Don't get me started (too late, you did). You might want to examine the UFOlogical "careers" of supposed insiders who've made confessions before. Also the things done by Wendell "Pappy" Hayes who allegedly flew part of the Roswell cargo. He told his fishing buddies stuff that ended up as hard UFOlogical fact in several books, most people overlooking the fact he was a noted practical joker. Then there was Glenn Dennis, mortician who supposedly delivered tiny coffins to the airbase at Roswell (damn good story, somewhat undermined because no UFOlogist ever tracked down the nurse Dennis claimed he knew there). Oh yeah, and Dennis had a financial interest in one of Roswell's UFO museums. Then there's the oldster Alfred Burtoo, supposedly abducated from a canal bank whilst fishing in Aldershot in 1983...
Basically, yer man here might have lots of reasons that are nowt to do with aliens.