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Clorox Bleachman

The Joker's Dead Pool 2020

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Oh, I'm at 25/50 now! :o

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20 minutes ago, chilean way said:

Barbara Windsor is my 15th hit

Me also!

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19 hours ago, chilean way said:

Barbara Windsor is my 15th hit

She is my 18th hit.

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Is anybody keeping score?

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The teams arent public and nor is the scoring, Toast! Needs Clorox to count them...


tbh going by the two hosts this game is a nightmare to work out the scores on.

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Yeah, it's a fucking nightmare to deal with. It's a good idea on paper but it's even harder to deal scoring with than the hartlepool...

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14 minutes ago, msc said:

The teams arent public and nor is the scoring, Toast! Needs Clorox to count them...


tbh going by the two hosts this game is a nightmare to work out the scores on.


Clorox has been around recently so anyone willing to do the dirty might want to PM him/her/they. 

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Not that I hold out much hope of this ever being scored, but Ronald Atkins was a Joker pick of mine and takes my total to 16 hits. Yay.

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*********  STOP THE PRESS   ********


It's here - it's finally here!! The scoreboard that absolutely nobody has been waiting for!


Like a hibernating bear rousing itself from its long slumber only to find that it is still freezing winter outside,  the 2020 Jokers pool has emerged from its dormant state, and looked around to discover that the world is in an even shittier state that when it was last awake. So before it shrugs its shoulders and crawls away to die alone in a dark corner, it will yield its results to finally put closure to its miserable existence.


Because everyone has long forgotten whether they even entered, here is a quick recap. 24 teams entered in total (original host Clorox Bleachman did not enter a team).

1.     An Fear Beag

2.     Annami

3.     Banana

4.     Bibliogryphon

5.     Book

6.     Clorox Bleachman

7.     CaptainChorizo

8.     Chilean way

9.     DeathByArsenic

10. Death Impends

11. Etushispushingupdaisies

12. Great Uncle Bulgaria

13. Gcreptile

14. Joey Russ

15. msc

16. Old Crem

17. theoldlady

18. Pedro67

19. RadGuy

20. Sir Creep

21. Skinny kiltrunner

22. Torva Messor

23. Toast

24. The Unknown Man

25. YoungWillz


There were 253 Jokers to choose from, of which 188 were selected. 253 was evidently not enough for Skinny Kiltrunner, who selected Stirling Moss despite him not being on the list of Jokers :rolleyes:


46 Jokers obligingly carked it during the year. They were as follows:

28/01/2020        90. Doleman, Chris

30/01/2020          17. Andretti, John

30/01/2020        91. Donner, Jörn

04/02/2020          21. arap Moi, Daniel

05/02/2020          92. Douglas, Kirk

17/02/2020          117. Gray, Henry

23/02/2020          244. Watanabe, Chitetsu

24/02/2020          137. Johnson, Katherine

04/03/2020          181. Pérez de Cuéllar, Javiér

06/03/2020          195. Richard, Henri

14/03/2020          189. P-Orridge, Genesis

02/02/2020        103. Frankland, William

05/04/2020        55. Blackman, Honor

10/04/2020          171. Obayashi, Nobuhiko

28/04/2020        110. Gascoine, Jill

28/04/2020        197. Robinson, Michael

29/04/2020        178. Paniagua, Guido Munch

30/04/2020          150. Lloyd, Sam

04/05/2020        209. Shula, Don

18/06/2020          160. Lynn, Vera

28/06/2020          73. Cisovsky, Marian

01/07/2020          93. Downs, Hugh

03/07/2020        65. Cameron, Earl

17/07/2020          149. Lewis, John

21/07/2020          215. Smith, Tim

22/07/2020          212. Sisson, Gemma

24/07/2020          123. Hagen, David

26/07/2020          85. de Havilland, Olivia

28/07/2020          155. Lotterby, Sydney

03/08/2020          132. Hume, John

20/08/2020          34. Banali, Frankie

15/09/2020          217. Smullen, Pat

18/09/2020          112. Ginsburg, Ruth Bader

19/09/2020          144. Kerslake, Lee

21/09/2020          221. Stallone, Jackie

14/10/2020          101. Fleming, Rhonda

21/10/2020        70. Champion, Marge

30/10/2020        223. Stiles, Nobby

08/11/2020        233. Trebek, Alex

13/11/2020        225. Sutcliffe, Peter

02/12/2020          180. Patterson, Pat

06/12/2020          239. Vazquez, Tabare

10/12/2020          252. Windsor, Barbara

13/12/2020          210. Shultz, George

22/12/2020          120. Griffiths, Lisa

30/12/2020        27. Atkins, Ronald


At first glance, it seems like we had a straightforward winner. Book racked up an impressive 27 hits, 4 more than the nearest challengers Captain Chorizo, Death Impends, GC reptile, MSC, and Sir Creep. However all is not straightforward in the Jokers pool. The myriad of hidden  bonus and penalties can play havoc with the most straightforward of scoreboards, and so it proved here.


When all of the in-game bonuses had been totted up, Book still has the lead, but it had become a much more close-run thing. Book 182 points, Death Impends 180, Torva Messor 180.

And still we were not finished. There were also the pre-game bonuses to add in. Death Impends and Torva Messor each gained an extra point, but Book gained 2 to stretch the narrow lead out to 3 points. 


But was there to be one last sting in the tail? On the last line of the unseen rules was a penalty for the player who got the most hits (don't blame me - I didn't write the rules!). How much of a penalty? MINUS 2. Book hangs on by the skin of their teeth !!


The final tally was as follows: 

Book                                    182        27 Hits 

Death Impends                 181        23 Hits                               

Torva Messor                    181        22 Hits                               

Sir Creep                             179        23 Hits                               

CaptainChorizo                 178        23 Hits                               

msc                                      178        23 Hits                               

An Fear Beag                     172        21 Hits                               

Banana                               170        21 Hits                               

Pedro67                              169        22 Hits                               

The Unknown Man          167        21 Hits                               

Etushispushingupdaisies 163        19 Hits                               

Gcreptile                             159        23 Hits                               

Joey Russ                            152        20 Hits                               

Skinny kiltrunner              149        19 Hits 

RadGuy                               147        18 Hits                               

The Old Crem                    146        19 Hits                               

Toast                                   146        19 Hits                               

Great Uncle Bulgaria       144        19 Hits                               

Bibliogryphon                    143        19 Hits                               

The Old lady                      143        19 Hits                               

Chilean way                       138        16 Hits                               

Annami                               134        14 Hits                               

DeathByArsenic                127        13 Hits 

YoungWillz                       122        16 Hits 


As the scores were so close, I went back and checked and double checked, which is what took me so bloody long to get this finished. But at the end of it all, I could have saved myself about 2 weeks of grief by just awarding victory to the player with the most hits :banghead:


As with all pools, there is a grace period given after the game has finished for players to alert the runner of further hits, and challenge the scoring. As this pool officially finished on 31.12 2020, players have until 07.01.21 to submit any objections:D


There was an internal stewards enquiry on one of the bonuses in this edition of the pool. 1 bonus point was given for anyone who submitted their team in alphabetical order. Book was awarded the point, which ultimately proved crucial. Torva Messor submitted a team in perfect alphabetical order, but with 6ix9ine at the bottom of the list in 50th spot. As 6ix9ine was listed first on the original list of Jokers, the harsh score-keeper (moi) deemed that he should have been first on any team submitted, and thus Torva was denied the bonus point which would have tied for the lead - small margins eh! (Book would have won the tie-breaker on total number of hits


I will not reveal all of the hidden bonuses, as were are using the same bonuses for the 2022 edition of the pool. However, I do hope to reveal the bonuses on that pool over time, and hopefully have some changes to the bonus structure for future games, to make things clearer (and thus fairer) for the players. )


So it gives me great pleasure to officially announce the winner of the 2020 Jokers Pool as:


:champagne::champagne:  BOOK :champagne::champagne:




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13 minutes ago, An Fear Beag said:

So it gives me great pleasure to officially announce the winner of the 2020 Jokers Pool as:


:champagne::champagne:  BOOK :champagne::champagne:





What a nice resolution! It was a pleasure to read! :D

Thank you very much!


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Congratulations Book!

As for me, 2nd most hits, 13th place? Oh wow... and es far as I can tell, I already received negative bonusses this year as well...

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8 hours ago, gcreptile said:

Congratulations Book!

As for me, 2nd most hits, 13th place? Oh wow... and es far as I can tell, I already received negative bonusses this year as well...


It was a combination of factors that dragged you down:

  • Quite a number of your picks not hitting any bonuses, and thus not scoring a lot of points. 
  • Negative bonuses for "shameless" picks (not in play in 2022 as they are now banned from the DDP)
  • Missing out on a few of the high-scoring picks (Jill Gascoine, Olivia De Havilland, William Frankland)
  • Not hitting some high-scoring picks with your wildcards.

It a cruel pool, the Jokers. ;)

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Jesus Christ, you only went and did it!! Well done. You absolutely didn't have to, but it's fantastic to have a line drawn under this part of deadpooling history. My utmost respect goes out to you. Hope you can get your life back on track now.

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