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Pro-government analyst Nikolai Shchekin has died. He was 49 years old. The cause of death of the head of the Department of Sociology of Public Administration of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was a blood disease.

In recent years, he has written articles on the "East Slavic civilisation": "Basic features of the Belarusan model of development", "Orthodoxy as a constitutive basis of Belarus' strategic development", "Patriotism as a factor in providing security and sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus", "The forward strategy of Belarus' state administration system - ideology of image", "National identity - a fundamental factor of development of Belarusan statehood".


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Baroness Couttie, Philippa Roe, has died aged 60 (Wiki)

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I knew that Philippa had been ill with cancer for a long time, but I didn't realise it was terminal. Sad news.

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On 07/06/2022 at 19:12, arghton said:

Marco Luzzago, Lieutenant of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta since November 2020 dead at 72:

Grand Commander Ruy Gonçalo do Valle Peixoto de Villas Boas, 82, now apparently the interim Lieutenant (again). Former lieutenant/grand commander Ludwig Hoffmann-Rumerstein is still alive at 85 and apparently I mentioned him the last time I reported the death of a Order of Malta "head of state"/"monarch"

Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein dead at 85.


Peixoto may really go for a check up.

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4 hours ago, drol said:

Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein dead at 85.


Peixoto may really go for a check up.

In addition Peixoto's two predecessors as the Grand Commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta are still alive:

fra Carlo d'Ippolito di Sant'Ippolito (Grand Commander 2011-2014) is now 89, older than all the Order of Malta guys he's outlived in recent years and looked ancient in 2014.

Gherardo Hercolani Fava Simonetti (Grand Commander 2009-2011) 81. Resigned due to health reasons...11 years ago.

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On 13/12/2022 at 13:42, Ulitzer95 said:

I knew that Philippa had been ill with cancer for a long time, but I didn't realise it was terminal. Sad news.


Her mother, my former MP Dame Marion Roe, must be devastated. :mellow:

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On 01/05/2022 at 19:44, arghton said:


Farouk Kaddoumi (1931) Former Fatah leader.

Salim Zanoun (1933) Fatah founding member.

Mahmoud Abbas (1935) President of Palestine since 2005.

Ahmed Qurei (1937) Prime Minister of Palestine 2003-2005, 2005-2006

Abu Maher Ghneim (1937) Fatah official

Nabil Shaath (1938) Prime Minister of Palestine 2005

Nayef Hawatmeh (1938) PLO politician.

Ziyad Abdel Fattah (1939) One of the fatah movement leaders.

Salim Zanoun, chairman of the Palestinian National Council from 1993 or 1996 to earlier this year dead at 88.

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Juozas Jermalavičius (04.02.1940, Varėna district, Lithuania - 15.12.2022, Moscow) was a Soviet and Lithuanian politician. He is a doctor of historical sciences and a professor. From 1990 to 1991, he was one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Lithuania on the platform of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He participated in the January 1991 events, after which he fled to Belarus. He was extradited to Lithuania in 1994, where he was serving a prison sentence for his role in the January 1991 events. Shortly after his release in 2002, he moved to Russia.

Author of articles and books on Marxism-Leninism.

ru.wiki lt.wiki


Obituary on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation



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On 21/09/2022 at 17:56, Ulitzer95 said:

Would be interested to see a list of the oldest U.S. ambassadors.

Oldest ones I'm aware of (with wiki pages):

Frank J. Shakespeare (wiki) b. Apr 1925 – Portugal, The Holy See

Frank J. Shakespeare dead at 97.

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Mentioning for pooling purposes...

India's Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs site has a page called "mps in hospital".

There's one name on the list currently, Ajay Tamta, former Textile Minister. It gives how long he's been treated (6 days), hospital name (AIIMS) and the name of the doctor in charge of his treatment (with a quick search he's from the AIIMS Department of Nephrology) 

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On 27/12/2021 at 21:23, drol said:

While he was on a wheelchair in 2016, now Wang Hanbin is able to stand and walk unaided and visits Tsinghua University with his 92-year old wife, formerly internationally wanted for human rights abuse in Tibet.


NONE out of 24 has died in a year and a half. Ages ranging from 84 to 105. If this is not sorcery I don't know what it is.

According to some rural chinese news outlet free speech supressing couple Wang Hanbin and Peng Peiyun made a rare appearance last month. Image was a bit stretched but they are now both wheelchairbound and Wang Hanbin looks pretty frail.


(Looks tired and in pain. Thought of saying he'll be dead within around 6-10 months, but it's been almost a full year since Khamtai Siphandone's "bullet train appearance" and he's still alive somehow)

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I give them ten years.

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On 09/06/2022 at 22:23, arghton said:

MEXICO (Up to 1930)


José de la Herrán (1925) Minor name.

Checking the names. Someone from this June list on page 302 dies around every month, there's a load of potential 20/20 picks. Especially if you want a hit you can celebrate and enjoy instead of a loved musician/actor - there are multiple of those Videla/Pinochet guys aged 90+.


José de la Herrán died in September at 97.


Also from the Chile section, Pinochet's interior minister Enrique Montero Marx died at 94 in July.




Josefina Padilla (1924) First woman VP candidate (1962).

Franklin Domínguez (1931) Politician/actor


Dominican Republic politician Josefina Padilla died last month at 98.


Mavis Gilmour of Jamaica is definitely still alive at 96 despite how Google seems to claim she died in 2017.

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Another perennial coffintease makes a rare appearance, begging you to put him on your list (or lists, but atleast one!) Burma/Myanmar General/NLD co-founder/human rights activist/immortal U Thura Tin Oo visited by junta members:


96 in March, the guy who talked with him says that he's still suffering from complications of the debilitating severe stroke he suffered in May 2017 but also that he's in great health. He was also on oxygen and hospitalised with covid for a week or two earlier this year.

He's unable to walk, can't properly use his left hand that looks oddly colored and red and despite the junta always saying they're having "discussions" with him, the conversations could be quite one-sided as he's said to be unable to talk. Almost all the images released show him looking at that piece of paper. 


In addition to him and Than Shwe, Myanmar/Burma also has spy chief/ex-prime minister Khin Nyunt, 83, who has advanced dementia, Than Shwe's VP Maung Aye, 85 this week, ex-alcoholic who suffered from cancer in the 2000s, suffered a severe stroke in 2011 and was wheelchairbound and on his last legs in 2018, Zaw Myint Maung, 71, who suffers from leukemia and is currently in jail, Han Tha Myint, 74, stroke survivor with heart problems and advanced prostate cancer so ill that he was possibly the first old govt official freed by the junta last year, former Planning and Finance Minister Soe Win, 84, who has advanced colon cancer, was freed from prison due to failing health last year and has been treated for it for around 14 months, Thura Aung Ko, 74, who has an enlargened heart, diabetes, anemia and a plethora of other ailments, Tun Tun Hein, 73, who suffered multiple strokes in 2017-2018 and is now in jail and Win Htein, 81 this week, who's in prison currently, suffers from a long list of illnesses and needs an oxygen tank.

Zaw Myint Maung was reported to be hospitalised and critically ill a week ago. If he dies, I expect it to be reported in a lot of places as he's serving a 29-year sentence.

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On 06/06/2021 at 10:53, arghton said:


Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, Indonesia's foreign minister 1978-1988 during Suharto's tenure dead at 92.


Some Suharto-era names still alive:

Subroto (b. 1923) Minister of Energy and National Resources 1978-1988

Subroto dead at 99.

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On 16/04/2022 at 15:39, drol said:


Zhu Zhihong (1933)


Zhu Zhihong dead at 89.

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Alikram Hummatov, only President of the Talysh-Mughan Autonomous Republic in 1993, dead at 74 according to multiple sources.


On 13/09/2021 at 23:21, arghton said:


1979 -

Abolhassan Banisadr (1933-2021, later President of Iran 1980-1981), Mir-Hossein Mousavi (b. 1942, later Prime Minister of Iran 1981-1989), Ali Khamenei (b. 1939, later President of Iran 1981-1989 and Supreme Leader of Iran 1989-), Abbas Sheibani (b. 1931), Reza Sadr (b. 1932/1932), Ahmad Jalali (b. 1949) and Habibollah Peyman (b. 1935) as Members of the Council of the Islamic Revolution

Abbas Sheibani dead at 91. As far as I know he was the last original member of the Council of the Islamic Revolution thay existed from January 1979 to July 1980.

Khamenei, Mousavi, Sadr, Jalali, Peyman remain from the later members. Not sure if Ali-Asghar Masoudi is alive.

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On 09/06/2022 at 21:23, arghton said:


Julieta Pinto (1921) Educator, writer, public servant.


Julieta Pinto (Wikidead at 101

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On 09/06/2022 at 20:23, arghton said:


Odette Roy Fombrun (1917) Involved in drafting the new constitution after the Duvaliers.

Odette Roy Fombrun (wikidead at 105.

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In case you missed it, this catchy corker (which is available in a plethora of possible versions) is currently #7 in your festive top forty!


Link (for anyone wanting to join the party): https://kuntandthegang.bandcamp.com/



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2 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:

In case you missed it, this catchy corker (which is available in a plethora of possible versions) is currently #7 in your festive top forty!



You’ve got to be a total saddo to buy this and to make your Christmas time about hating people.


Still, I suppose it’s infinitely better than LadBaby.

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