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Joey Russ

Who Do You Think Will Be Elected President Of The United States In 2016?

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Virginia is going to Clinton

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Clinton wins Colorado. Another swing state taken

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Looking at the election, Michigan, Nevada, and Florida are your key states to watch.

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AP giving him Florida :D


And the Emigration to Canada website has crashed ..

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Florida in Trump's column now. More over than ever.

It isn't over until he wins Michigan. There is still a route she can do with Michigan. Lose that, then shes fucked

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This is gonna be funny as fuckity either way.



*** tho for betting purposes alone, 'mon the Donald.

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1/12 at bookies now...


And with the shooter still at large in LA that let loose and killed a voter, we may still yet move this chat to the non school massacre thread...

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Trump is the projected winner of NC

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Hilary's only path now is to sweep all these rustbelt states. Don't look good anyway in Michigan right now

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House of Reps pick the winner if a tie.


That's still doable.

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Incredible. White (working) man's revenge. It's hour zero for a lot of things.

Hillary still has chances, though she has to win Wisconsin, or something unlikely like Iowa and Arizona or even Alaska. She still has several ways to win so the accumulative probability of a win is not bad. Her problem though is that each of the several specific probabilities is low.

But even if she wins, it's an amplified Brexit. Globalization has lead to something close to a revolt.

Also, Trump basically did this alone. Tacit Party support. No "ground game", no newspaper endorsements. And he'll have the whole government under his control. We are going to live in interesting times.

Also, Clinton ran an Obama campaign without Obama's strengths.

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Well, I hope that Obama at least has the decency not to pursue TTIP anymore.

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How long till she's in jail ? :sherlock:

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Two months till the inauguration. If I were her and Bill, I'd be emigrating...quickly.



True story - spell check wanted to change inauguration to "incineration".

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Hillary is projected to win the popular vote by about 1,5% - though it depends a lot on California.

That would be thrice the margin by which Al Gore won it. But she's going to receive even fewer EC votes. Bad strategy? Fucked up system?

She might set a new record, beating (I think) Hayes Vs. Tilden in 1876.


Edit: No, she won't. That popular vote margin was 3%.

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Not bad going for a rigged election.


Or is the American political system the best in the world now, Donald?


Fortunately, those Second Amendment rules will continue, thus giving some crazies the most powerful weapons in the hands of citizens. It only takes one, so keep your head down, Mr President.


Or am I jumping the gun?

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A lot of people around me yesterday were worried about an impending calamity. I told them to stay calm; it wasn't going to happen. I wake up this morning and find I was right. No snow.

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Trumps win Pennsylvania, so Trump only needs 6 more electoral votes to win.

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On the plus side Trumps election increases the chance that elderly celebrities or politicians will die of shock. I fully expect former Pres Bush senior to die within days, he will be so disgusted and heartbroken by the result.

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With Pennsylvania called he pretty much has it in the bag since she is behind too much in Arizona.

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Podesta rolling up on stage to be all "nope, we definitely haven't lost" is exactly what the world's press needs right now.

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