I'm genuinely quite disturbed by this worrying trend. Why are people assuming that the work of disgraced artists must be suppressed or destroyed? There's plenty of classic art, literature, music, films etc whose creators were dodgy people.
By the same token, if say a builder gets done for some infamous crime, they don't go out and knock down all the houses he built, do they? No. Well then.
Fred West was a builder and I'm pretty sure Gloucester is still on the map.
Gloucester is, but 25 Cromwell Street isn't.
I think the reason that they need to destroy the work that this person has done is the feeling that if they possess or take enjoyment from the work that they're in some way supporting the crimes perpetrated by that person.
I haven't destroyed any of my Rolf Harris albums, although the t-shirt I have now gets worn when I do gardening.
I haven't destroyed any of my three Caravaggios either and he was a bit of a naughty boy.