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On 23/02/2024 at 06:03, TQR said:



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On the vaccines thing.


Ah, how we used to take what we were given, whether you liked it or not.


I've always wondered, I mean, you get all those MMR, tuberculosis, polio vaccines when you are really young and literally never get them again. Why is that?

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59 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

I've always wondered, I mean, you get all those MMR, tuberculosis, polio vaccines when you are really young and literally never get them again. Why is that?

It depends, some of them you get and don't need again because you're body builds up long lasting immunity, whereas others you are meant to have boosters for, for example tetanus you're meant to have every 5-10 years. Last time I had any non-Covid vaccines was when I was about 13 or 14 and it was tetanus and the final MMR booster or something like that. Basically it depends on the strength of the illness you're being protected against and effectiveness of the vaccine.

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On 27/02/2024 at 20:02, YoungWillz said:

On the vaccines thing.


Ah, how we used to take what we were given, whether you liked it or not.


I've always wondered, I mean, you get all those MMR, tuberculosis, polio vaccines when you are really young and literally never get them again. Why is that?


Just wanted to clarify,I'm anti COVID vaccine not anti vaccine, my 3 children have had all the scheduled vaccinations. There's many legitimate reasons I and many others distrust the COVID vaccine. It's experimental, there's no long term safety data, it's a new type of treatment mRNA vaccines and we don't know the long term consequences, it has bits of hiv virus in it, it needs to trick your immune system to get past it clearly. They said it was safe it isn't it's killed and injured people and that's a fact and it increases the risk of developing other diseases. It's not effective otherwise you wouldn't need a regular "top up" . Has the vaccine really saved anyone? Excess deaths have increased not dropped and the countries with lower vaccine uptake have lower excess deaths than the countries with higher COVID vaccine uptake.


Yes the polio vaccine and the BCG is effective and safe. Though some what people would label "conspiracy theorists" say polio only came about because of the lack of nutrition, bad chemicals in food and bad sanitation.Polio was declining before they introduced the vaccine. I however accept others views on that but I disagree. 

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1 hour ago, the_engineer said:


Just wanted to clarify,I'm anti COVID vaccine not anti vaccine, my 3 children have had all the scheduled vaccinations. There's many legitimate reasons I and many others distrust the COVID vaccine. It's experimental, there's no long term safety data, it's a new type of treatment mRNA vaccines and we don't know the long term consequences, it has bits of hiv virus in it, it needs to trick your immune system to get past it clearly. They said it was safe it isn't it's killed and injured people and that's a fact and it increases the risk of developing other diseases. It's not effective otherwise you wouldn't need a regular "top up" . Has the vaccine really saved anyone? Excess deaths have increased not dropped and the countries with lower vaccine uptake have lower excess deaths than the countries with higher COVID vaccine uptake.


Yes the polio vaccine and the BCG is effective and safe. Though some what people would label "conspiracy theorists" say polio only came about because of the lack of nutrition, bad chemicals in food and bad sanitation.Polio was declining before they introduced the vaccine. I however accept others views on that but I disagree. 

1. There were plans to include the HIV virus in the recipe for the vaccine, those plans never went through. Even if they did go through, it wouldn't mean anything. Vaccines are chemical compounds and just because HIV on its own is dangerous doesn't mean the overall compound would be. Take chlorine for example, on its own it will kill you and yet when it's diluted into water for swimming pools it is safe, that's just how chemistry works.


2. It is a fact that people have been injured by the Covid vaccine, however that's the same for all medicine. Penicillin is widely used but some people are allergic to it and will have negative reactions, the amount of people who have been actually injured by the vaccine is minute in comparison to the amount of people who took it. However there are many who have pretend to be injured by the vaccine and some who have believed conspiracy theories to the extent they have started to experience placebo symptoms, such as those videos that go viral on Facebook where people claim to be experiencing serious tremors as a result (claims that have been debunked and are quite easily disprovable).


3. The claim that the vaccine is directly linked to increased deaths is a theory, and not a scientifically backed one. It is true that since the pandemic there has been an increase in deaths due to heart problems and the like, but the vaccine is one of the less likely theories. The long term effects of the virus itself, the increased obesity rate (people didn't get much exercise during the pandemic) and the cost of living (and by extension eating health) are all things that are more likely than the vaccine. Correlation doesn't mean causation.


4. There are various different vaccines that require 'top ups', with the COVID vaccine, because it is so new the most effective preventative measure will take time to be found, and short term immunity is the best that can be got at this time. Also like other viruses (eg flu) Covid evolves and vaccines require updating in order to continue being effective.


5. The vaccine has saved people, my mum is in her late 50s and was vaccinated, she caught the virus a few months later and was sick, but not badly, despite having asthma. At the same time one of my mum's friends (same age, same lifestyle, same build, but not asthmatic) caught the virus, however she hadn't been vaccinated and as a result spent 2 weeks in intensive care on a breathing machine, and is by all accounts lucky to be alive.


6. I haven't seen statistics supporting or disproving what you've said about the correlation between vaccine uptake and deaths. However if I were to take an educated guess I'd argue that the countries with lower vaccine uptake are typically the poorer nations that lack the industrialisation of places like the US and the UK. As a result of that the virus would have a harder time spreading and consequently less people would have been infected and died. The infection rate was higher in the west and in more (densely) populated countries, which would support what I have just said. Again coloration doesn't equal causation.


7. The pandemic is primarily in the past, in my opinion, the vaccine has helped towards that. If you chose not the have the vaccine, that is your decision and as much as I think you are wrong, you shouldn't have to take it if you don't want to. I'm exposed to vaccine 'conspiracies' on a daily basis, it is something I've become quite used to countering and whilst I think scepticism is always a good thing, these sort of beliefs can lead to darker, more dangerous places (which is something I've witness firsthand), so whilst I don't necessarily expect you to support everything I've just written, I would advise caution when researching this subject.

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2 hours ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

1. There were plans to include the HIV virus in the recipe for the vaccine, those plans never went through. Even if they did go through, it wouldn't mean anything. Vaccines are chemical compounds and just because HIV on its own is dangerous doesn't mean the overall compound would be. Take chlorine for example, on its own it will kill you and yet when it's diluted into water for swimming pools it is safe, that's just how chemistry works.


2. It is a fact that people have been injured by the Covid vaccine, however that's the same for all medicine. Penicillin is widely used but some people are allergic to it and will have negative reactions, the amount of people who have been actually injured by the vaccine is minute in comparison to the amount of people who took it. However there are many who have pretend to be injured by the vaccine and some who have believed conspiracy theories to the extent they have started to experience placebo symptoms, such as those videos that go viral on Facebook where people claim to be experiencing serious tremors as a result (claims that have been debunked and are quite easily disprovable).


3. The claim that the vaccine is directly linked to increased deaths is a theory, and not a scientifically backed one. It is true that since the pandemic there has been an increase in deaths due to heart problems and the like, but the vaccine is one of the less likely theories. The long term effects of the virus itself, the increased obesity rate (people didn't get much exercise during the pandemic) and the cost of living (and by extension eating health) are all things that are more likely than the vaccine. Correlation doesn't mean causation.


4. There are various different vaccines that require 'top ups', with the COVID vaccine, because it is so new the most effective preventative measure will take time to be found, and short term immunity is the best that can be got at this time. Also like other viruses (eg flu) Covid evolves and vaccines require updating in order to continue being effective.


5. The vaccine has saved people, my mum is in her late 50s and was vaccinated, she caught the virus a few months later and was sick, but not badly, despite having asthma. At the same time one of my mum's friends (same age, same lifestyle, same build, but not asthmatic) caught the virus, however she hadn't been vaccinated and as a result spent 2 weeks in intensive care on a breathing machine, and is by all accounts lucky to be alive.


6. I haven't seen statistics supporting or disproving what you've said about the correlation between vaccine uptake and deaths. However if I were to take an educated guess I'd argue that the countries with lower vaccine uptake are typically the poorer nations that lack the industrialisation of places like the US and the UK. As a result of that the virus would have a harder time spreading and consequently less people would have been infected and died. The infection rate was higher in the west and in more (densely) populated countries, which would support what I have just said. Again coloration doesn't equal causation.


7. The pandemic is primarily in the past, in my opinion, the vaccine has helped towards that. If you chose not the have the vaccine, that is your decision and as much as I think you are wrong, you shouldn't have to take it if you don't want to. I'm exposed to vaccine 'conspiracies' on a daily basis, it is something I've become quite used to countering and whilst I think scepticism is always a good thing, these sort of beliefs can lead to darker, more dangerous places (which is something I've witness firsthand), so whilst I don't necessarily expect you to support everything I've just written, I would advise caution when researching this subject.


Thanks for the response it's a good and considered one. I've always said I hope I'm wrong about the vaccine as about 20/30 closest relatives have taken it. God bless.

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I’m thinking of reading Among the Trolls by Marianna Spring, but strangely it’s had some really bad reviews by online conspiracy theorists. Anyone here read it? Honest answers now, please.

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On 22/02/2024 at 00:36, Windsor said:

Whether it be coincidence or linked I have noticed there seems to be more younger deaths post pandemic. 

My opinion has always been that it was probably more due to the virus than the vaccine. Considering most people have had both the virus and the vaccine god knows how you can attribute one over the other. 


I think we might find COVID has a longer lasting impact on the nations health than we envisage. 

But I’m not a scientist; only noticing more young folk kicking the bucket. 


An explanation by professor Angus Dalgleish. Whether it's the vaccine or the virus or both it's deliberate by the malthusian psychos in charge. A virus clearly created in a lab btw.






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14 minutes ago, the_engineer said:

An explanation by professor Angus Dalgleish.

I wouldn't exactly trust Dalgleish to be impartial on this issue, during the height of the pandemic he lobbied for certain companies to be given contracts for the vaccine whilst holding shares in those companies plus he has repeatedly claimed that organisations that have disagreed with him are controlled by China, to the extent where he tried to get the UK government to spy on certain scientific organisations. Bearing in mind, he has also previously worked with right-wing lobbying groups and was a UKIP parliamentary candidate in 2015, I would say he would be very biased.


Plus John Campell has a reputation for spreading misinformation on his Youtube channel, and would never be my go to source.


27 minutes ago, the_engineer said:

A virus clearly created in a lab btw.


It's one very complex, multifaceted theory, something that hasn't properly been disproven but also hasn't been 100% confirmed, and within that theory there are disagreements on if it was accidental or not, the intentions behind it and collaborators. 

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Ah, I forgot I hadn't put him on my newly-founded 'ignore' list! Just in case he pops up in any other threads, like. Up to 6 now, it's doing well.

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8 hours ago, the_engineer said:


An explanation <of what has clearly become a one trick pony, who used to comment on other things> etc etc btw.



Please go back to that, you were far more fun.

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So astrazeneca is being withdrawn conveniently after admitting it causes blood clots and is being sued. It's rare though apparently. It always is. All these diseases and blood clots are rare but there's so many of them when does it become a regular occurrence and not rare at all. They also now don't need to do long term safety studies with regards to the long term damage of astrazeneca. For example if I took 100 smokers 18/24 and checked back with them in a year and 5 years 98-100% would still be alive. I guess smoking is healthy and doesn't lower your lifespan. Same with these vaccines they may kill 95% of people after 10 years or 25 years but we'll never know.


Also Don't buy their PR they're simply not making it anymore as the virus had evolved they'd still be pumping this into people knowing it's useless if they could make money. How many variants were out before the vaccine was even released? The virus had already evolved in early 2021. Also if this is true for the astrazeneca vaccine isn't it true for the other covid vaccines aswell? Why do they push vaccines that clearly have little to no effect now on covid? Money and imo depopulation that's why.


Moderna will be next then pfizer to withdraw.  Slowly but surely the truth will out that these vaccines have caused (knowingly or unknowingly) unold damage to the health of humanity. 


It's only going one way. 

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Robert redfield former director of the CDC admits the vaccine wasn't necessary for under 50s and has caused significant side effects for young people, so that blows apart the arguement that the vaccine has saved more young people than it's killed or injured, It was a completely unnecessary medical procedure that wasn't needed and has resulted in side effects. Also its BS to say young people got vaccinated to"protect granny" or their vulnerable loved ones and friends as it doesn't stop transmission. But I'm  sure someone will attack his character and claim he is connected to so and so or has a conflict of interest while ignoring all the other conflicts of interest in those who pushed the vaccine. 

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On 18/04/2024 at 17:52, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

I wouldn't exactly trust Dalgleish to be impartial on this issue, during the height of the pandemic he lobbied for certain companies to be given contracts for the vaccine whilst holding shares in those companies plus he has repeatedly claimed that organisations that have disagreed with him are controlled by China, to the extent where he tried to get the UK government to spy on certain scientific organisations. Bearing in mind, he has also previously worked with right-wing lobbying groups and was a UKIP parliamentary candidate in 2015, I would say he would be very biased.


Plus John Campell has a reputation for spreading misinformation on his Youtube channel, and would never be my go to source.



It's one very complex, multifaceted theory, something that hasn't properly been disproven but also hasn't been 100% confirmed, and within that theory there are disagreements on if it was accidental or not, the intentions behind it and collaborators. 




By your standards SAGE and several important players in the covid pandemic stood to gain a lot of money and had conflicts of interest but we must trust them and believe everything they said or are we to believe they couldn't be trusted too? If they lied what do you think they lied about?

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Does anyone have any mad conspiracies not to do with Covid please?

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46 minutes ago, TQR said:

Does anyone have any mad conspiracies not to do with Covid please?

at least there's a specific thread where this guy can hang out and talk to himself...

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

Does anyone have any mad conspiracies not to do with Covid please?

Yeah, I miss all the conspiracies about crop circles, Elvis being alive and the Royal Family being lizards. The fun harmless conspiracies, like you would have seen covered in the early days of Snopes. 

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

Does anyone have any mad conspiracies not to do with Covid please?

I geniuely believe that there's been some sort of rapid development in health care thanks to AI. As of this moment only the very wealthy are reaping the benefits of this. That's the only way to explain how people like Ruth Buzzi, Jimmy Carter, Roberta Flack etc are all still alive.

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12 minutes ago, Charles De Gaulle said:

I geniuely believe that there's been some sort of rapid development in health care thanks to AI. As of this moment only the very wealthy are reaping the benefits of this. That's the only way to explain how people like Ruth Buzzi, Jimmy Carter, Roberta Flack etc are all still alive.

Well, I hope AI is that good at preserving health. I’m aging like a bag of beansprouts, but at least there’s hope that this exceedingly effective healthcare will eventually trickle down. Works well with economics dunnit.

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21 hours ago, Charles De Gaulle said:

I geniuely believe that there's been some sort of rapid development in health care thanks to AI. As of this moment only the very wealthy are reaping the benefits of this. That's the only way to explain how people like Ruth Buzzi, Jimmy Carter, Roberta Flack etc are all still alive.


They use children's blood it's been going on a long time among the elites (especially  royality) they usually use their own children that's why they're so particular about who they date/marry and having heirs. It's why most royals are Rhesus negative or rhesus o negative in particular. By using children's blood they drink it but they also drain themselves of blood and then replenish themselves with the child's blood. Other times they're wired up to the child and share the same circulation for days/weeks.

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5 minutes ago, the_engineer said:


They use children's blood it's been going on a long time among the elites (especially  royality) they usually use their own children that's why they're so particular about who they date/marry and having heirs. It's why most royals are Rhesus negative or rhesus o negative in particular. By using children's blood they drink it but they also drain themselves of blood and them replenish themselves.  Other times they're wired up to the child and share the same circulation for days/weeks.

....bro c'mon

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22 hours ago, Sleepiestpeep said:

at least there's a specific thread where this guy can hang out and talk to himself...


I'm just documenting it for people to read in the future.  I think it'll be interesting read the more the years go by. It'll be the forum equivalent of this quote.   


As Nicholas Klein said “First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. I'm not looking for a monument that's ridiculous, ( i wouldn't want to be tied to this place in any way or break the 2nd commandment) I don't even want an apology,  i accept people's anger and or ridicule and I've already forgave them.  I just want people to see that someone knew what was going on, some people weren't fooled and tried to warn people that's it.

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