served – Al Quie (b. 1923), Jimmy Carter (b. 1924), Ted Schwinden (b. 1925), Daniel Evans (b. 1925), George Ariyoshi (b. 1926), George Nigh (b. 1927) and Winfield Dunn (b. 1927).
*there are no living former justices of the Supreme Court who served following the death of John Paul Stevens in 2019.

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8 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

there are 2 living former Senators who served – William Buckley (b. 1923) and Daniel Evans (b. 1925).

Small correction - it’s James Buckley that was Senator from New York. He was Bill Buckley’s older brother and Bill is deceased. 

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16 minutes ago, arrowsmith said:

Small correction - it’s James Buckley that was Senator from New York. He was Bill Buckley’s older brother and Bill is deceased. 

Thanks. My mind must have been daydreaming when I was typing.



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3 hours ago, dimreaper said:

Was Lord Carrington the last surviving cabinet minister?

Probably, yes.


I haven’t been able to work out who the last MEP was. Lord Plumb (1925–2022) didn’t serve as he was a farm worker and they were needed at home.

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I was wondering if Iehiko Uji (correct spelling? japanese wiki) is still alive. Son of Prince Kuni Taka (1875-1937), born Prince Iehiko, renounced imperial title and created Count Uji, member of Japan's at-the-time upper house House of Peers from 1940 to 1942, lieutenant in WWII. If alive, he's 102 now and likely the last living member of Japan's House of Peers.


Japan has atleast ex-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama. As far as I know Taro Nakayama isn't a WWII vet. Not sure if there are any others.


Germany has DDR ministers Hans Reichelt, Herbert Weiz, Werner Schmieder (not 100% sure if Schmieder and Weiz are alive), arguably also Hans Modrow. Ukraine has former Vice Prime Minister Ihor Yukhnovskyi.

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1 hour ago, alt obits guy said:

Konstantinos Hatzilakos, a legendary Greek pilot and the reported last Greek survivor of World War II, has died. He was 102.



I realize it says this in the article but the the claim that he is the last is highly spurious. Many Greek nationals fought for Allied powers and there was significant partisan activity until 1944. We are a long way off from the last WWII veteran of any national category, especially if a broad view of what constitutes a veteran is taken. 

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4 hours ago, arrowsmith said:

I realize it says this in the article but the the claim that he is the last is highly spurious. Many Greek nationals fought for Allied powers and there was significant partisan activity until 1944. We are a long way off from the last WWII veteran of any national category, especially if a broad view of what constitutes a veteran is taken. 


The article may not be as far off as you think though. Greece was invaded and then occupied by Italy for most of WWII.

Though, they did have a huge underground resistance movement, and I'm pretty sure those who fought for them would count as veterans. Possible that the chap above was the last one from their official armed forces though, as they only really fought for a brief period during 1941, and then a small contingent of them went into exile and fought in the Middle East.

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4 hours ago, arrowsmith said:

I realize it says this in the article but the the claim that he is the last is highly spurious. Many Greek nationals fought for Allied powers and there was significant partisan activity until 1944. We are a long way off from the last WWII veteran of any national category, especially if a broad view of what constitutes a veteran is taken. 

It makes for a better headline, but it's also why I (somewhat) qualified the statement by using the modifier 'reported'. Something like this would no doubt get better recognition from the Greek government if it were an undisputed fact.

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Zoya Kudinova, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the war in North Korea, died on 30 November in Surgut, at the age of 101. Zoya Kudinova worked all her life as a nurse. Awards: Order of World War II, medals "For Victory over Germany", "For Labour Distinction", "For Valorous Labour", "For Subsoil Use and Development of Oil and Gas Complex of Western Siberia".

siapress.ru skmuseum.ru


Zoya Kudinova was the last of 206 members of the "Frontline Friends" club, created in Surgut by WWII veterans in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory.


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Another "last of a country's WW II fighters" death, this one with better documentation:


Sgt. Horacio Castilleja Albarrán, whom Mexico’s Defense Department says was the last veteran from the relatively small contingent that fought in World War II from that country, has died. He was 98.





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The President of Finland invited some veterans and Lotta Svärd members to the Presidential Palace a couple of days ago. 


Some of the people who attended:

Eero Blåfield, 101: Actually mentioned him just a while ago on the previous page! He attended, now in a motorized wheelchair, but looked great otherwise.

Helka Visuri, 100

Eila Karhula, 95

Fazlulla Fethulla, 98

Otto Virkki, 98

Väinö Aronen, 99

Algot Roos, 99

Unto Hakuli, 99




Most importantly General Jaakko Valtanen, 97, former Chief of Defence was there. Chiefs of Defence who fought in WWII seem to be a dying breed everywhere, I can't name many others like him (David Musuguri fought in WWII and was Tanzania's Chief of Defence, Wolfgang Altenburg, former Chief of Staff of the German armed forces was a Marinehelfer and there are two Japanese ones that could've died already.)

Anyways, he apparently did a speech but as far as I know a video of his speech hasn't been released anywhere. He looked quite thin.


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Times obit for Jack Swaab MC, 104, WWII artillery officer who was awarded the Military Cross for showing "the utmost contempt for danger".


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On 06/11/2020 at 21:56, arghton said:


Probably one of the last people (if not the last one) who was in Marshal of Finland CGE Mannerheim's headquarters during WWII and who knew Mannerheim. Not a combat veteran in any way, but was involved in de-coding messages during the war.

103-year-old Olli Vuorio and 101-year-old Mauri Maunula are some of the last people living to have known Marshal Mannerheim.

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On 03/12/2022 at 16:05, gcreptile said:

Article on all the still living and now very old veterans, a nice compilation of those names:


Those numbers are quite interesting.


The total may be fewer than 400,000 worldwide.

The article mentions that the US has around 141,000 veterans, Russia has around 103,000 and there are likely thousands or tens of thousands more in other post-Soviet states. What's the amount for the UK and Germany, and the rest of Europe? The estimate for Germany in 2017 seems to have been around 275,000 male veterans but that was five years ago. Estimate for Finland seems to be (source, September 2022) 3,500 veterans, including 600 war invalids - average age 97, additionally there's 10,000 war widows, widows of veterans and spouses of veterans. Can't find how much living French veterans there are, other countries would need a bit more research...Albania's National Liberation Movement has only one known remaining veteran, Ismet Elezi.


Outside Europe?

Canada had (source) 20,300 living WWII veterans in March 2021. Average age was 96 back then, additionally there were 5,200 living Korean War veterans in Canada, average age 89.

Mexico's last WWII veteran died a few weeks ago, right? Can't find much about the veterans of Latin America.


Asia + Oceania:

China and Japan still have a ton of veterans and some famous ones still alive, but no proper estimates exist as far as I know. As well as Taiwan.

Kazakhstan had 1,090 veterans in March 2020 (source).

Not sure about India, but there are Indian WWII veterans still alive. Thailand also still has some, as does Myanmar.

Malaysia's last veteran died this year.


Australia still has an estimated 7,800, April 2022 estimate (source)

New Zealand had under 400 in 2020, including Sir Bom Gillies, last Māori Battalion veteran. Probably much less now.

Papua New Guinea's last veteran died in 2013, Fiji's last veteran Jale Bainisika in 2020, American Samoa's last veteran died in 2019.




Nigeria still has an unknown amount of WWII veterans including Mele Ture who was honoured last month:


However I doubt there's a lot of them left. Same for Ethiopian veterans. How many are there left of the King's African Rifles? Tanzania's General David Musuguri atleast is one. Uganda also still has some veterans


Albert Kunyuku, 100, is the last veteran of DR Congo.

Ebou Janha, the last veteran of Gambia, died this year


Also mentioned is that there are still 161,000 living Holocaust survivors in Israel only.

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14 hours ago, arghton said:

Those numbers are quite interesting.


The total may be fewer than 400,000 worldwide.

The article mentions that the US has around 141,000 veterans, Russia has around 103,000 and there are likely thousands or tens of thousands more in other post-Soviet states. What's the amount for the UK and Germany, and the rest of Europe? The estimate for Germany in 2017 seems to have been around 275,000 male veterans but that was five years ago. Estimate for Finland seems to be (source, September 2022) 3,500 veterans, including 600 war invalids - average age 97, additionally there's 10,000 war widows, widows of veterans and spouses of veterans. Can't find how much living French veterans there are, other countries would need a bit more research...Albania's National Liberation Movement has only one known remaining veteran, Ismet Elezi.


Outside Europe?

Canada had (source) 20,300 living WWII veterans in March 2021. Average age was 96 back then, additionally there were 5,200 living Korean War veterans in Canada, average age 89.

Mexico's last WWII veteran died a few weeks ago, right? Can't find much about the veterans of Latin America.


Asia + Oceania:

China and Japan still have a ton of veterans and some famous ones still alive, but no proper estimates exist as far as I know. As well as Taiwan.

Kazakhstan had 1,090 veterans in March 2020 (source).

Not sure about India, but there are Indian WWII veterans still alive. Thailand also still has some, as does Myanmar.

Malaysia's last veteran died this year.


Australia still has an estimated 7,800, April 2022 estimate (source)

New Zealand had under 400 in 2020, including Sir Bom Gillies, last Māori Battalion veteran. Probably much less now.

Papua New Guinea's last veteran died in 2013, Fiji's last veteran Jale Bainisika in 2020, American Samoa's last veteran died in 2019.




Nigeria still has an unknown amount of WWII veterans including Mele Ture who was honoured last month:


However I doubt there's a lot of them left. Same for Ethiopian veterans. How many are there left of the King's African Rifles? Tanzania's General David Musuguri atleast is one. Uganda also still has some veterans


Albert Kunyuku, 100, is the last veteran of DR Congo.

Ebou Janha, the last veteran of Gambia, died this year


Also mentioned is that there are still 161,000 living Holocaust survivors in Israel only.

From some research I could find, French Guiana and French Polynesia has only 1 veteran left

Auguste Plenet-French Guiana

Starr Teriitahi-French Polynesia


Battle of Hong Kong has only 2 veterans left:

Yeung Ming-hon, Hongkonger

Robert Lapsley, Scottish now living in Australia



Philippines has 2,952 veterans (Source)

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On the night of 13-14 December, Professor Alexander Smorodintsev passed away at the age of 92.

Alexander Smorodintsev is the son of Anatoly Smorodintsev, the founder and first director of the Influenza Research Institute, the scientist whose name the institute bears. Smorodintsev, Jr. was also a world-renowned scientist. He was awarded badge for Excellence in Public Health of the USSR, medal for Valorous Labour and 12 medals as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He is an author of more than 200 scientific articles, 6 monographs, 7 popular science books, 10 inventions and 1 patent of Russian Federation. Under his supervision 14 PhD theses were defended. In 2001 Alexander Anatolievich was elected Adjuvant Professor of Tropical Medicine at George Washington University (USA).



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On 09/12/2022 at 18:52, arghton said:


Albert Kunyuku, 100, is the last veteran of DR Congo.

Ebou Janha, the last veteran of Gambia, died this year


Also mentioned is that there are still 161,000 living Holocaust survivors in Israel only.

Albert Kunyuku died at 100 last month.

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