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16 minutes ago, Kenny said:


That’s a very reasonable response. Every US election has its attention-seeking “independent” candidates, e.g. failed politicians, fading porn stars and YouTube scammers and fraudsters. 

but like it would still be cool if he won

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8 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

but like it would still be cool if he won


If he had any real chance of winning, he’d be assassinated before election day.

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Trump will win and win easily if Biden is on the ballot, Biden will be 82 come inauguration, 86 if he lives a full term, even now the guy can’t string a coherent sentence together, only chance of keeping out Trump is someone like Newsom who has his faculties


Joe Biden is unelectable on health grounds

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1 hour ago, GEMINEYE said:

Surely, out of the millions of Americans, there must be two candidates who are more suitable than Biden and Trump. America needs someone physically and mentally capable for the role, with energy to inspire change over the next 4 years. Neither of these two are that person.

There's too much money in US politics and most of it goes to whoever the donor/bribery class most thinks will keep the status quo, younger politicians probably want change more but for this reason can't raise the money to get through an election campaign. It's not just Presidential candidates either, the average age of the Senate is 64 years.


The whole system needs ripping up and being rebuilt from scratch, but it's looking very difficult to achieve this peacefully.

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5 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Trump will win and win easily if Biden is on the ballot, Biden will be 82 come inauguration, 86 if he lives a full term, even now the guy can’t string a coherent sentence together, only chance of keeping out Trump is someone like Newsom who has his faculties


Joe Biden is unelectable on health grounds

i think biden is still sharp, hes just not a good public speaker

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9 minutes ago, Kenny said:


If he had any real chance of winning, he’d be assassinated before election day.

because he got high...

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Just now, jimbean1121 said:

because he got high...


Charmingly naive! The Democrats will seek to eliminate any candidate who could take votes from their nominee.


This is going to be nastiest, probably lethal, Presidential election of all time. 

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4 minutes ago, Kenny said:


Charmingly naive! The Democrats will seek to eliminate any candidate who could take votes from their nominee.


This is going to be nastiest, probably lethal, Presidential election of all time. 

it was a reference to one of his songs but go off i guess

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2 hours ago, Life Is Beautiful said:


Is this why he is leading in almost every poll I see conducted with average Americans?


Also, why is there still a GOP primary at this point? We all know who is going to be the nominee. I know again they are not always reliable but have polls ever been off by 30 points? And also there are like a couple more debates left? what is the point of all that? such a waste of money and television time. None of these bozos is going to win and they all know that. Funny how what was touted as an exciting and competitive primary is now basically a Trump coronation ceremony.

The polls have been off 10-30 points in some areas. Notably the ABC/Wapo ones, which they admit that there seems to be a flaw in the data, but they love the headlines too much so will continue irresponsible journalism. Elections scholar Rick Perlstein started a column analyzing the journalism and polls being off: https://prospect.org/politics/2024-01-03-you-are-entering-the-infernal-triangle/ He offers another example from 1980, when the pundits and pollsters didn't want to acknowledge the rise of the evangelicals.


I wouldn't trust the press's definition of "average American." I remember in 2008, Cokie Roberts saying that the average American would find Obama going to Hawaii to visit a dying relative as too exotic and it would be more relatable for him to take a trip to Kansas instead. Nevermind that he had no family to attend to in Kansas, and no American vacations there, that would just somehow be more relatable to us. There's like, a million more examples of the press doing this.


The primary appears to be there as some kind of fail-safe haphazardly put together by the party. The Koch family is pouring money into Nikki Haley, and it's the Colorado Republicans that tried to punt Trump from their ballot and bringing the issue before the Supreme Court. I don't think it ever looked exciting or competitive; that was another invention by the press to create a horse race.

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18 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Trump will win and win easily if Biden is on the ballot, Biden will be 82 come inauguration, 86 if he lives a full term, even now the guy can’t string a coherent sentence together, only chance of keeping out Trump is someone like Newsom who has his faculties


Joe Biden is unelectable on health grounds

Said as if Trump himself isn’t a heart attack on snooze. Fucking state of him.


Honestly, it’s hilarious that it even needs pointing out, but both parties could do with taking a step back and maybe deciding on a candidate that isn’t a sneaky “Boo!” away from death. Candidates that aren’t a fetid sausage skin stuffed with resentment and cholesterol *looks at Repubs* or hoover bag dust *looks at Dems*.

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19 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

i think biden is still sharp, hes just not a good public speaker

Disagree, when he was secretary of state under Obama he was very alert and lucid, not a Boris Johnson level orator but certainly competent, now he appears doddery and confused, not long ago he was at an event and asked a woman to come on stage and join him, she died months previously in a car crash, either he is riddled with dementia or badly briefed


I am right of centre politically, so loyalties lie with GOP but I don’t want Trump as president any more than I do Biden, choosing between them is like choosing whether to die of ebola or being eaten by a shark, neither fit for office

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2 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Disagree, when he was secretary of state under Obama he was very alert and lucid

Proof you have no idea what you’re talking about…

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Just now, TQR said:

Said as if Trump himself isn’t a heart attack on snooze. Fucking state of him.


Honestly, it’s hilarious that it even needs pointing out, but both parties could do with taking a step back and maybe deciding on a candidate that isn’t a sneaky “Boo!” away from death. Candidates that aren’t a fetid sausage skin stuffed with resentment and cholesterol *looks at Repubs* or hoover bag dust *looks at Dems*.

I think Trump will last another 10 years


Loves his burgers and his coke but he is teetotal and has never smoked, plus can string together a coherent sentence, plus can play 18 holes of golf, I played 18 holes of golf in July and was exhausted


He might end up having a heart attack or stroke after a fit of anger but he is light years ahead of Biden mentally and physically

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Just now, BonScott said:

plus can string together a coherent sentence, plus can play 18 holes of golf,

1. No he can’t. He’s practically incomprehensible. 

2. It’s called a cart you ninny. 

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1 minute ago, arrowsmith said:

Proof you have no idea what you’re talking about…

He shows all the signs to me of someone with early to mid stage dementia, not fit to have another term

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Just now, BonScott said:

I think Trump will last another 10 years


Loves his burgers and his coke but he is teetotal and has never smoked, plus can string together a coherent sentence, plus can play 18 holes of golf, I played 18 holes of golf in July and was exhausted


He might end up having a heart attack or stroke after a fit of anger but he is light years ahead of Biden mentally and physically

You’ll have to point out which coherent sentence that might be then because if that’s so you’ve made a hell of a discovery.

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1 minute ago, BonScott said:

I think Trump will last another 10 years


Loves his burgers and his coke but he is teetotal and has never smoked, plus can string together a coherent sentence, plus can play 18 holes of golf, I played 18 holes of golf in July and was exhausted


He might end up having a heart attack or stroke after a fit of anger but he is light years ahead of Biden mentally and physically

if you get exhausted after 18 holes of golf but an obese 77 year old man doesnt then the concern of health should be on you

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Just now, BonScott said:

He shows all the signs to me of someone with early to mid stage dementia, not fit to have another term

Joe Biden was no one’s Secretary of anything. Please take the time you are using to comment here to educate yourself. 

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Just now, TQR said:

You’ll have to point out which coherent sentence that might be then because if that’s so you’ve made a hell of a discovery.

Love Trump or hate him he is a great orator and very passionate, and doesn’t get confused mid sentence, I would rather De Santis was the nominee not Trump but I have no doubt Trump would live through a second term (bar assassination), I can’t say same about Biden 

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2 minutes ago, arrowsmith said:

Joe Biden was no one’s Secretary of anything. Please take the time you are using to comment here to educate yourself. 

Vice President, not secretary of state, been a long day at work, but I had no health concerns when he was VP, his speeches he gave he sounded competent enough

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1 minute ago, BonScott said:

Love Trump or hate him he is a great orator and very passionate, and doesn’t get confused mid sentence, I would rather De Santis was the nominee not Trump but I have no doubt Trump would live through a second term (bar assassination), I can’t say same about Biden 

i beg of you to look up videos of trump saying the dumbest and\or the most incomprehensible things ever.

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3 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

i beg of you to look up videos of trump saying the dumbest and\or the most incomprehensible things ever.

Like this is from yesterday:
Trump: All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets


Like why was he even talking about magnets?

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2 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Love Trump or hate him he is a great orator and very passionate, [...]


Especially when he says things such as "lock her up!", "I actually don't have a bad hairline", "I have made some really significant deals because I play golf", and "If [Ivanka] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her"

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7 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Vice President, not secretary of state, been a long day at work, but I had no health concerns when he was VP, his speeches he gave he sounded competent enough

 I rather have the people around Biden run the country than Trumps people. It’d be fucking chaos again but worse.

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2 minutes ago, lilham said:

Like this is from yesterday:
Trump: All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets


Like why was he even talking about magnets?

possibly the funniest trump video ever because like look at him trying to understand smart stuff like magnets

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