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A list of Lords from The Lord of Lists


The following 20 peers are the oldest of those who have been given extended leave of absence from their duties in the Lords. It is possible that such leave is granted for other reasons such as holding a UN or EU political appointed post but considering the youngest of these will be 87 this year I imagine most of them are ill or frail, and remember there are many older people than this still active in the Upper House.

  • Michael Sandberg (b.1927)
  • John (J D) Sainsbury (b.1927)
  • Gwilym prys Prys-Davies (b.1923)
  • Jim Prior (b.1927)
  • Beryl Platt (b.1923)
  • Olive Nicol (b.1923)
  • James Molyneaux (b.1920)
  • Roy Mason (b.1924)
  • George Mackie (b.1919)
  • Betty Lockwood (b.1924)
  • Philip Knights (b.1920)
  • William Griffiths (b.1923)
  • Robert Goff (b.1926)
  • Robert Lindsay (b.1927)
  • Alun Gwynne-Jones (b.1919)
  • Asa Briggs (b.1921)
  • Thomas Bridges (b.1927)
  • Derek Barber (b.1918)
  • Ian Paisley (b.1926)
  • Richard Attenborough (b.1923)
There should be an obit for any of these.


Roy Mason's death puts the tally on 7 ,more than a third way through the list !

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Former head of Syrian military intelligence Rustom Gazaleh has died:




He was a mjaor figure of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon and possibly responsible for the assassination of lebanese Prime Minister Hariri. Then he became chief of the Syrian "political security branch". There might have been a split with Assad though on the course on the Civil War in Syria.

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The Senate Speaker of Canada, Pierre Claude Nolin is apparently going to die very soon:




Too bad he isn't famous enough for the rotten dead pool.

Ok, now he is dead:




So it wouldn't have counted if I had chosen him today anyway...

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The Senate Speaker of Canada, Pierre Claude Nolin is apparently going to die very soon:




Too bad he isn't famous enough for the rotten dead pool.

Ok, now he is dead:




So it wouldn't have counted if I had chosen him today anyway...


Famous enough for a BBC obit though http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32452817

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Former Governor of Illinois, Dan Walker reported dead at 92. https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20150429/news/150428497/

Goddamn, my count may be off but that's either 6 or 7 Governors, and it's only April! Unbelievable.



But for some reason the two governors on my list (George Ryan, Pat Quinn) don't want to budge! :rant:

But to be fair, Pat Quinn will live at least two more decades. I have no idea why I included him (same with Richard Daley)


(Fun Fact: These are all Illinois politicans)

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Former Governor of Illinois, Dan Walker reported dead at 92. https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20150429/news/150428497/

Goddamn, my count may be off but that's either 6 or 7 Governors, and it's only April! Unbelievable.



But for some reason the two governors on my list (George Ryan, Pat Quinn) don't want to budge! :rant:

But to be fair, Pat Quinn will live at least two more decades. I have no idea why I included him (same with Richard Daley)


(Fun Fact: These are all Illinois politicans)



But they are not Illinough by the looks of things.

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Dammit, I knew I should have added him to my DDP OldPolsEtc team! Rookie mistake!

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In case anyone had them on their ddp teams, there are also some qualifying obits.




Guy was recently sentenced to life for leading a bloody coup in 1980 that helped him become president. Was one of the oldest presidents alive as well.

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Labour Party stalwart Ray Davies dead at 85:




Not really a famous guy, but posted to ask the question "DID THE ELECTION KILL HIM?" He was still campaigning just two weeks ago...

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North Korean general Kim Kyok-sik is dead at 77 after respiratory failure:




He was the likely mastermind behind a couple of attacks on south korean ships in recent years.

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